毕业论文 二次引力超导.doc


毕业论文 二次引力超导,二次引力超导全文22页7100余字内容翔实可靠摘要引力是自然界四种相互作用力之一,在物理学基础研究中占有十分重要的地位。牛顿引力理论之后的爱因斯坦引力理论被认为是最成功的引力理论。四大经典实验验证与宇宙学中空前的成功是最有力的证明。但人们在爱因斯坦引力基础上提出二次引力在经典与量子、早期宇宙行星结构等方面解决爱因斯坦引...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 孤星逐月 发布


全文22页 7100余字 内容翔实可靠



Gravity is one of four natural basic force . It is very important in the field of basic physics after the Newton’s theory of gravity .Einstein’s theory of gravity is the most successful theory of gravity supported by four classic experiments and successful application in cosmology. quadratic gravity which was successfully wed in classic physics and quantum gravity, early cosomology stellar structure etc. It is necessary to use the qudratic theory to study the problem which Einsten’s theory has predicted. We try to linearized the qudratic theory and give the form of Maxwell equation and study the quality of the qudratic Gravitational Superconductivity. The research of this paper includes two parts in the first part is troduction of quadratic gravity and its liberalization for mulation of electromagnetic gravitational theory . In the second part we study the quadratic gravitational super conductivity. In the first part we give the action contain the square of curvature and obtain the quadratic gravity eqation from the action in the case of weak field . The metric is the sum of Minkowski metric and a little we ignore the higher order. We have a linearized quadratic gravity equation definition the quadratic gravitational electric and magnetic. We can translate the equation into the form of Maxwell equation. In the second part we follow the Ginzburg-laudan’s method. We infer the quadratic gravitational supper conductivity equation and predict the meisser effect Shielding effect and point out that the gravitomagnetic flux is quantized. At last, we give the transtlation between the quadratic gravitational electromagnetic and gravitational electromagnetic and the different of the gravitational super conductivity between them.
Keywords: Quadratic gravity、Gravitational Supperconductivity、Gravitational electric、Gravitational magnetic

第一章 引言……………………………………………………………1
第二章 二次引力场方程………………………………………………1
第一节 二次引力场导出………………………………………………1
第二节 二次引力的麦克斯韦方程形式…………………………………4
第三章 二次引力超导…………………………………………………8
第一节 二次引力超导方程………………………………………….8
第二节 引力的超导效应……………………………………………10
第三节 二次引力超导与Einstein引力超导对比………………………13
第四章 结束语…………………………………………………………16


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