

一种新型使用软件升压转换器控制的直流-交流单相谐振逆变器--外文翻译,abstract-in this paper, a novel dc-ac single phase inverter isproposed. when the switches are turned on and off, a conventionalinverter generates switching loss...
分类: 论文>外文翻译



原文档由会员 叼着吸管的猪 发布

Abstract-In this paper, a novel DC-AC single phase inverter is
proposed. When the switches are turned on and off, a conventional
inverter generates switching loss because of the hard switching.
Thus, the inverter loss is increased. Proposed system contains
auxiliary circuit. The converter stage switches perform
soft-switching because of the auxiliary circuit. Also inverter stage
switches perform ZVS when the dc-link voltage is zero. Therefore
all switches perform soft-switching when the switches are turned
on and off. Thus the proposed system reduces switching loss and
voltage stress.

引言—本文意旨提出一种新颖的DC - AC单相逆变器的建议。当开关开启和关闭的时候,传统的硬件逆变器开关会产生物理损耗。因此变频器的损耗就大大的增加了。本文建议在变频器的电路系统中可以增加一个辅助的电路,这个辅助电路用软件来执行交替开关。另外,当直流母线的电压为零时,变频器开关执行零电压阶段。因此将所有的开关换成由软件来控制的开关之后,整个系统可以降低其由开关带来的硬件损耗和损失的电压应力,变得更节能了。