

液压系统---外文翻译,hydraulic presser drive and air pressure drive hydraulic fluid as the transmission is made according to the 17th century, pascal's principle of hydrostatic pres...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Hydraulic presser drive and air pressure drive hydraulic fluid as the transmission is made according to the 17th century, Pascal's principle of hydrostatic pressure to drive the development of an emerging technology, the United Kingdom in 1795 • Braman Joseph (Joseph Braman ,1749-1814), in London water as a medium to form hydraulic press used in industry, the birth of the world's first hydraulic press. Media work in 1905 will be replaced by oil-water and further improved.
After the World War I (1914-1918) ,because of the extensive application of hydraulic transmission, espec- ially after 1920, more rapid development. Hydraulic components in the late 19th century about the early 20th century, 20 years, only started to enter the formal phase of industrial production. 1925 Vickers (F. Vikers) the invention of the pressure balanced vane pump, hydraulic components for the modern industrial or hydraulic transmission of the gradual establishment of the foundation. The early 20th century G • Constantimscofluct- uations of the energy carried out by passing theoretical and practical research; in 1910 on the hydraulic trans- mission (hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, etc.) contributions, so that these two areas of develo- pment.

液压传动和气压传动称为流体传动,是根据17世纪帕斯卡提出的液体静压力传动原理而发展起来的一门新兴技术,1795年英国约瑟夫•布拉曼(Joseph Braman,1749-1814),在伦敦用水作为工作介质,以水压机的形式将其应用于工业上,诞生了世界上第一台水压机。1905年将工作介质水改为油,又进一步得到改善。
第一次世界大战(1914-1918)后液压传动广泛应用,特别是1920年以后,发展更为迅速。液压元件大约在 19 世纪末 20 世纪初的20年间,才开始进入正规的工业生产阶段。1925 年维克斯(F.Vikers)发明了压力平衡式叶片泵,为近代液压元件工业或液压传动的逐步建立奠定了基础。20 世纪初康斯坦丁•尼斯克(G•Constantimsco)对能量波动传递所进行的理论及实际研究;1910年对液力传动(液力联轴节、液力变矩器等)方面的贡献,使这两方面领域得到了发展。