

一个完全植入式无线压力监测系统的开发-------外文翻译,abstract: a fully implantable wireless pressure sensor system was developed to monitor bladder pressures in vivo. the system comprises a small commercial pressu...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Abstract: A fully implantable wireless pressure sensor system was developed to monitor bladder pressures in vivo. The system comprises a small commercial pressure die connected via catheter to amplifying electronics, a microcontroller, wireless transmitter, battery, and a personal digital assistant (PDA) or computer to receive the wireless data. The sensor is fully implantable and transmits pressure data once every second with a pressure detection range of 1.5 psi gauge and a resolution of 0.02 psi. In vitro calibration measurements of the device showed a high degree of linearity and excellent temporal response. The implanted device perfored continuously in vivo in several porcine studies lasting over 3 days. This system can be adapted for other pressure readings, as well as other vital sign measurements; it represents the first step in developing a ubiquitous sensing platform for telemedicine and remote patient monitoring.
Keywords: MEMS . Pressure sensor . Implantable . Patient monitoring . Telemetry . Telemedicine . Bladder .Wireless
1 Introduction
There has been significant interest in the medical community in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring at home and in the hospital . Current patient monitoring instrumentation and practices can be cumbersome and restrictive. For example, in the intensive care unit, blood pressure monitoring can be monitored continuously with an arterial line. This is a catheter that is placed in the artery, and an external transducer detects the pressure. The limitations of this are that the accuracy is highly variable, and the patient is often sedated to prevent him from injuring himself from movement. On the other hand, in standard floor care, while completely non-invasive and burden-free to the patient, standard blood pressure measurements with a cuff are non-continuous point measurements typically taken every 2–12 h. The development of critical vital signs between measurements could be missed. Currently, there is no device which provides clinicians with continuous monitoring of vital signs without being extremely invasive and/or cumbersome.

摘要:一个完全植入式无线压力传感器监测系统的开发是为了检测体内膀胱的压力。该系统包括一个小型的商业压力模具经导管连接到电子放大设备,一个微控制器,无线发射器,电池和个人数字助理(PDA)或接收无线数据的计算机。该传感器是完全植入的,并且每秒传送一次压力数据,压力检测评估范围为1.5 psi,分辨率为0.02 psi。在体外,设备的校准测量表现出高度的线性度和良好的时间响应。该装置植入一些猪的体内进行研究,历时超过3天。该系统能适用于其他方面的压力读数,以及其他生命体征的测量,它迈出了一个无处不在的发展远程医疗和远程病人监控平台的第一步。