转cryia基因抗虫棉花棉籽的诱变活性研究报告,转cryia基因抗虫棉花棉籽的诱变活性研究报告本文共10页,7200余字;摘要:分别以环磷酰胺和氟化钠作为阳性诱变剂,以普通棉的棉籽粉及棉籽油作为对照物,同时设阴性对照组,以成年封闭群昆明种雄性小鼠和斑马鱼(branchynanio rerio)为实验材料,将棉籽粉或棉籽油掺入饲料中饲喂小鼠或斑马鱼,检测小鼠骨髓嗜多染...

此文档由会员 霜天盈月 发布
摘 要:分别以环磷酰胺和氟化钠作为阳性诱变剂,以普通棉的棉籽粉及棉籽油作为对照物,同时设阴性对照组,以成年封闭群昆明种雄性小鼠和斑马鱼(Branchynanio rerio)为实验材料,将棉籽粉或棉籽油掺入饲料中饲喂小鼠或斑马鱼,检测小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(Polychromatic erythrocytes, PCE)微核率(Micronucleus frequency, MN‰)和精子畸变率(Sperm malformation rate),以及斑马鱼外周血红细胞(Peripheral erythrocytes)微核率。结果表明:在本实验条件下,转CryIA基因抗虫棉与普通棉的棉籽粉及棉籽粉油对小鼠体细胞和性细胞均未显示出诱变活性,且没有剂量效应。腹腔注射氟化钠可以诱导斑马鱼外周血红细胞微核率的显著升高;转CryIA基因抗虫棉棉籽粉粉和普通棉棉籽粉粉一样,对斑马鱼外周血红细胞微核率无明显影响。鱼类饲料中添加常规量的转CryIA基因抗虫棉棉籽粉不会诱发微核产生。
Study on Mutagenicity of Cotton Seed Powder and Cotton Seed Oil
of Transgenic CryIA Cotton*
Zhang Ning,Chen Mingnan,Ma Jixia,Li Songgang,Xu Chongren**
(Department of Environmental Biology and Ecology, College of Life Sciences,
Peking University,100871)
Abstract:The mutagenicity of seed powder and seed oil of transgenic CryIA cotton to mammals and fish was evaluated in this study. The raw cotton seed powder or seed oil was mixed into mice and fish’s diet. Cyclophosphamide and NaF were used as positive controls respectively. Regular cotton seed powder and seed oil were used as negative controls. The micronucleus frequency in mice bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes and in eripheral erythrocytes of Zebrafish (Branchynanio rerio) were assayed in this study. The sperm malformation rate in mice was also investigated. The results showed that, the seed powder and seed oil of transgenic CryIA cotton lines and regular cotton showed no cytomutagenicity or genomutagenicity on mice.
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料
1.1.1 实验动物
1.2 方法
1.2.1 实验分组与处理 小鼠实验 斑马鱼实验
1.2.2 小鼠微核试验方法
1.2.3 小鼠精子畸形试验
1.2.5 斑马鱼微核试验方法
2.1 小鼠微核试验
2.2 小鼠精子畸形试验
2.3 斑马鱼实验
参 考 文 献
1 李复兴、李希沛主编.配合饲料大全,青岛海洋大学出版社,1994,p222
2 龙繁新等.B.t.i.对脊椎动物的安全实验.蒲蛰龙主编.苏云金杆菌以色列变种防
治蚊幼虫的研究,中山大学出版社,1984, p29
3 郭三堆.植物B.t.抗虫基因工程研究进展,中国农业科学,1995,28(5):8
4 Schimd,W. The Micronucleus Test for Cytogenetic Analysis. Chemical Mutagens,
A. Hollaender (Ed),Plenum,New York,1976,Vol.14:31
5 Manna,GK. Micronucleus Test in The Peripheral Erythrocytes of The Exotic Fish. The
摘 要:分别以环磷酰胺和氟化钠作为阳性诱变剂,以普通棉的棉籽粉及棉籽油作为对照物,同时设阴性对照组,以成年封闭群昆明种雄性小鼠和斑马鱼(Branchynanio rerio)为实验材料,将棉籽粉或棉籽油掺入饲料中饲喂小鼠或斑马鱼,检测小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(Polychromatic erythrocytes, PCE)微核率(Micronucleus frequency, MN‰)和精子畸变率(Sperm malformation rate),以及斑马鱼外周血红细胞(Peripheral erythrocytes)微核率。结果表明:在本实验条件下,转CryIA基因抗虫棉与普通棉的棉籽粉及棉籽粉油对小鼠体细胞和性细胞均未显示出诱变活性,且没有剂量效应。腹腔注射氟化钠可以诱导斑马鱼外周血红细胞微核率的显著升高;转CryIA基因抗虫棉棉籽粉粉和普通棉棉籽粉粉一样,对斑马鱼外周血红细胞微核率无明显影响。鱼类饲料中添加常规量的转CryIA基因抗虫棉棉籽粉不会诱发微核产生。
Study on Mutagenicity of Cotton Seed Powder and Cotton Seed Oil
of Transgenic CryIA Cotton*
Zhang Ning,Chen Mingnan,Ma Jixia,Li Songgang,Xu Chongren**
(Department of Environmental Biology and Ecology, College of Life Sciences,
Peking University,100871)
Abstract:The mutagenicity of seed powder and seed oil of transgenic CryIA cotton to mammals and fish was evaluated in this study. The raw cotton seed powder or seed oil was mixed into mice and fish’s diet. Cyclophosphamide and NaF were used as positive controls respectively. Regular cotton seed powder and seed oil were used as negative controls. The micronucleus frequency in mice bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes and in eripheral erythrocytes of Zebrafish (Branchynanio rerio) were assayed in this study. The sperm malformation rate in mice was also investigated. The results showed that, the seed powder and seed oil of transgenic CryIA cotton lines and regular cotton showed no cytomutagenicity or genomutagenicity on mice.
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料
1.1.1 实验动物
1.2 方法
1.2.1 实验分组与处理 小鼠实验 斑马鱼实验
1.2.2 小鼠微核试验方法
1.2.3 小鼠精子畸形试验
1.2.5 斑马鱼微核试验方法
2.1 小鼠微核试验
2.2 小鼠精子畸形试验
2.3 斑马鱼实验
参 考 文 献
1 李复兴、李希沛主编.配合饲料大全,青岛海洋大学出版社,1994,p222
2 龙繁新等.B.t.i.对脊椎动物的安全实验.蒲蛰龙主编.苏云金杆菌以色列变种防
治蚊幼虫的研究,中山大学出版社,1984, p29
3 郭三堆.植物B.t.抗虫基因工程研究进展,中国农业科学,1995,28(5):8
4 Schimd,W. The Micronucleus Test for Cytogenetic Analysis. Chemical Mutagens,
A. Hollaender (Ed),Plenum,New York,1976,Vol.14:31
5 Manna,GK. Micronucleus Test in The Peripheral Erythrocytes of The Exotic Fish. The