基于单片机的汽车巡航控制系统设计,摘 要随着经济的稳定增长和我国汽车工业的飞速发展,汽车迅速走进了千家万户,成为了一种大众化的消费品。与此同时,人们对于驾驶的安全性和舒适性的要求也随之提高,巡航控制系统能同时满足人们在以上两方面的需求,在今年来备受关注。虽然目前的市场上存在很多巡航控制的系统,但由于我国公路交通情况等因素的制约,这些巡航系统对于中国消...

此文档由会员 雀巢的诱惑 发布摘 要
With steady economic growth and the rapid development of China's automobile industry, car quickly into the millions of households, has become a popular consumer goods. At the same time, driving safety and comfort requirements increase as the cruise control system can meet the demand of the people in these two aspects of concern this year. Although there are many of the cruise control system on the current market, but because of road traffic conditions and other fac-tors, these cruise control system for the cost of the Chinese consumer is often not high, but exp-ensive and prohibitive for most ordinary consumers, which also makes the system into ordinary family car mark-et there are considerable difficulties. This article describes an inexpensive and simple, functional but solutions to meet the current needs of the consumers in China.
After a careful analysis of the basic principles of automotive cruise control system, to det-ermine the input and output signals, a closed-loop control, cruise control system de-sign Collec-ted by the vehicle speed sensor speed signal as a cruising speed of standard PID algorithm cont-rol vehicle speed deviation, the speed control in setting the scope of the closed-loop system can be relatively accurate control car to achieve the target speed. After the later of the theoretical ar-gument and calculation, and select today's sensors used in automotive industry and other related devices, composed of a hardware circuit, draw a complete flow chart and the main program of the cruise control sys-tem according to the functional requirements do a complete design, the cruise control system can be applied in ordinary cars. And in the subsequent simulation, the si-mulation results show that: the system overshoot is smaller, faster response time, the control method is simple and feasible, basic to the design requirements, the control strategy is feasible, can be better completion of the purpose and requirements of the des-ign.
Good simulation results based on the hardware design and software design show that, this design of the system can be use in actual driving practice.
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
引 言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 汽车巡航控制系统的发展情况与发展趋势 2
1.1.1 汽车巡航控制系统的国内外发展现状 2
1.1.2 汽车巡航控制系统的发展趋势和在我国的发展方向 3
1.2 汽车巡航控制系统的优点 3
1.2.1 提高汽车行驶时的舒适性 3
1.2.2 节能减排 4
1.2.3 保持车速稳定 4
1.2.4 提高了汽车行驶的安全性 4
1.2.5 延长汽车寿命 4
1.3 汽车巡航系统分类 4
1.3.1 气动式巡航控制系统 4
1.3.2 电动式巡航控制系统 4
2 汽车巡航控制系统的基本功能,组成及工作原理 6
2.1 巡航控制系统的基本功能 6
2.1.1 定速行驶功能 6
2.1.2 紧急取消功能 6
2.1.3 恢复功能 6
2.1.4 加速减速功能 6
2.1.5 低速自动消除功能 6
2.2 巡航控制系统的基本组成 6
2.2.1 车速传感器 7
2.2.2 节气门位置传感器 7
2.2.3 人机交互部分 7
2.2.4 ECU 7
2.2.5 控制执行装置 8
2.3 巡航控制系统工作原理 8
3 巡航控制系统控制方案的选择 10
3.1 PID控制的特点 10
3.1.1 比例(P)调节作用 10
3.1.2 积分(I)调节作用 10
3.1.3 微分(D)调节作用 11
3.2 PID控制的缺点 11
3.3 汽车巡航控制系统中PID的应用 11
3.4 PID控制器的设计 12
4 巡航控制系统硬件电路设计 13
4.1 单片机的选择 13
4.2 巡航控制系统的其他外围电路 15
4.2.1 电源芯片 15
4.2.2 车速传感器 17
4.2.3 节气门位置传感器 20
4.2.4 开关量信号采集电路 22
4.2.5 A/D转换芯片 25
4.2.6 “看门狗”技术 28
4.3 执行部分 29
4.3.1 电机驱动电路 29
4.3.2 系统中电机的选择 31
4.4 巡航系统在汽车内部的硬件抗干扰 32
5 系统软件的设计 33
5.1 总系统软件设计 33
5.2 巡航控制系统的软件子程序 35
5.2.1 速度检测模块 35
5.2.2 节气门开度检测模块 37
5.2.3 PWM执行模块 39
5.2.4 PID程序模块 41
5.3 仿真实验结果 43
结 论 45
参 考 文 献 46
附录A 总电路图 47
致 谢 48
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