基于单片机的高温测量仪设计,design of high temperature measuring instrument base onmcu摘要人类社会已进入信息时代,人们的社会活动主要依靠对信息资源的开发及获取、传输与处理。在工业生产这个领域内,广泛的应用检测技术,如生产过程中产品质量的检测、产品质量的控制、提高生...

此文档由会员 dustinblog 发布基于单片机的高温测量仪设计
Design of high temperature measuring
instrument base onMCU
The human society has entered the age of information, the people's social activities relies mainly on the information resources development and access, transmission and processing. In the industrial production within this field, wide application of testing technology, such as production process of product quality inspection, product quality control, improve the production efficiency, energy saving and economic production process automation and so on. The measuring the parameters in the process of production and (or) feedback control to ensure production process of these parameters in the best optimal state. In scientific research fields, people through the observation, the experiment, as to find out the new rules, rise again for the theory. So if I can pass the watching the experiment results, and is reliable results, depending on the level of testing technology, so, in this sense the development of science, is the level of testing technology breakthrough for the foundation. The modern People's Daily life, also more and more without testing technology. Therefore, detection technology and equipment level in the largely reflects a country's development of productive forces and the modernization level of science and technology.
In measuring technology is on thermocouple most used one of the temperature sensor. It in surveying and various production technology used widely. The structure of the thermocouple is very simple, and easy to make, the price beauty, with high accuracy, measurement of the temperature range. Now in most of the thermal instruments, thermocouple are used as a temperature sensor.
This article mainly introduced is high temperature measurement in, with MCS-51 SCM system and the traditional general temperature measurement components made of thermocouple temperature detection system combined. The design principle of measurement of the simple, mathematical model popular, chooses is precision good components and have anti-jamming, low temperature, high precision of the drift of electronic components. The measuring instrument, has a convenient use, can stabilize a measurement, reliable, measurement of the temperature range, etc.
Key word Temperature detection thermocouple
temperaturecompensation microcontroller
第1章绪论 1
1.1 高温测量仪的应用及意义 1
1.2 国内测温的发展研究概况 1
1.2.1利用物体热胀冷缩原理制成的温度计 1
1.2.2利用热阻效应技术制成的温度计 2
1.2.3利用热辐射原理制成的高温计 2
1.2.4利用声学原理进行温度测量 2
1.2.5利用红外测技术温 2
1.2.6利用热电效应技术制成的温度检测元件 2
第2章高温测量仪的组成及硬件设计 3
2.1 系统总体设计 3
2.2 测温传感器的确定 3
2.2.1常用热电偶介绍 4
2.2.2 热电势的产生 5
2.2.3 热电偶闭合回路电势的计算 6
2.3温度补偿设计 6
2.4放大电路设计 8
2.5 A/D转换器的选择 12
2.6 单片机简介 14
2.7 LCD1602显示模块 15
第3章控制器的软件设计 17
3.1系统软件总体设计 17
3.2 A/D转换子程序设计 18
3.3 线性化标度变换程序设计 19
3.4 DS18B20程序设计 21
3.5 LCD1602程序设计 23
第4章调试与误差分析 25
4.1 软件调试 25
4.1.1 PROTEUS简介 25
4.1.2 软件调试过程及结果 25
4.1.3 硬件调试过程及结果 26
4.2 误差分析 26
4.2.1 软件误差 27
4.2.2 硬件误差 27
第5章总结与展望 29
5.1 总结 29
5.2 展望 29
致谢 31