
此文档由会员 dustinblog 发布温度传感器的粮库温度检测系统的研究
关键字:温湿度 粮仓 检测系统 设计
Barn management of the most important issue is monitoring the grain heap temperature and humidity changes. countries for grain storage to pay high fees each year, mainly due to high cost of monitoring equipment, management methods were not advanced enough in the theoretical study and field visits on the basis of experiments carried out a food storage temperature and humidity, real-time monitoring and control system circuit design and development. the temperature and humidity measurement and control to prevent mildew food of great significance to discuss the grain heap the main reason for the temperature and humidity changes as well as food storage temperature and humidity range allowed explore on-line measurement, calculation and control of food storage temperature and humidity, the principles and methods, and basic elimination of food mildew accident, but also save a lot of manpower and material resources, thereby reducing the intensity of granary management work to improve the efficiency of management of the granary, so that food management has been a safe and reliable protection
Are present, the grain depots in the temperature and humidity testing is basically a manual inspection, labor-intensive, cumbersome, due to not timely detection and alarm, resulting in the loss of library storage of food phenomena have occurred, so the design and development of the higher cost performance granary temperature and humidity automatic detection systems is urgent. because large granary widely distributed, large reserves and grain storage management and monitoring difficult, based on intelligence grain depot detection system on the design of computer management software, configured by each granary-bit machines will pay under the circumstances the number of data via wireless transmission module sends to the host computer, host computer the next bit plane data in the form of curves and tables that come out, clear and intuitive display of temperature and humidity conditions within the warehouse by the host computer to the granary to monitor, manage personnel in the control room can be real-time intelligence data to see food on the food situation analysis of the data to achieve granary management automation, intelligent.
KEY WORDS:humiture granary detecing system desing
目 录
摘要 I
目 录 III
第一章 引言 1
1.1 粮仓温室度检测技术的发展现状 1
1.2 课题的提出及研究的意义 3
1.3 本文的设计思路及预期结果 3
1.3.1 本文的设计思路 3
1.3.2 预期结果 4
第二章 粮仓温湿度监测系统设计基础知识 5
2.1 温湿度检测技术 5
2.1.1 湿度的相关概念 5
2.1.2 湿度传感器的分类及特点 6
2.1.3 温度的相关概念 8
2.1.4 温度传感器的分类及特点 8
2.2器件及模块的选择 10
2.2.1处理器 10
2.2.2转换器 10
2.2.3温度传感器 11
2.2.4湿度传感器 11
2.2.5测控模块 12
2.2.6显示模块 12
2.2.7报警模块 13
第三章 粮仓温室度检测系统的具体设计 15
3.1设计结构 15
3.2单片机在系统中的工作的原理(过程) 16
3.3 ATC0809转换器 18
3.4热电偶温度传感器 19
3.4.1补偿电桥 19
3.5湿度传感器 20
3.6 系统附带电路及元件设计 21
3.6.1系统时钟电路设计 21
3.6.2按键与按钮的设计 22
3.6.3 电源的设计 22
3.7系统软件部分 23
3.7.1显示设计 23
3.7.2报警模块 24
第四章 系统调试及结果分析 25
4.1 软件调试 25
4.1.1调试方法 25
4.1.2调试步骤 25
4.2系统测试结果 26
4.3系统完成 26
参考文献 28
附录 29
致谢 32