

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 dustinblog 发布



本设计系统采用CC2430无线通信模块、温湿度传感器DHT90、空气质量传感器QS-01、电源模块构建无线传感器网络,通过RS-232串口和监控中心通信,使用软件开发平台IAR Embedded Workbench开发ZigBee协议栈,基于ZigBee的无线网络技术以低功耗、低成本、低复杂度等特点受到越来越多企业和个人的青睐。ZigBee技术特别适合于数据吞吐量小、网络建设投资少、网络安全要求较高、不便频繁更换电池或充电的场合。预计将在消费类电子设备、家庭智能化、工控、医用设备控制、农业自动化等领域获得广泛应用,利用ZigBee技术完成传感器节点和汇聚节点的应用程序,最终能够实现空气质量的监测。







Air quality impact on people is very important, using sensors to detect air quality is now a popular method, this paper introduces the sensor in air quality testing principle, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of gas sensor, and gas sensor development trend and prospects.
The system uses wireless sensor networks to achieve data’s collection and transmission. Wireless sensor networks are composed of a large number of low-cost micro-sensor nodes which are deployed in the monitoring region, uses wireless communication means to form a multi-hop's self-organizing network, with the aim of perception, collection and processing of perceived target information in the network coverage region, and send them to observers.
This system uses CC2430 wireless communication module ,temperature and humidity sensor DHT90, air quality sensor QS-01,power module to build wireless sensor networks, and uses RS-232 serial port to communicate with monitoring center .Use the software development platform IAR Embedded Workbench to develop ZigBee protocol stack. Based on the ZigBee wireless networking by low characteristics and so on power loss, low cost, low complexity receives more and more many enterprises and individual favor.The ZigBee technology suits specially in the data volume of goods handled small, the network construction invests few, the network security request is high, inconvenient replaces the battery or the charge situation frequently.The estimate in the expense class electronic installation, the family intellectualization, the labor will control, medical domains and so on device control, agricultural automation obtains the widespread application These can definitively achieve the purpose of air quality monitoring.
Keywords:wireless sensor;CC2430;DTH90;ZigBee technology;air quality testing


摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题背景和研究意义 1
1.3 无线传感器网络的研究进展 2
1.4 论文的研究内容与组织结构 4
2 无线传感器网络概述 6
2.1 无线传感器网络简介 6
2.2 无线传感器网络体系结构概述 6
2.3 无线传感器网络特点 7
2.4 无线传感器网络应用 10
2.5 无线传感器网络关键技术 10
2.6 无线传感器网络拓扑结构 12
3 空气质量监测系统硬件设计 16
3.1 ZigBee技术 16
3.2 系统总体结构设计 17
3.3 传感器节点的硬件设计 19
3.3.1 节点硬件总体结构 19
3.3.2 处理器和无线通信模块HFZ-CC2430EM-22 20
3.3.2 传感器模块 22
3.4 汇聚节点的硬件设计 27
3.4.1 电源模块 27
3.4.2 RS-232串口模块 28
4空气质量监测系统软件设计 29
4.1 ZigBee协议 29
4.2 IAR开发环境介绍 30
4.3 传感器节点应用程序设计 31
4.4 汇聚节点应用程序设计 33
5 系统测试与结果分析 35
5.1 测试方案 35
5.1.1 硬件测试 35
5.1.2 温度采集及串口显示测试 35
5.1.3 数据通信测试 35
参考文献 36
附录C 部分程序 38
4.2.1 原语概念 44
4.2.2 建立新网络 44
4.2.3 ZigBee设备加入网络过程 45