毕业设计 电子商务-江北地区旅游自助网站建设.doc
毕业设计 电子商务-江北地区旅游自助网站建设,电子商务-江北地区旅游自助网站建设全文60页约45000字程序语言精准内容丰富摘要随着internet的普及,越来越多的企业建立了自己的www网站,电子商务应时而生。本论文主要讨论如何建立一个简单的旅游电子商务网站。本网站主要包括4大系统:新闻系统,旅游指南,线路推荐,旅游手册。客户可以通过这4大系统查看最新的旅游信息...
此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文60页 约45000字 程序语言精准 内容丰富
关键词 电子商务;数据库;ACCESS;ASP
E-commerce - the travel self-service website construction of district of north of the Changjiang River
With the popularization of Internet, more and more enterprises have set up one's own WWW websites, e-commerce should be sometimes. Discuss mainly how to set up a simple travel e-commerce website in this thesis. This website includes 4 big systems mainly: News system, guide book, circuit recommendation, tourist handbook. The customer can look over the latest travel information, the hot travelling route through these 4 big systems, go out travel allocated equipment and some basic general knowledge that travel,etc.. In addition, because this website also include some intriguing story and anecdotes correlated with travelling, for the customer to can obtain some amusement while looking over content. This website has not left the forum on the customer, visitors can tell us the suggestion and place to need correcting through the way of e-mail , we will correct in time. To the administrators of websites, the administrator can revise the content in the data base through landing special administrator'sinterface, upgrade content of website, make user get getting newest data. Page of website this come and structure through dreamweaver mainly, software this can save a large number of html wait for to write and can obtain kind result language. Foundation of data base with what access set up, software this bring by oneself of windows , can save sql sentence write, but access does not support the ability of the remote access , this is its shortcoming. And visit and connection of data base to come and finish through some asp sentence mainly. Administrator's interface is was structured briefly through dreamweaver, asp.
Keywords e-commerce; data base; access; asp
摘要…… I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 电子商务的发展趋势 1
1.3企业网站的建立及电子商务的意义 2
第2章 电子商务简介 3
2.1 电子商务的来临 3
2.2 电子商务的概念 3
2.3 电子商务的分类 4
2.4 电子商务的特性 4
2.5 电子商务的结构 6
2.6 电子商务在中国的发展 7
2.7 本章小节 7
第3章 应用软件介绍 8
3.1 Dreamweaver介绍 8
3.2 Access简介 9
3.3 ASP简介 10
3.4 本章小节 11
第4章 网站的具体构思 12
4.1 社会调查 12
4.2 旅游网站的需要 12
4.3 其他旅游网站的优点与不足 13
4.4 网站的构思及内容 13
4.5 网站系统结构图 15
第5章 网站的具体设计 17
5.1 网站的制作与运行环境 17
5.2 网站数据库的建立 17
5.3 设定网站的动态数据源 21
5.4 网站网页的制作 24
5.4.1 定义网站 24
5.4.2 网页设计 26
5.5 网站与数据库的连接 28
5.5.1 整体与数据库的连接 28
5.5.2 分系统与数据库的链接 28
5.5.3 管理系统与数据库链接 30
5.6 本章小节 33
结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录 37
全文60页 约45000字 程序语言精准 内容丰富
关键词 电子商务;数据库;ACCESS;ASP
E-commerce - the travel self-service website construction of district of north of the Changjiang River
With the popularization of Internet, more and more enterprises have set up one's own WWW websites, e-commerce should be sometimes. Discuss mainly how to set up a simple travel e-commerce website in this thesis. This website includes 4 big systems mainly: News system, guide book, circuit recommendation, tourist handbook. The customer can look over the latest travel information, the hot travelling route through these 4 big systems, go out travel allocated equipment and some basic general knowledge that travel,etc.. In addition, because this website also include some intriguing story and anecdotes correlated with travelling, for the customer to can obtain some amusement while looking over content. This website has not left the forum on the customer, visitors can tell us the suggestion and place to need correcting through the way of e-mail , we will correct in time. To the administrators of websites, the administrator can revise the content in the data base through landing special administrator'sinterface, upgrade content of website, make user get getting newest data. Page of website this come and structure through dreamweaver mainly, software this can save a large number of html wait for to write and can obtain kind result language. Foundation of data base with what access set up, software this bring by oneself of windows , can save sql sentence write, but access does not support the ability of the remote access , this is its shortcoming. And visit and connection of data base to come and finish through some asp sentence mainly. Administrator's interface is was structured briefly through dreamweaver, asp.
Keywords e-commerce; data base; access; asp
摘要…… I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 电子商务的发展趋势 1
1.3企业网站的建立及电子商务的意义 2
第2章 电子商务简介 3
2.1 电子商务的来临 3
2.2 电子商务的概念 3
2.3 电子商务的分类 4
2.4 电子商务的特性 4
2.5 电子商务的结构 6
2.6 电子商务在中国的发展 7
2.7 本章小节 7
第3章 应用软件介绍 8
3.1 Dreamweaver介绍 8
3.2 Access简介 9
3.3 ASP简介 10
3.4 本章小节 11
第4章 网站的具体构思 12
4.1 社会调查 12
4.2 旅游网站的需要 12
4.3 其他旅游网站的优点与不足 13
4.4 网站的构思及内容 13
4.5 网站系统结构图 15
第5章 网站的具体设计 17
5.1 网站的制作与运行环境 17
5.2 网站数据库的建立 17
5.3 设定网站的动态数据源 21
5.4 网站网页的制作 24
5.4.1 定义网站 24
5.4.2 网页设计 26
5.5 网站与数据库的连接 28
5.5.1 整体与数据库的连接 28
5.5.2 分系统与数据库的链接 28
5.5.3 管理系统与数据库链接 30
5.6 本章小节 33
结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录 37