榆林学院17#公寓楼设计,摘要该建筑物是榆林学院17#公寓楼。根据提供的地形图和及功能要求的规定,进行建筑设计。它的占地面积约835﹐,建筑面积约5007 ﹐。建筑物最高高度为21m。此建筑物采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,结构设计是六度设防,设计地震是第一组,场地为Ⅱ类,粗糙度为b类。其设计内容包括结构布置、构件估算、内力分析...

原文档由会员 wuyixi1987 发布
该建筑物是榆林学院17#公寓楼。根据提供的地形图和及功能要求的规定,进行建筑设计。它的占地面积约835㎡,建筑面积约5007 ㎡。建筑物最高高度为21m。
关键词: 框架; 荷载; 抗震; 钢筋混凝土
This building is located Yulin a multilayered frame student apartment of 17#. According to topographic diagram which provides and function request stipulation, carries on the architectural design. Its area approximately 835m2, floor space approximately 5,007 m2. Building high is 21m。
This building uses the reinforced concrete portal frame construction, the structural design is six garrisons, the design earthquake is the first group, the location is II kind, roughness is B kind. Its design content including the structural arrangement, the component estimate, the plane unit choice, the endogenic force analysis, the component section design and the foundation designs several parts. Used placement ,the construction overall rigidity is better and carries on has carried on the earthquake load, the wind load and the vertical load endogenic force analysis, has selected the many kinds of loads combination method。
The reinforced concrete is one kind of ductility material, in order to fully uses this kind of material the characteristic, according to the building three levels of earthquake resistances requests, carries on the Liang end moment amplitude modulation, the column end moment adjustment, computation and so on shearing force adjustment, simultaneously pays attention to the pitch point the design, causes the building the design to achieve strong column weak Liang, strongly cuts the weak curved request, the increase construction ductility, enhances the construction the operational performance。
In this design, the multilayer portal frame construction analysis is uses the base shearing force law to carry on under the earthquake load the endogenic force analysis; Uses base shearing force law to carry on the vertical load the endogenic force analysis, the entire structure design calculates based on the standard。
Key words: Frame; Load; Earthquake resistances; Reinforced concrete
1. 工程概况 - 1 -
2. 结构布置及计算简图 - 2 -
2.1建筑平面设计 - 2 -
2.2建筑剖面设计 - 2 -
2.3建筑立面设计 - 2 -
3. 重力荷载计算 - 9 -
3.1层面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 - 9 -
3.2层面及楼面可变荷载标准值 - 9 -
3.3梁、柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算 - 9 -
3.4重力荷载代表值 - 12 -
4. 框架侧移刚度计算 - 15 -
4.1横向框架侧移刚度计算 - 15 -
4.2纵向框架侧移刚度计算 - 16 -
5. 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算 - 18 -
5.1 横向水平地震作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算 - 18 -
5.2横向风荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算 - 23 -
6. 纵向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 - 28 -
6.1纵向水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 - 28 -
6.2纵向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 - 32 -
7. 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 - 35 -
7.1横向框架内力计算 - 35 -
7.2横向框架内力组合 - 47 -
7.3纵向框架内力计算 - 60 -
7.4纵向框架内力组合 - 70 -
8. 截面设计 - 74 -
8.1框架梁 - 74 -
8.2框架柱 - 81 -
8.3框架梁柱节点核芯区截面抗震验算 - 85 -
9. 基础设计 - 86 -
9.1基础底面积的确定 - 86 -
9.2基础梁、板内力分析 - 88 -
9.3配筋计算 - 92 -
结论 - 95 -
参考文献 - 96 -
致谢 - 98 -
该建筑物是榆林学院17#公寓楼。根据提供的地形图和及功能要求的规定,进行建筑设计。它的占地面积约835㎡,建筑面积约5007 ㎡。建筑物最高高度为21m。
关键词: 框架; 荷载; 抗震; 钢筋混凝土
This building is located Yulin a multilayered frame student apartment of 17#. According to topographic diagram which provides and function request stipulation, carries on the architectural design. Its area approximately 835m2, floor space approximately 5,007 m2. Building high is 21m。
This building uses the reinforced concrete portal frame construction, the structural design is six garrisons, the design earthquake is the first group, the location is II kind, roughness is B kind. Its design content including the structural arrangement, the component estimate, the plane unit choice, the endogenic force analysis, the component section design and the foundation designs several parts. Used placement ,the construction overall rigidity is better and carries on has carried on the earthquake load, the wind load and the vertical load endogenic force analysis, has selected the many kinds of loads combination method。
The reinforced concrete is one kind of ductility material, in order to fully uses this kind of material the characteristic, according to the building three levels of earthquake resistances requests, carries on the Liang end moment amplitude modulation, the column end moment adjustment, computation and so on shearing force adjustment, simultaneously pays attention to the pitch point the design, causes the building the design to achieve strong column weak Liang, strongly cuts the weak curved request, the increase construction ductility, enhances the construction the operational performance。
In this design, the multilayer portal frame construction analysis is uses the base shearing force law to carry on under the earthquake load the endogenic force analysis; Uses base shearing force law to carry on the vertical load the endogenic force analysis, the entire structure design calculates based on the standard。
Key words: Frame; Load; Earthquake resistances; Reinforced concrete
1. 工程概况 - 1 -
2. 结构布置及计算简图 - 2 -
2.1建筑平面设计 - 2 -
2.2建筑剖面设计 - 2 -
2.3建筑立面设计 - 2 -
3. 重力荷载计算 - 9 -
3.1层面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 - 9 -
3.2层面及楼面可变荷载标准值 - 9 -
3.3梁、柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算 - 9 -
3.4重力荷载代表值 - 12 -
4. 框架侧移刚度计算 - 15 -
4.1横向框架侧移刚度计算 - 15 -
4.2纵向框架侧移刚度计算 - 16 -
5. 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算 - 18 -
5.1 横向水平地震作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算 - 18 -
5.2横向风荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算 - 23 -
6. 纵向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 - 28 -
6.1纵向水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 - 28 -
6.2纵向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 - 32 -
7. 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 - 35 -
7.1横向框架内力计算 - 35 -
7.2横向框架内力组合 - 47 -
7.3纵向框架内力计算 - 60 -
7.4纵向框架内力组合 - 70 -
8. 截面设计 - 74 -
8.1框架梁 - 74 -
8.2框架柱 - 81 -
8.3框架梁柱节点核芯区截面抗震验算 - 85 -
9. 基础设计 - 86 -
9.1基础底面积的确定 - 86 -
9.2基础梁、板内力分析 - 88 -
9.3配筋计算 - 92 -
结论 - 95 -
参考文献 - 96 -
致谢 - 98 -