

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 leany168 发布









The research and application of the hand gesture recognition system based on vision
Hand gesture is an important way of human interaction in our daily lives. Along with the computer technique developing, the interaction between human and computer is increasingly becoming an important application research in the computer field. Computer vision-based gesture recognition applications will meet the new generation of human-computer interactive. However, the diversity and uncertainty of hand gesture in the space-time makes hand gesture be a complex non-rigid object. So, the current human-computer interaction theory, which is still in the experimental stage, is not mature. The range to identify hand gesture is relatively small. This is a challengeable research topic.
The program of hand gesture recognition system is finished by matlab. The image of hand gesture is achieved by controlling camera. Then, the preprocessing that includes color space conversion, contrast adjustment and so on is executed to image. Hand gesture is separated from image by the combination of segmentation method based on H value of skin color and segmentation method by using Otsu. The features of the hand’s external rectangle including length, width and center coordinate and the feature of gesture centric are extracted. According to the ratio of length and width, size relation between length and width and the relationship between center coordinate and centroid coordinate, the angle that hand gesture locates is calculated. Finally, the direction that the hand gesture stands for is identified and encoded under the angle calculated. At the same time, the code is written to the txt file.
The direction control code of car movement is compiled by c++ and is transmitted to control the car by wireless in the computer. The txt file is continuously finding the corresponding command code to determine whether there is command of transmitting the code of hand gesture direction. When the command is obtained, the corresponding program will control the wireless communication module Zig-100 to transmit the code of hand gesture direction identified. The wireless communication module Zig-100 in the car will receive the code to control the car to move.
Keywords: Computer vision, Hand segmentation, Feature extraction, Hand gesture recognition


摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3 国内外发展现状 2
1.4 本课题的主要工作 2
第2章 手势识别系统原理 3
2.1 手势定义 3
2.2 手势识别系统的组成 3
2.3 手势识别中的各项技术 4
2.3.1 手势图像的获取 4
2.3.2 手势图像的预处理 4
2.3.3 手势图像的分割 6基于H值的肤色分割 6最大类间方差法图像分割 7 两种分割图像的与操作 7
2.3.4 手势图像的特征提取 8
2.3.5 手势图像的分类和识别 8
第3章 手势识别系统的GUI用户界面设计 11
3.1 matlab GUI软件界面开发简介 11
3.1.1 GUI简介 11
3.1.2 GUI用户界面各个控件的说明 12
3.2 手势识别系统在matlab上的实现 13
3.2.1 图像预览、拍照、保存功能的实现 13
3.2.2 手势图像的分割实现 13
3.2.3 手势图像的特征提取实现 16
3.2.4 手势图像的分类识别的实现 18
3.2.5 手势识别结果编码和无线发射的控制命令 19
3.3 手势识别部分的界面及使用方法 20
3.4 手势识别系统的调节方法 20
第4章 手势识别结果编码的无线发射 22
4.1 c++软件概述 22
4.1.1 数据的输入和输出 22
4.1.2 c++文件操作 22
4.2 c++在手势识别结果编码上的无线发射控制 23
4.2.1 打开COM口 24
4.2.2 控制命令的获取 24
4.2.3 控制命令的显示和手势编码的无线发送 24
第5章 小车运动方向的控制 26
5.1 手势识别结果对小车运动的定义 27
5.2 小车行为控制编程 27
5.2.1 小车前进子程序 28
5.2.2 小车停止子程序 29
5.2.3 小车右转子程序 29
5.2.4 小车左转子程序 30
5.3 GUI界面对小车的控制 30
结论 32
谢辞 33
参考文献 34
附录1 手势识别系统界面 36
附录2 手势识别系统主要程序 37
附录3 手势识别结果编码的无线发射主要程序 45
附录4 小车运动方向的控制主要程序 47