毕业设计 综合信息管理系统的设计.doc
毕业设计 综合信息管理系统的设计,综合信息管理系统的设计全文40页约26000字 设计独到 程序语言精准摘要数据库技术是计算机应用技术中的一个重要组成部分,对于大量的数据,使用数据库来存储管理将比通过文件来存储管理有更高的效率。几乎所有管理方面的应用程序都需要存放大量的数据,并将其组织成易于读取的格式。这种要求通常可以通过数据库管理系统来实现。本次设计...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文40页约26000字 设计独到 程序语言精准
摘 要
关键字:数据库, 管理信息系统, 信息管理, 数据维护
Management System of Academic Synthesize Information
The technology of the database is an important component in the application technology of the computer, as to a large number of data, use database to store management have high efficiency than use file management. Almost all of the application program which about managment needs depositing a large amount of data, and managing its organization into easy form for read. This kind of request can usually be realized through the data base management system.
The main task of this design is to design and realize the institute administrative system -Scientific Research subsystem . Developing the scientific research information management sub system is aim to carrying on the scientific research message inquiry for the sake of convenient tutor either educational institution 、Administration and tutor's amount of work statistics ,Consider that the job title of tutor evaluates 、Work summing-up along with money award are grantd suppling the foundation.Lift tall layer management of the educational institution transparency.
This design is guided by the theory and method of the management information system,and be supported by the technical of data base. It adopts VB6.0 and Access2000 as the systematic developing platform this time. Have expanded the systematic function further on the basis of finishing designing the basic task. Scientific research subsystem developed can finish whole school all scientific research input, single inquiry, mix inquiry, datum maintain of information, data maintence, ( addtion, deletion, revise) and produce functions, such as report form,etc.. System this portability strong, if do some change can used in similar information of the management.
This text has told the background designed and rudimentary knowledges involved at first, Expound the fact the whole course that system develops mainly , design summarizing finally. Appendix after being gentle record procedures and procedures of the software prove.
Key Word:Data Base,MIS,Information Management, Data maintence
目 录
2系统开发平台简介 ……………………………………………………… 3
2.1 数据库平台简介 …………………………………………………… 3
2.2 开发平台和技术简介…………………………………………… 3
2.2.1 Visual basic 6.0简介………………………………………3
2.2.2 ADO技术简介…………………………………………………4
3系统的需求分析 ………………………………………………………… 6
4系统总体设计 …………………………………………………………… 8
4.1 软件总体结构设计 ………………………………………………… 8
4.2 系统公用模块设计 ………………………………………………… 8
4.3 数据库设计………………………………………………………… 10
4.3.1数据库需求分析……………………………………………… 10
4.3.2数据库的概念结构设计……………………………………… 11
4.3.3数据库结构逻辑设计………………………………………… 12
4.4系统窗体的创建…………………………………………………… 15
4.4.1主窗体的创建………………………………………………… 15创建工程项目…………………………………………… 15主窗体的具体实现……………………………………… 15
4.4.2创建系统的功能模块………………………………………… 16
4.4.3单一查询窗体的设计………………………………………… 17
4.4.4数据维护窗体的建立………………………………………… 18
4.4.5报表窗体的建立……………………………………………… 21
4.4.6其它窗体的建立……………………………………………… 23
4.4.7用ADO方法连接数据库……………………………………… 23
5设计中所遇问题与解决方法…………………………………………… 26
5.1如何用ADO方法与数据库连接…………………………………… 26
5.2如何制作动态报表………………………………………………… 26
5.3引用控件库………………………………………………………… 27
6结束语…………………………………………………………………… 28
致谢………………………………………………………………………… 29
附录………………………………………………………………………… 30
参考文献…………………………………………………………………… 35
全文40页约26000字 设计独到 程序语言精准
摘 要
关键字:数据库, 管理信息系统, 信息管理, 数据维护
Management System of Academic Synthesize Information
The technology of the database is an important component in the application technology of the computer, as to a large number of data, use database to store management have high efficiency than use file management. Almost all of the application program which about managment needs depositing a large amount of data, and managing its organization into easy form for read. This kind of request can usually be realized through the data base management system.
The main task of this design is to design and realize the institute administrative system -Scientific Research subsystem . Developing the scientific research information management sub system is aim to carrying on the scientific research message inquiry for the sake of convenient tutor either educational institution 、Administration and tutor's amount of work statistics ,Consider that the job title of tutor evaluates 、Work summing-up along with money award are grantd suppling the foundation.Lift tall layer management of the educational institution transparency.
This design is guided by the theory and method of the management information system,and be supported by the technical of data base. It adopts VB6.0 and Access2000 as the systematic developing platform this time. Have expanded the systematic function further on the basis of finishing designing the basic task. Scientific research subsystem developed can finish whole school all scientific research input, single inquiry, mix inquiry, datum maintain of information, data maintence, ( addtion, deletion, revise) and produce functions, such as report form,etc.. System this portability strong, if do some change can used in similar information of the management.
This text has told the background designed and rudimentary knowledges involved at first, Expound the fact the whole course that system develops mainly , design summarizing finally. Appendix after being gentle record procedures and procedures of the software prove.
Key Word:Data Base,MIS,Information Management, Data maintence
目 录
2系统开发平台简介 ……………………………………………………… 3
2.1 数据库平台简介 …………………………………………………… 3
2.2 开发平台和技术简介…………………………………………… 3
2.2.1 Visual basic 6.0简介………………………………………3
2.2.2 ADO技术简介…………………………………………………4
3系统的需求分析 ………………………………………………………… 6
4系统总体设计 …………………………………………………………… 8
4.1 软件总体结构设计 ………………………………………………… 8
4.2 系统公用模块设计 ………………………………………………… 8
4.3 数据库设计………………………………………………………… 10
4.3.1数据库需求分析……………………………………………… 10
4.3.2数据库的概念结构设计……………………………………… 11
4.3.3数据库结构逻辑设计………………………………………… 12
4.4系统窗体的创建…………………………………………………… 15
4.4.1主窗体的创建………………………………………………… 15创建工程项目…………………………………………… 15主窗体的具体实现……………………………………… 15
4.4.2创建系统的功能模块………………………………………… 16
4.4.3单一查询窗体的设计………………………………………… 17
4.4.4数据维护窗体的建立………………………………………… 18
4.4.5报表窗体的建立……………………………………………… 21
4.4.6其它窗体的建立……………………………………………… 23
4.4.7用ADO方法连接数据库……………………………………… 23
5设计中所遇问题与解决方法…………………………………………… 26
5.1如何用ADO方法与数据库连接…………………………………… 26
5.2如何制作动态报表………………………………………………… 26
5.3引用控件库………………………………………………………… 27
6结束语…………………………………………………………………… 28
致谢………………………………………………………………………… 29
附录………………………………………………………………………… 30
参考文献…………………………………………………………………… 35