智能家庭防盗系统的设计-本科毕业论文,本人在本科学校获得优秀毕业论文(智能家庭防盗系统的设计),关键词: 探测;智能;报警;单片机;语音;dtmf拨号.是一个创新的家庭防盗系统设计,在相类似的毕业论文中都找不到第二篇!已经做出实物验证,芯片很容易在市场上购买到。本论文写得非常详细,先到先得!目 录设计总说明iintroductionii1 绪论11.1序言...

原文档由会员 xiaoguming 发布本人在本科学校获得优秀毕业论文(智能家庭防盗系统的设计),关键词: 探测;智能;报警;单片机;语音;DTMF拨号.是一个创新的家庭防盗系统设计,在相类似的毕业论文中都找不到第二篇!已经做出实物验证,芯片很容易在市场上购买到。本论文写得非常详细,先到先得!
目 录
设计总说明 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 序言 1
1.2 国内外发展状况 1
1.3 主要工作内容和意义 2
2 系统的需求分析与总体结构设计 3
2.1 系统的需求分析 3
2.2 系统的总体结构 3
3 系统的硬件设计 6
3.1 探测模块的设计 6
3.1.1 热释电效应 6
3.1.2 热释电红外传感器结构 7
3.1.3 热释电红外探测器基本原理 8
3.1.4 热释电红外探测器电路设计 9
3.2 控制模块的设计 11
3.2.1 AT89S52芯片介绍 11
3.2.2串行EEPROM-X25045 12
3.3 自动拨号模块的设计 14
3.3.1 MT8888芯片介绍 14
3.3.2芯片工作原理 15
3.3.3拨号芯片及外围电路 17
3.4 语音模块的设计 18
3.4.1 ISDI420芯片简述: 18
3.4.2芯片工作原理 19
3.4.3芯片工作模式: 20
3.4.4语音芯片及外围电路 20
3.5 电话模块的设计 21
3.5.1电话接口 21
3.5.2电话掉线检测 21
3.6 键盘接口和密码显示模块的设计 22
3.6.1电路键盘 23
3.6.2密码显示电路 23
3.7 电源模块的设计 24
3.7.1主电源: 24
3.7.2备用电源 25
4 系统的软件设计 27
4.1 主程序设计 27
4.2 控制模块程序设计 27
4.3 拨号模块程序设计 28
4.4 语音模块程序设计 30
4.5 摘挂机程序设计 31
4.6 密码及显示程序设计 31
4.7 读写数据程序设计 32
5 系统实物制作和调试 34
5.1 实物制作 34
5.1.1元器件的选择与购买 34
5.1.2 软件制图 34
5.1.3 制板与焊接 34
5.2 实物调试 36
5.2.1 电源实物调试 36
5.2.2 探头实物调试 38
5.2.3 主机报警实物调试 39
6 结论与展望 41
6.1 设计小结 41
6.2 尚需完善的问题 41
6.3 展望 41
鸣 谢 43
参考文献 44
附录1 45
附录2 47
附录3 49
本设计首先讨论了家庭住宅智能安全防范技术的国内外发展状况,并根据国外发展的趋势和我国的国情,研究并设计一种智能家庭住宅的安全报警系统,由红外探测器实现盗警信号的检测,利用成熟的微电脑技术,采用普通电话线传输报警信号并自动电话拨号报警。当探测器检测到警情的时候,就会向单片机发出中断请求,再由单片机控制电话接口电路,实现模拟摘机,通过DTMF拨号电路实现自动拨号,并由语音电路通过电话完成播放预先录制好的 语音信息,实现语音报警,来通知用户发生警情,以便让他们及时的做出相应措施。另外,本系统通过密码来识别主人身份,系统开启后只有输入正确的密码才能关闭系统。本系统还配置了备用电源以及具有掉线和断电自动诊断功能,增强了系统的安全性和稳定性。
关键词: 探测;智能;报警;单片机;语音;DTMF拨号
With the tapid development of communication technique and great improvement of standard of people’s living,the need of house has been changed from only the living space to multiform needs of quality,function,service, and so on. Not only want have a warm and comfortable house, but also want to have a better security and intelligence residence. The security keeping away system of Smarthome is emerged as the times required.
This design introduce about the intelligent family alarm system and is precisely to satisfy the under the intelligent housing vigorous development background designs to the security and the price intense request.It proposed that one kind and realizes based on the public telephone network's intelligent housing safe supervisory system's design concept. Now many plots have installed the intelligence alarm system and enhanced the safety rate greatly, effective guarantee resident's life property safety.
In this design, the development survey of security keeping away technology of Smarthome in the world is debated.According to the developemental direction of the technology overseas and the situations of our countries, we have researched a kind of intelligent alarm system for SmartHome.It has the function of theft-proof, performing automatic detection wth the mature microcomputer technology, uses the ordinary telephone line transmission alarm and automatic dial. Pyroelectric infrared sensor is used for theft-proof so as to realize automatic detection.It is designed to make the least fail to alarm and false alarm and enhance the reliability of the system. When detector has detected any abnormality signals,an interrupt request will be sent to the MCU. Next the MCU control the interface circuit of telephone to accomplish simulated off-hook,then auto-dial by dial-up circuit of DTMF,and play the phonetic information which has been recorded beforehand by phonetic circuit, to tell the user of the emergency which has occurred, so that they can take corresponding step on tim.In addition, the system discerns the master by the secret bode,only imputed correct secret code,could system be closed..In order to buildup the systemic security and stability, inspect whether the wire and the power break or not.
This system design has some definite practicability. An attempt which the security warning aspect develops as the intelligent housing peaceful against system, to the final practical application, the production also has the quite far distance. As far as research and exploitation later,this has some definte referenced and Along with microelectronic technology, automatic control technology and sensing technological development, will also obtain the bigger development opportunities.
KEYWORDS: detected; intelligent; alarm; MCU controlling; phonetic;DTMF dial-up