教师档案管理系统完整版(vb.net+sql server2000).doc


教师档案管理系统完整版(vb.net+sql server2000),教师档案管理系统,是我在大学毕业时写的论文,经过半个月的奋斗,论文经过n次修改,这是最终通过的论文,论文很完整,从开始到结束,除了源文件和英文文献都具备了。实用性很强!摘 要针对长春工业大学软件职业技术学院教师管理信息化建设的需求,采用面向对象的编程思想,基于vb.net技术和sql server数据库,采用c/s结构...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 qingfeng365 发布


摘  要
针对长春工业大学软件职业技术学院教师管理信息化建设的需求,采用面向对象的编程思想,基于VB.NET技术和SQL SERVER数据库,采用C/S结构设计了教师信息管理系统,该系统实现了教师信息的管理上功能,经实践验证,该系统已经能应用到学校的教师管理工作中。

关键词:教师管理系统  VB.NET  SQL SERVER  C/S 信息管理系统










Industrial University in Changchun Teachers College management software vocational informationization demand, the introduction of object-oriented programming ideas based on VB.NET and SQL Server database for the goal of  enhance its own competition ability, all and by sheer coincidence of at the work efficiency with the management's norm the aspect put forth effort.
Now calculator  the management already and imperceptibly permeated the every traded, and increased the efficiency of these professions.School although not regard as a pure business enterprise, school that the school's similar demand information of management , and now is gradually toward the large-scale direction to develop, and the information  is for the much more importance that school showed.Development that the past's handicraft management, although  less but adapt to the schooled to request.
The article falls into nine parts. The first part is the summarize.the second part is the introduction., The third part is the analyse of  the system project. The forth part is design of the system's function.  The fifth pait is how the system's function comes ture. The sixth part is the exam of the system's design.  The seventh part is the concluding remarks. The eighth part is express my thanks. The nine part is the literature to  consult.
Keywords: Teacher management system   VB.NET   SQL SERVER   C/S  management information system





目  录
摘  要 1
第一章 引  言 4
1.1项目开发背景 4
1.2系统设计的目标 4
1.3  开发方法概述 4
第二章 系统方案的分析 7
2.1方案论证 7
2.2采用软件工程的思想 7
2.3  数据库范式分析 9
2.4  可行性分析 10
第三章 系统功能的设计 11
3.1教师管理系统相关数据库构建 11
3.2 总体模块划分 13
3.3 模块功能简介 14
3.4系统软件模块结构图 14
3.5系统功能模块E-R图设计 15
3.6教师管理系统实体关系图 16
3.7 系统运行环境配置 17
第四章 系统功能的实现 19
4.1 系统登陆界面 19
4.2 系统主界面 21
4.3 教师基本信息 22
4.4 教师职称信息 26
4.5 客座教授信息 27
第五章 系统设计的测试 29
5.1软件系统的测试 29
结束语 31
致  谢 32
参考文献 33