
原文档由会员 渭水亭榭 发布
With the rapid development of the 21st century, many high-quality apparel brands are gradually bring into people’s lives. Traditional warehouse operations management followed the habit formed so many years ago, and it often relies on experience to place goods. In this way they place the goods in the nearest position of cargo space as soon as possible, but not take into account the dynamic changes needs of goods customer, as a result, the warehouse use rate is low so as the picking process , as well as bringing picking error and other issues. Based on the status of the company of dream Sporting Goods in Liuzhou City, Guangxi, the main problems in the course of its warehousing are analyzed in this context, at the mean time, I will make a simple analysis about the process which the clothing is stored. I will adopt Slotting optimization principles method of management to optimize my strategy of Clothing warehouse storage, what’s more, heuristic path strategies are taken to optimize picking route.
Key words: Slotting Optimization , heuristic path strategies, order picking, optimize
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)论文研究背景 1
(二)论文研究目的及意义 1
(三)国内外研究现状 1
(四)论文主要研究内容 3
二、相关理论概述 3
(一)货位储存策略 3
(二)订单拣货路径策略 4
三、柳州市梦想体育用品有限公司(特步)服装仓仓储现状分析 7
(一)服装仓仓储管理的现状 7
(二)服装仓仓储管理的问题及分析 10
四、服装仓仓储管理优化方案 10
(一)入库优化:仓库布局 10
(二)在库管理:货位优化、数量核对与盘点 13
五、结论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
[1]齐元勋.中国服装行业20周年风云录[J].中国时尚品牌网,2011(10): 88-89 [2]刘翠娟,刘宝学,王鑫丽.品牌服装物流仓储作业分析与研究[J].2010(12):50-51
[6]宁春林.基于蚁群算法立体仓库拣选路径优化问题的研究[D],济南:山东大学, 2008
[15] 于洁,苏志忠,孙燕飞.蚁群算法在拣货路径优化中的应用研究[J].电脑知识与技术,2008年29期
[20] Donald Ratli ff H , Arnon S Rosenthal . Order - picking in a rect2angular warehouse : a s olvable case of the traveling salesmanproblem. Operation Research , 2010 , 31 (3) : 507— 521
[21]K ees Jan Roodbergen , René de K oster. Routing order pickers in a warehouse with a middle aisle . European Journal of Opera2tional Research , 2009 , 133 (1) : 32— 43
[22]K ees Jan Roodbergen , Renéde K oster. Routing methods for warehouses with multiple cross aisles. INT. J . PROD. RES. ,2008 , 39 (9) : 1865— 1883
[23]Hwang H , Oh Y H , Lee Y K. An eva luation of routing policies for order - picking operations in low - level picker - to – part system. INT1J . PROD. RES. , 2009 , 42 (18) : 3873— 3889
[24]Randolph W Hall . Distance approximations for routing manual pickers in a warehouse . IIE Transactions , 2008 , 25(4) :76— 87
[26]Vanghan T S , Peters on C G 1The effect of warehouse cross aisle on order picking efficiency. INT1J . PROD. RES. , 1999 , 37(4) : 881— 897
[27]Charles G Peters..
With the rapid development of the 21st century, many high-quality apparel brands are gradually bring into people’s lives. Traditional warehouse operations management followed the habit formed so many years ago, and it often relies on experience to place goods. In this way they place the goods in the nearest position of cargo space as soon as possible, but not take into account the dynamic changes needs of goods customer, as a result, the warehouse use rate is low so as the picking process , as well as bringing picking error and other issues. Based on the status of the company of dream Sporting Goods in Liuzhou City, Guangxi, the main problems in the course of its warehousing are analyzed in this context, at the mean time, I will make a simple analysis about the process which the clothing is stored. I will adopt Slotting optimization principles method of management to optimize my strategy of Clothing warehouse storage, what’s more, heuristic path strategies are taken to optimize picking route.
Key words: Slotting Optimization , heuristic path strategies, order picking, optimize
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)论文研究背景 1
(二)论文研究目的及意义 1
(三)国内外研究现状 1
(四)论文主要研究内容 3
二、相关理论概述 3
(一)货位储存策略 3
(二)订单拣货路径策略 4
三、柳州市梦想体育用品有限公司(特步)服装仓仓储现状分析 7
(一)服装仓仓储管理的现状 7
(二)服装仓仓储管理的问题及分析 10
四、服装仓仓储管理优化方案 10
(一)入库优化:仓库布局 10
(二)在库管理:货位优化、数量核对与盘点 13
五、结论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
[1]齐元勋.中国服装行业20周年风云录[J].中国时尚品牌网,2011(10): 88-89 [2]刘翠娟,刘宝学,王鑫丽.品牌服装物流仓储作业分析与研究[J].2010(12):50-51
[6]宁春林.基于蚁群算法立体仓库拣选路径优化问题的研究[D],济南:山东大学, 2008
[15] 于洁,苏志忠,孙燕飞.蚁群算法在拣货路径优化中的应用研究[J].电脑知识与技术,2008年29期
[20] Donald Ratli ff H , Arnon S Rosenthal . Order - picking in a rect2angular warehouse : a s olvable case of the traveling salesmanproblem. Operation Research , 2010 , 31 (3) : 507— 521
[21]K ees Jan Roodbergen , René de K oster. Routing order pickers in a warehouse with a middle aisle . European Journal of Opera2tional Research , 2009 , 133 (1) : 32— 43
[22]K ees Jan Roodbergen , Renéde K oster. Routing methods for warehouses with multiple cross aisles. INT. J . PROD. RES. ,2008 , 39 (9) : 1865— 1883
[23]Hwang H , Oh Y H , Lee Y K. An eva luation of routing policies for order - picking operations in low - level picker - to – part system. INT1J . PROD. RES. , 2009 , 42 (18) : 3873— 3889
[24]Randolph W Hall . Distance approximations for routing manual pickers in a warehouse . IIE Transactions , 2008 , 25(4) :76— 87
[26]Vanghan T S , Peters on C G 1The effect of warehouse cross aisle on order picking efficiency. INT1J . PROD. RES. , 1999 , 37(4) : 881— 897
[27]Charles G Peters..