广西糖网绩效考核问题探讨,摘 要绩效考核是绩效管理的关键环节,在实现企业战略目标方面起着举足轻重的作用,其目的在于增强组织的运行效率、提高员工的职业技能、推动企业的良性发展,激发其工作热情,确保工作的高效运行,最终使企业和员工共同受益。但是,如何正确对绩效考核进行定位,建立一套适合本企业的绩效考核体系,是许多企业仍未很好解决的难题。本文通过了解...

原文档由会员 渭水亭榭 发布
摘 要
The performance appraisal is a key part of performance management, it plays an important role in achieving company’s goals, its purpose is to enhance the operating efficiency of the organization, improve the professional skills of employees, and promote the benign development of the organization, stimulate their enthusiasm for work, and make sure that the work highly efficiency, and at last the organization and staff get benefit from it. But how to position performance appraisal, build a performance appraisal system for the enterprise, many companies don’t still a good solution to deal with this problem.
By understanding the performance appraisal of the Guangxi Sugar Network, the project base on studying this company, to analyze the situation of its performance appraisal, put forward the problems in the performance appraisal of the company, according to the actual situation of the company, designed by key of performance indicators, and build its performance appraisal system, there will be practical significance to solve the company's actual performance test problems.
KEY WORDS: Performance appraisal; key performance indicators; system; performance appraisal system
目 录
前言 1
一、绩效考核的理论概述 2
(一)绩效考核的含义 2
(二)绩效考核的重要性 2
(三)绩效考核的作用 3
1.达成目标 3
2.挖掘问题 3
3.分配利益 3
4.促进成长 3
(四)绩效考核的常用方法 3
1.平衡计分卡 3
2.关键绩效指标法(KPI) 4
3.目标管理 4
4.360 度反馈评价法 4
二、广西糖网绩效考核的现状 5
(一)广西糖网的概况 5
(二)广西糖网绩效考核的现状 5
1.部门和部门内员工的绩效考核分开进行 5
2.由部门主管主观考核部门内员工 5
3.部门的绩效考核主要用360度考核方法 6
4.绩效考核的结果主要用于薪酬分配 6
(一)绩效考核的目的不明确 7
(二)绩效考核的主体混乱 7
(三)绩效考核指标的单一性 7
(四)绩效考核实施流程缺失 8
(五)绩效考核结果运用单一 8
四、广西糖网绩效考核体系的构建 9
(一)明确考核的目标 9
(二)确定绩效考核的主体 10
(三)确定绩效考核方法和内容 10
(四)确立绩效考核指标 10
1.公司级KPI的确立 10
2.部门级KPI的确立 11
3.个人KPI的确立 12
(五)设计绩效考核指标权重 13
(六)公司绩效考核结果的运用 15
1.薪酬的分配 15
2.职位调整 15
3.员工的培训和开发 15
4.员工职业生涯发展规划 15
五、广西糖网绩效考核体系实施注意的问题 17
(一)创造实施绩效考核体系的环境 17
(二)重视绩效考核前的培训 17
(三)加强对绩效考核结果的反馈 17
(四)严格考评程序并确保保密性 17
结束语 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
[4]刘颖,杨文堂.绩效考核制度与设计[M].北京:中国经济出版社社, 2007:P64-P69
[6]詹敏.绩效考核中职工思想状况分析及其引导[J].湖北社会科学,2007, 7.
[16]Yi S,Oiao S,Chen M. The appiication of Principai ComponentAnaiysis to
Performance Appraisai of HRM[A]. Proceedings ofInternationai Conference on
IESEM’20[C]. Beijing,2002. 79.
[17]Kaplan R, Norton D. The balanced scorecard-measures that drive performance [J].
Harvard Business Review. 1992 .
[19]李虹.MBO 绩效评估与运用[J].中国人力资源开发,1999,11:P16-P18
与战略,2005, 11:P106-P108
The performance appraisal is a key part of performance management, it plays an important role in achieving company’s goals, its purpose is to enhance the operating efficiency of the organization, improve the professional skills of employees, and promote the benign development of the organization, stimulate their enthusiasm for work, and make sure that the work highly efficiency, and at last the organization and staff get benefit from it. But how to position performance appraisal, build a performance appraisal system for the enterprise, many companies don’t still a good solution to deal with this problem.
By understanding the performance appraisal of the Guangxi Sugar Network, the project base on studying this company, to analyze the situation of its performance appraisal, put forward the problems in the performance appraisal of the company, according to the actual situation of the company, designed by key of performance indicators, and build its performance appraisal system, there will be practical significance to solve the company's actual performance test problems.
KEY WORDS: Performance appraisal; key performance indicators; system; performance appraisal system
目 录
前言 1
一、绩效考核的理论概述 2
(一)绩效考核的含义 2
(二)绩效考核的重要性 2
(三)绩效考核的作用 3
1.达成目标 3
2.挖掘问题 3
3.分配利益 3
4.促进成长 3
(四)绩效考核的常用方法 3
1.平衡计分卡 3
2.关键绩效指标法(KPI) 4
3.目标管理 4
4.360 度反馈评价法 4
二、广西糖网绩效考核的现状 5
(一)广西糖网的概况 5
(二)广西糖网绩效考核的现状 5
1.部门和部门内员工的绩效考核分开进行 5
2.由部门主管主观考核部门内员工 5
3.部门的绩效考核主要用360度考核方法 6
4.绩效考核的结果主要用于薪酬分配 6
(一)绩效考核的目的不明确 7
(二)绩效考核的主体混乱 7
(三)绩效考核指标的单一性 7
(四)绩效考核实施流程缺失 8
(五)绩效考核结果运用单一 8
四、广西糖网绩效考核体系的构建 9
(一)明确考核的目标 9
(二)确定绩效考核的主体 10
(三)确定绩效考核方法和内容 10
(四)确立绩效考核指标 10
1.公司级KPI的确立 10
2.部门级KPI的确立 11
3.个人KPI的确立 12
(五)设计绩效考核指标权重 13
(六)公司绩效考核结果的运用 15
1.薪酬的分配 15
2.职位调整 15
3.员工的培训和开发 15
4.员工职业生涯发展规划 15
五、广西糖网绩效考核体系实施注意的问题 17
(一)创造实施绩效考核体系的环境 17
(二)重视绩效考核前的培训 17
(三)加强对绩效考核结果的反馈 17
(四)严格考评程序并确保保密性 17
结束语 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
[4]刘颖,杨文堂.绩效考核制度与设计[M].北京:中国经济出版社社, 2007:P64-P69
[6]詹敏.绩效考核中职工思想状况分析及其引导[J].湖北社会科学,2007, 7.
[16]Yi S,Oiao S,Chen M. The appiication of Principai ComponentAnaiysis to
Performance Appraisai of HRM[A]. Proceedings ofInternationai Conference on
IESEM’20[C]. Beijing,2002. 79.
[17]Kaplan R, Norton D. The balanced scorecard-measures that drive performance [J].
Harvard Business Review. 1992 .
[19]李虹.MBO 绩效评估与运用[J].中国人力资源开发,1999,11:P16-P18
与战略,2005, 11:P106-P108