广西蔗糖业的国际竞争力分析,摘 要蔗糖业是广西的支柱产业之一,广西蔗糖产量占到全国的60%以上,蔗糖业在广西国民经济中有着举足轻重的作用。但是面对广西蔗糖产业发展的未来,也同样充满着压力和担忧。从国际的大环境看,广西蔗糖业“只大不强”,与蔗糖生产强国相比,在国际市场上缺乏竞争力。本文以迈克尔波特的钻石理论为基础,采用因素分析法来分析广西蔗糖业的国...

此文档由会员 渭水亭榭 发布
摘 要
The sucrose industry is one of the pillar industries in Guangxi,its’ sucrose production accounted for more than 60 percent of China,the sucrose industry plays an important role in the economy of Guangxi.But face of the development of Guangxi sucrose industries, it’s also filled with stress and trepidation.In the international environment,Guangxi sucrose industry only large not strong,Compared with the sucrose-producing power, lacking of competitiveness in the international market.
This article based on Michael Porter's diamond theory to analyzing the international competitiveness of Guangxi sucrose industry, through the research found that Guangxi sucrose industry with a weak international competitiveness,it was reflected in the poor management of sugar industries,low degree of mechanization,small-scale of sucrose production enterprises,sucrose production enterprises lacking of international market strategies and so on.To solving the above problems,I suggest that improve the government's management of the sucrose industry,promote the sucrose intensive management,reduce the cost of sucrose production,cultivate large sucrose enterprises and formulate an international development strategy,to further promoting the development of our region's sucrose industry, thereby providing an objective to increasing the international competitiveness of the sucrose industry in Guangxi.
KEY WORDS:guangxi sucrose industry;diamond model;guangxi government;
guangxi sucrose enterprises;international competitiveness in—
sucrose industry
目 录
一、国际竞争力相关理论概述 1
(一)国际竞争力的内涵 1
(二)钻石模型 1
二、广西蔗糖业发展现状 4
(一)蔗糖产量 4
(二)甘蔗种植区域分布 5
(三)广西主要蔗糖生产企业 5
三、广西蔗糖业国际竞争力六因素分析 6
(一)生产要素条件 6
(二)需求条件 8
(三)相关与辅助性产业 8
(四)企业战略与竞争 9
(五)政府 9
(六) 机遇 9
四、影响广西蔗糖业国际竞争力的主要因素 10
(一)政府对蔗糖产业管理不完善 10
(二)甘蔗种植机械化程度低 10
(三) 蔗糖生产企业规模偏小,生产工艺落后 10
(四)蔗糖企业缺少国际市场战略 11
五、提升广西蔗糖业国际竞争力的对策 12
(一)完善政府对蔗糖产业的管理 12
(二) 推进甘蔗种植集约化经营,降低甘蔗生产成本 13
(三)培育大型蔗糖企业,提高蔗糖业生产工艺 14
(四)制定国际化发展战略,积极发展跨国经营 15
结束语 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
参 考 文 献
[21]Jing Lu.Impacts of International Sugar Protectionist Policies on China's Sugar
The sucrose industry is one of the pillar industries in Guangxi,its’ sucrose production accounted for more than 60 percent of China,the sucrose industry plays an important role in the economy of Guangxi.But face of the development of Guangxi sucrose industries, it’s also filled with stress and trepidation.In the international environment,Guangxi sucrose industry only large not strong,Compared with the sucrose-producing power, lacking of competitiveness in the international market.
This article based on Michael Porter's diamond theory to analyzing the international competitiveness of Guangxi sucrose industry, through the research found that Guangxi sucrose industry with a weak international competitiveness,it was reflected in the poor management of sugar industries,low degree of mechanization,small-scale of sucrose production enterprises,sucrose production enterprises lacking of international market strategies and so on.To solving the above problems,I suggest that improve the government's management of the sucrose industry,promote the sucrose intensive management,reduce the cost of sucrose production,cultivate large sucrose enterprises and formulate an international development strategy,to further promoting the development of our region's sucrose industry, thereby providing an objective to increasing the international competitiveness of the sucrose industry in Guangxi.
KEY WORDS:guangxi sucrose industry;diamond model;guangxi government;
guangxi sucrose enterprises;international competitiveness in—
sucrose industry
目 录
一、国际竞争力相关理论概述 1
(一)国际竞争力的内涵 1
(二)钻石模型 1
二、广西蔗糖业发展现状 4
(一)蔗糖产量 4
(二)甘蔗种植区域分布 5
(三)广西主要蔗糖生产企业 5
三、广西蔗糖业国际竞争力六因素分析 6
(一)生产要素条件 6
(二)需求条件 8
(三)相关与辅助性产业 8
(四)企业战略与竞争 9
(五)政府 9
(六) 机遇 9
四、影响广西蔗糖业国际竞争力的主要因素 10
(一)政府对蔗糖产业管理不完善 10
(二)甘蔗种植机械化程度低 10
(三) 蔗糖生产企业规模偏小,生产工艺落后 10
(四)蔗糖企业缺少国际市场战略 11
五、提升广西蔗糖业国际竞争力的对策 12
(一)完善政府对蔗糖产业的管理 12
(二) 推进甘蔗种植集约化经营,降低甘蔗生产成本 13
(三)培育大型蔗糖企业,提高蔗糖业生产工艺 14
(四)制定国际化发展战略,积极发展跨国经营 15
结束语 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
参 考 文 献
[21]Jing Lu.Impacts of International Sugar Protectionist Policies on China's Sugar