新型底入式磁传动搅拌装置的设计(毕业设计),最新毕业设计,含有毕业设计说明书,cad图纸,外文翻译,开题报告全套毕业设计资料~摘 要磁传动是一种将动密封转化为静密封的方法,对于高压釜和反应介质是易燃、易爆、剧毒的反应釜,磁传动是唯一的选择。本文根据底入式磁传动搅拌器设计要求与基本参数,进行零部件具体设计、计算及校核、总体...

原文档由会员 lovezhga 发布
摘 要
Magnetic transmission is a measure which can be changed dynamic seal into static seal. For autoclave with high pressure and chemical reactor in which the reacting media is inflammable, or explosive, or highly toxic, or evaporable, the magnetic transmission should be an only choice. In this paper, according to the type of magnetic transmission blender design requirements and basic parameters, specific design, calculation and parts check, overall design and based on the Pro-E 3D modeling and dynamic simulation. Magnetic transmission blender installed from bottom compared with form top has obvious advantages at a high speed, but the design was with some difficulties. The new pressure auto-balancing device with a elastic separation film were used in newly developed magnetic transmission blender installed from bottom. It assured that the oil pressure of the body cavity of magnetic transmission is always higher than the material pressure of the autoclave, preventing the corrosion gas and the solid particle in the autoclave to leak out of the cavity of the magnetic transmission. The design solves the home and abroad magnetic transmission blender existing problems and ensures the magnetic transmission blender long-term work normally. This kind of magnetic transmission blender will be widely used in chemical industry.
Key words: Magnetic transmission blender;Installed from bottom; Pressure auto-balancing device;Pro-E
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1搅拌器的应用 1
1.2 磁传动搅拌器的基本工作原理 2
1.3 磁传动技术在搅拌器上的应用结构 2
1.4 国内外磁传动搅拌技术的发展 6
1.5 课题研究内容及目标 7
第二章 搅拌器的选型及功率计算 8
2.1 初始参数 8
2.2 搅拌器类型的选择 8
2.3 搅拌功率计算 9
第三章 零件设计 10
3.1 密封罩设计及计算 10
3.2 轴的设计及计算 10
3.3 法兰与螺栓设计及计算 17
第四章 压力自平衡装置的设计 32
4.1 压力自平衡装置的工作原理 32
4.2新型压力自平衡装置 32
第五章 总体结构设计 34
5.1外磁环座、减速器、过渡法兰和支架部分 34
5.2 磁传动部分 35
5.3 传动轴的支撑部分 35
5.4 机械隔离与冷却部分 35
第六章 新型底入式磁传动搅拌器基于PRO/E软件三维造型以及动态仿真 37
6.1 新型底入式磁传动搅拌器零件部分的三维造型 38
6.2 新型底入式磁传动搅拌器整体结构的动态仿真 40
参考文献 42
致谢 44
摘 要
Magnetic transmission is a measure which can be changed dynamic seal into static seal. For autoclave with high pressure and chemical reactor in which the reacting media is inflammable, or explosive, or highly toxic, or evaporable, the magnetic transmission should be an only choice. In this paper, according to the type of magnetic transmission blender design requirements and basic parameters, specific design, calculation and parts check, overall design and based on the Pro-E 3D modeling and dynamic simulation. Magnetic transmission blender installed from bottom compared with form top has obvious advantages at a high speed, but the design was with some difficulties. The new pressure auto-balancing device with a elastic separation film were used in newly developed magnetic transmission blender installed from bottom. It assured that the oil pressure of the body cavity of magnetic transmission is always higher than the material pressure of the autoclave, preventing the corrosion gas and the solid particle in the autoclave to leak out of the cavity of the magnetic transmission. The design solves the home and abroad magnetic transmission blender existing problems and ensures the magnetic transmission blender long-term work normally. This kind of magnetic transmission blender will be widely used in chemical industry.
Key words: Magnetic transmission blender;Installed from bottom; Pressure auto-balancing device;Pro-E
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1搅拌器的应用 1
1.2 磁传动搅拌器的基本工作原理 2
1.3 磁传动技术在搅拌器上的应用结构 2
1.4 国内外磁传动搅拌技术的发展 6
1.5 课题研究内容及目标 7
第二章 搅拌器的选型及功率计算 8
2.1 初始参数 8
2.2 搅拌器类型的选择 8
2.3 搅拌功率计算 9
第三章 零件设计 10
3.1 密封罩设计及计算 10
3.2 轴的设计及计算 10
3.3 法兰与螺栓设计及计算 17
第四章 压力自平衡装置的设计 32
4.1 压力自平衡装置的工作原理 32
4.2新型压力自平衡装置 32
第五章 总体结构设计 34
5.1外磁环座、减速器、过渡法兰和支架部分 34
5.2 磁传动部分 35
5.3 传动轴的支撑部分 35
5.4 机械隔离与冷却部分 35
第六章 新型底入式磁传动搅拌器基于PRO/E软件三维造型以及动态仿真 37
6.1 新型底入式磁传动搅拌器零件部分的三维造型 38
6.2 新型底入式磁传动搅拌器整体结构的动态仿真 40
参考文献 42
致谢 44