
原文档由会员 渭水亭榭 发布
关键词:施工组织设计 质量 控制 安全 塑钢窗
Construction organization design is the important means for scientific management of the co nstruction’s activity. It has both strategic disposition and tactical arrangement double functions. It reflects the requirements making the basic constructions plan and design come true, and provides preparation working contents in different period’s construction. Coordinates with each construction organization, every kind of work in construction, and different resources reciprocally during the construction.
The graduation design topic is the Sanjiang County building engineering construction organization design,Points for construction organization design and construction scheme of the two part special. Prepare to the project management institutions set when the overall arrangement, construction, construction preparation, main divisions component project construction method, engineering quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, the construction management measures, and many other factors to consider as fully as possible, outstanding scientific, applicability and targeted, is to make sure the high quality, low cost, safety, civilization, the completion of all the important task of economic construction technical documents.
This design includes the following content: engineering construction design, Chinese and English translation, and construction, the floor plan. To ensure the quality and safety, construction period, the civilization worksite construction, save costs and conditions, formulate specific the construction organization design, At the same time, according to the features of the project, in addition to compile a plastic-steel window special construction plan, In order to guide the construction successfully complete the project construction, project cost control, create quality engineering.
Key words: Construction organization design Quality Control Safety Plastic steel window
1 编制说明 1
1.1编制说明 1
1.2编制依据 1
1.3编制原则 1
2 工程概况 3
2.1工程概况 3
2.2设计概括 3
2.3用电概况 5
3 施工组织机构 7
3.1组织机构设置 7
3.2项目经理部管理人员岗位职责 8
4 施工部署 11
4.1工程目标 11
4.2总体施工部署 11
5 施工进度计划 18
5.1进度计划编制原则 18
5.2总体施工进度计划图 18
6 主要资源需求量计划 19
6.1主要施工机械计划 19
6.2主要工艺检测计量器具使用计划表 20
6.3主要施工材料使用计划表 20
7 施工总平面布置 21
7.1 施工总平面布置原则 21
7.2 临时设施布置 21
7.3临时用电规定 22
7.4临时供水布置 24
7.5 施工总平面管理 24
7.6施工总平面布置图 25
8 主要项目施工方案 26
8.1测量工程 26
8.2基坑工程 31
8.3地基及基础结构工程 33
8.4上部结构工程 35
8.5砌体工程 45
8.6脚手架工程 47
8.7屋面工程 49
8.8楼地面工程 53
8.9墙装饰工程 54
8.10门窗工程 59
8.11给排水工程 60
9 安全生产的技术组织措施 63
9.1安全文明目标 63
9.2项目安全管理组织机构 63
9.3 安全防护措施 63
9.4安全保证组织措施 64
9.5消防保卫措施 65
10 保证工期的措施 67
10.1进度计划管理措施 67
10.2施工进度的检查与监督 67
10.3进度协调管理 68
10.4保证工期的组织措施 69
10.5保证工期的技术措施 70
11 工程质量保证措施 72
11.1工程质量目标 72
11.2质量目标分解 72
11.3质量管理控制程序图 73
11.4质量管理规章制度 74
11.5保证质量的组织措施 75
11.6重点工序质量保证措施 75
11.7质量通病防治措施 78
12 文明施工及保证措施 81
12.1文明施工目标 81
12.2文明施工组织管理机构 81
12.3文明施工规划 81
12.4文明施工管理措施 82
13 季节性施工保证措施 84
13.1雨季施工方案 84
13.2夏季施工方案 85
13.3冬季施工方案 86
14 其他技术措施 90
14.1环保措施 90
14.2资料整理项目 90
14.3成品、半成品保护措施 90
15 致谢 92
16 参考文献 93
17 附录 94
1. 周国恩.建筑工程施工技术.重庆.重庆大学出版社,2011年1月
3. 吴凯.工程估价.北京.化学工业出版社,2011年3月
4. 《建筑施工组织设计规范》(GB/T50502-2009)
5. 《广西建筑工程消耗量定额》-br..
关键词:施工组织设计 质量 控制 安全 塑钢窗
Construction organization design is the important means for scientific management of the co nstruction’s activity. It has both strategic disposition and tactical arrangement double functions. It reflects the requirements making the basic constructions plan and design come true, and provides preparation working contents in different period’s construction. Coordinates with each construction organization, every kind of work in construction, and different resources reciprocally during the construction.
The graduation design topic is the Sanjiang County building engineering construction organization design,Points for construction organization design and construction scheme of the two part special. Prepare to the project management institutions set when the overall arrangement, construction, construction preparation, main divisions component project construction method, engineering quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, the construction management measures, and many other factors to consider as fully as possible, outstanding scientific, applicability and targeted, is to make sure the high quality, low cost, safety, civilization, the completion of all the important task of economic construction technical documents.
This design includes the following content: engineering construction design, Chinese and English translation, and construction, the floor plan. To ensure the quality and safety, construction period, the civilization worksite construction, save costs and conditions, formulate specific the construction organization design, At the same time, according to the features of the project, in addition to compile a plastic-steel window special construction plan, In order to guide the construction successfully complete the project construction, project cost control, create quality engineering.
Key words: Construction organization design Quality Control Safety Plastic steel window
1 编制说明 1
1.1编制说明 1
1.2编制依据 1
1.3编制原则 1
2 工程概况 3
2.1工程概况 3
2.2设计概括 3
2.3用电概况 5
3 施工组织机构 7
3.1组织机构设置 7
3.2项目经理部管理人员岗位职责 8
4 施工部署 11
4.1工程目标 11
4.2总体施工部署 11
5 施工进度计划 18
5.1进度计划编制原则 18
5.2总体施工进度计划图 18
6 主要资源需求量计划 19
6.1主要施工机械计划 19
6.2主要工艺检测计量器具使用计划表 20
6.3主要施工材料使用计划表 20
7 施工总平面布置 21
7.1 施工总平面布置原则 21
7.2 临时设施布置 21
7.3临时用电规定 22
7.4临时供水布置 24
7.5 施工总平面管理 24
7.6施工总平面布置图 25
8 主要项目施工方案 26
8.1测量工程 26
8.2基坑工程 31
8.3地基及基础结构工程 33
8.4上部结构工程 35
8.5砌体工程 45
8.6脚手架工程 47
8.7屋面工程 49
8.8楼地面工程 53
8.9墙装饰工程 54
8.10门窗工程 59
8.11给排水工程 60
9 安全生产的技术组织措施 63
9.1安全文明目标 63
9.2项目安全管理组织机构 63
9.3 安全防护措施 63
9.4安全保证组织措施 64
9.5消防保卫措施 65
10 保证工期的措施 67
10.1进度计划管理措施 67
10.2施工进度的检查与监督 67
10.3进度协调管理 68
10.4保证工期的组织措施 69
10.5保证工期的技术措施 70
11 工程质量保证措施 72
11.1工程质量目标 72
11.2质量目标分解 72
11.3质量管理控制程序图 73
11.4质量管理规章制度 74
11.5保证质量的组织措施 75
11.6重点工序质量保证措施 75
11.7质量通病防治措施 78
12 文明施工及保证措施 81
12.1文明施工目标 81
12.2文明施工组织管理机构 81
12.3文明施工规划 81
12.4文明施工管理措施 82
13 季节性施工保证措施 84
13.1雨季施工方案 84
13.2夏季施工方案 85
13.3冬季施工方案 86
14 其他技术措施 90
14.1环保措施 90
14.2资料整理项目 90
14.3成品、半成品保护措施 90
15 致谢 92
16 参考文献 93
17 附录 94
1. 周国恩.建筑工程施工技术.重庆.重庆大学出版社,2011年1月
3. 吴凯.工程估价.北京.化学工业出版社,2011年3月
4. 《建筑施工组织设计规范》(GB/T50502-2009)
5. 《广西建筑工程消耗量定额》-br..