此文档由会员 ks17ok 发布对比连续端点基准剂量计算的实验设计
关键词:基准剂量,剂量 - 反应模型,幂连续模型,优化设计
Comparing Experimental Designs for Benchmark
Dose Calculations for Continuous Endpoints
The BMD (benchmark dose) method that is used in risk assessment of chemical compounds was introduced by Crump and is based on dose-response modeling. To take uncertainty in the data and model fitting into account, the lower confidence bound of the BMD estimate is suggested to be used as a point of departure in health risk assessments. In this article, we study how to design optimum experiments for applying the BMD method for continuous data. We exemplify our approach by considering the Power Continuous models. The main aim is to study whether an increased number of dose groups and at the same time a decreased number of animals in each dose group improves conditions for estimating the benchmark dose. Since Power Continuous models are nonlinear, the optimum design depends on the values of the unknown parameters. That is why we consider Bayesian designs and assume that the parameter vector has a prior distribution. A natural design criterion is to minimize the expected variance of the BMD estimator. We present an example where we calculate the value of the design criterion for several designs and try to find out how the number of dose groups, the number of animals in the dose groups, and the choice of doses affects this value for different Power Continuous curves. It follows from our calculations that to avoid the risk of unfavorable dose placements, it is good to use designs with more than four dose groups.We can also conclude that any additional information about the expected dose-response curve, e.g., information obtained from studies made in the past, should be taken into account when planning a study because it can improve the design.
KEYWORDS: Benchmark dose,dose-response modeling,Power Continuous models,optimum designs
1绪论 1
2方法 3
2.1幂连续模型 3
2.2贝叶斯设计 3
2.3 基准剂量法的设计标准 4
2.4不同设计的比较 7
3结果与讨论 9
3.1斜率参数 的幂连续模型 10
3.2斜率参数 的幂连续模型 11
3.3斜率参数 的幂连续模型 12
3.4斜率参数为 的幂连续模型 13
4一般性讨论 15
5结论 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
附录 20