毕业设计 教务管理系统.doc
毕业设计 教务管理系统,教务管理系统全文60页 约 21000字程序语言进准[摘要] 本系统运用j2ee中的jsp model2的mvc (model+view+control)模型,运用eclipse3.1.8 + tomcat5.0 + jdk5.0 + mssql 的组合开发平台开发测试。b/s架构,在系统设计、实施上运用软件工程的思想...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文60页 约 21000字 程序语言进准
[摘要] 本系统运用J2EE中的JSP MODEL2的MVC (MODEL+VIEW+CONTROL)模型,运用Eclipse3.1.8 + Tomcat5.0 + JDK5.0 + MSSQL 的组合开发平台开发测试。B/S架构,在系统设计、实施上运用软件工程的思想,完全依照瀑布模型来编写设计文档。利用流程图,UML图等工具来设计程序,以避免逻辑上的错误。运用PowerDesigner工具进行数据库的设计。运用JUnit工具进行编写测试用例,进行单元测试和集成测试。在界面上运用Ajax技术来实现XML文件存放数据,并以人性化的控件完成复杂的业务流程。考虑到排课任务的繁重,设计了自动排课算法,可以完成特定需求的排课。优雅的分层设计、美观的页面设计、功能间低耦合、SQL及算法语句的优化让系统增色不少。
[关键词j2EE MODEL2 MVC Ajax 自动排课 B/S
Education Manage System of College
Abstract:This System use JSP MODEL2 MVC (MODEL+VIEW+CONTROL) of J2EE, use Eclipse3.1.8+Tomcat5.0+JDK5.0+MSSQL-this Develops platform to develop and test. B/S construction, use software engineering thought in system design and implementation, according to Waterfall Model to write design document completely. Design software which used flow chart, UML chart and so on, this can make logic error little. Use the tool of PowerDesigner to design database, use the tool of JUnit to write test case, do cell test and integration test. On interface, use the technology of Ajax and put data to XML file, and complete difficult operation flow. Designed auto make curriculum schedule. It can complete special requirement. Gentler delamination design, beautiful page design, lowness coupling in fuctions , optimize of SQL and arithmetic sentence make this system very well.
Keywords:j2EE, MODEL2, MVC, Ajax, auto do curriculum schedule, B/S
全文60页 约 21000字 程序语言进准
[摘要] 本系统运用J2EE中的JSP MODEL2的MVC (MODEL+VIEW+CONTROL)模型,运用Eclipse3.1.8 + Tomcat5.0 + JDK5.0 + MSSQL 的组合开发平台开发测试。B/S架构,在系统设计、实施上运用软件工程的思想,完全依照瀑布模型来编写设计文档。利用流程图,UML图等工具来设计程序,以避免逻辑上的错误。运用PowerDesigner工具进行数据库的设计。运用JUnit工具进行编写测试用例,进行单元测试和集成测试。在界面上运用Ajax技术来实现XML文件存放数据,并以人性化的控件完成复杂的业务流程。考虑到排课任务的繁重,设计了自动排课算法,可以完成特定需求的排课。优雅的分层设计、美观的页面设计、功能间低耦合、SQL及算法语句的优化让系统增色不少。
[关键词j2EE MODEL2 MVC Ajax 自动排课 B/S
Education Manage System of College
Abstract:This System use JSP MODEL2 MVC (MODEL+VIEW+CONTROL) of J2EE, use Eclipse3.1.8+Tomcat5.0+JDK5.0+MSSQL-this Develops platform to develop and test. B/S construction, use software engineering thought in system design and implementation, according to Waterfall Model to write design document completely. Design software which used flow chart, UML chart and so on, this can make logic error little. Use the tool of PowerDesigner to design database, use the tool of JUnit to write test case, do cell test and integration test. On interface, use the technology of Ajax and put data to XML file, and complete difficult operation flow. Designed auto make curriculum schedule. It can complete special requirement. Gentler delamination design, beautiful page design, lowness coupling in fuctions , optimize of SQL and arithmetic sentence make this system very well.
Keywords:j2EE, MODEL2, MVC, Ajax, auto do curriculum schedule, B/S