51系列单片机教学实验板硬件设计论文,51系列单片机教学实验板硬件设计摘 要在全国高等院校电子信息类专业中,已普遍开设单片机及其相关课程。单片机课程是大中专院校电子类专业实践性、应用性和工程性很强的专业基础课或专业选修课。从加强学生能力培养的要求来看,这类课程仅在课堂上讲授基本原理是不够的,必须在教学中加强实践环节,让学...

此文档由会员 资料题库大全 发布51系列单片机教学实验板硬件设计论文
摘 要
目前,市场上单片机实验板的种类较多。此次设计的实验板的特点是将各种单元电路合理的拼凑在一块大印刷电路板上,构成一个有机的整体。设计中利用Protel99SE软件先设计原理图,然后进行元件封装, PCB出图,最后是制板。它与传统的教学实验板相比有如下的优点:⑴价格低廉;⑵使用简单方便,只要有带RS232串口的PC机就能进行实验;⑶功能全,基本上具备单片机常用的接口,如数模转换、模数转换、存储器、LED数码管显示、键盘人机接口、串行接口、温度传感器接口等等。采用本仿真开发实验板,可使初学者迅速掌握单片机原理及应用,熟悉汇编语言、单片机C语言。
51 Series Single-chip Teaching Experimental Board
Hardware Design
National institutions of higher learning in the professional category of electronic information, has generally been the creation of single-chip and its related programs.
Single-chip college is the course professional practice of electronic institutions, applied and engineering foundation for a strong professional or professional elective courses. From the requirements of students capacity-building perspective, such courses are taught only the basic principles of the classroom is not enough, we must strengthen the teaching practice, to allow sufficient opportunity to practice. Among them, single-chip experimental board is a good learning tool for the students. At present, more types of experimental plate in the single-chip market. The designed board is characterized by a variety of units circuit will be reasonable together on a large printed circuit board and then constitute an organic whole. The design make use of Protel99SE software to design schematic diagram, and then packaging components, PCB map, and finally the system board. It compared to the traditional teaching has the following advantages: ⑴ The prize cheap. ⑵ Use it simple, there is as long as RS232 serial port with the PC machines will be able to carry out such experiments. ⑶ Wide features, the board basically has the interface with commonly used single-chip, full-to-analog converter, analog-to-digital conversion, memory, LED digital display, keyboard man-machine interface, serial interface, temperature sensor interface and so on. The development of the use of the simulation experiment board, beginners can quickly grasp the principle and application of single-chip, and is familiar with assembly language, microcontroller C language. Beginners use the development of the simulation experiment board, can quickly grasp the principle and application of single-chip, and are familiar with assembly language, Single-chip C language.
Key words: microcomputer; experimental plate; interface circuit; C language
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究现状 2
1.3本文主要的研究工作 2
第二章 实验板硬件电路设计 4
2.1 实验板的MCU选型 4
2.1.1 单片机选型原则 4
2.1.2 AT89S51单片机简介 5
2.2 实验板总体简介 8
2.2.1 单片机实验教学功能 8
2.2.2 硬件总体逻辑结构 9
2.3 单片机最小系统的电路说明 9
2.4 模数转换器ADC0809的接口电路 9
2.4.1 ADC0809 芯片及内部结构简介 9
2.4.2信号引脚 9
2.4.3 MCS-51 单片机与ADC0809的接口 9
2.4.4 转换数据的传送 9
2.4数模转换器DAC0832的接口电路 9
2.4.1 DAC0832 简介 9
2.4.2 DAC0832的工作方式 9
2.4.3 电压输出电路的连接 9
2.4.4 DAC0832与单片机的连接 9
2.5数据/程序存储器24C02 9芯片简介 9
2.5.2 24C02与单片机的连接 9
2.6 并行接口芯片8255A的接口电路 9
2.6.1 8255A的基本特性 9
2.6.2 8255A的外部特性和内部结构 9外部引脚 9 8255内部结构 9
2.6.3 8255A的编程命令 9
2.7 LCD1602液晶显示 9
2.7.1 LCD 1602的引脚图 9
2.7.2 1602液晶显示的指令命令 9
2.7.3 LCD1602与单片机的接口电路 9
2.8动态LED显示与键盘 9
2.8.1数码管的分类 9
2.8.2显示接口简介 9静态显示概念 9 动态显示概念 9
2.8.3 动态显示接口电路 9
2.9 键盘电路 9
2.9.1 键盘简介 9
2.9.2 独立式按键 9 独立式按键结构 9 独立式按键的软件结构 9
2.9.3 矩阵式键盘的结构及原理 9
2.9.4 键盘的编码 9
2.9.5 键盘的工作方式 9 定时扫描方式 9 中断扫描方式 9 键盘电路 9
2.10 DS18B20温度传感器接口 9
2.10.1 DS18B20温度传感器简介 9
2.10.2 DS18B20的特性。 9
2.10.3 DS18B20的外形和内部结构 9
2.10.4 DS1820与单片机的连接 9
2.11 RS-232串行接口 9
2.11.1 串行通信基本原理 9异步串行通信的字符格式 9串行通信的传送速率 9
2.11.2 RS-232C总线标准 9
2.11.3 单片机串口通讯的硬件电路 9
2.12 实验板蜂鸣器驱动电路 9
2.14 实验板PCB设计 9
第三章 实验板软件设计及调试 9
3.1实验板流水灯程序 9
3.2实验板A/D采样程序 9
3.3实验板串口程序 9
第四章 设计总结 9
参考文献 9
附录A 9
附录B 9
附录C 9
附录D 9
附录E 9
附录F 9
致 谢 9