智能体温测量仪设计与总结报告,全文38页 约20000字 讲述详细 图文并茂一.摘要本次设计的智能体温仪主要硬件部分由温度传感器、信号放大电路、a/d转换电路、cpu控制电路、存储器电路、液晶显示模块构成。温度传感器(pt100)每隔1秒钟便将测得的温度变化转化成电压信号后,经弱信号检测放大器进行放大,由a/d转换器转换...

此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文38页 约20000字 讲述详细 图文并茂
The hardware of this intellectualized thermometer of this design are as follows: the temperature transducer, signal magnifying circuit, A/D transition circuit, CPU controlling circuit, memorizer circuit and LCD module. The temperature transducer (PT100) measures the changes of temperature every second and transforms it into a voltage, after being it has been magnified by the signal magnifier, it will be transformed into digital signals by the A/D transition circuit. The SCM will read the digital signals and transform them back into a temperature in the form of character signal (ASCΙΙ code), and then shown it on the LCD screen. When the measured temperature is above the ordinary one of a human body, it will send out the alarming message. The alarming temperature is set within the program, and the time of it can be shown by the SCM through a certain program (this device contains a time function). And plus, the power supply should be the normal 5V, ±12V.
Keywords: PT-Transducer Four-wire-connection
SCM(Single Chip Micyoco) Liquid Crystal Display
• 数字电子技术基础(第四版) 阎 石主编 高等教育出版社
• 电子技术基础模拟部分(第四版) 康华光主编 高等教育出版社
• 电子电路设计与实验 吴 均编著
• 新型集成电路及其应用实例 何希才编著 科学出版社
全文38页 约20000字 讲述详细 图文并茂
The hardware of this intellectualized thermometer of this design are as follows: the temperature transducer, signal magnifying circuit, A/D transition circuit, CPU controlling circuit, memorizer circuit and LCD module. The temperature transducer (PT100) measures the changes of temperature every second and transforms it into a voltage, after being it has been magnified by the signal magnifier, it will be transformed into digital signals by the A/D transition circuit. The SCM will read the digital signals and transform them back into a temperature in the form of character signal (ASCΙΙ code), and then shown it on the LCD screen. When the measured temperature is above the ordinary one of a human body, it will send out the alarming message. The alarming temperature is set within the program, and the time of it can be shown by the SCM through a certain program (this device contains a time function). And plus, the power supply should be the normal 5V, ±12V.
Keywords: PT-Transducer Four-wire-connection
SCM(Single Chip Micyoco) Liquid Crystal Display
• 数字电子技术基础(第四版) 阎 石主编 高等教育出版社
• 电子技术基础模拟部分(第四版) 康华光主编 高等教育出版社
• 电子电路设计与实验 吴 均编著
• 新型集成电路及其应用实例 何希才编著 科学出版社