

天然气脱水论文,天然气脱水方法及脱水的原理,采用三甘醇脱水摘 要天然气在全世界许多地方,在越来越多的领域代替煤炭或石油,用于居民生活、工业发电、化工生产等,成为有利于提高人类生活质量、促进经济发展的“绿色能源”。天然气主要含甲烷,乙烷等烃类。此外还含有一定的非烃类化合物,如h2s,co2¬等。其无论是用做商品天然气,还是用做原...
分类: 论文>生物/化学论文


此文档由会员 时光旧了 发布


摘    要


Natural gas in many parts of the world, in a growing number of areas instead of coal or oil, for residents living, industrial power generation, chemical production, as is conducive to raising the quality of human life, promoting economic development of "green energy".
Natural gas is main containing methane, ethane and other hydrocarbons. It also contains certain non-hydrocarbon compounds, such as H2S, CO2, and so on. Regardless of its natural gas is used as a commodity, or used as raw materials are subject to the gas purification treatment.
It is that the natural gas produces and transports an essential ring in course to take off water treatment. It is to develop riper a technology abroad that three glycol absorbs the dehydrated craft of the law employ the most general dehydrated method of natural gas too.
to design economic reasonable and realistic. The design of the content and results with the chart. Through this design, I mastered the design of the general procedures and methods, rendering the control point with the process map, the absorption tower structure diagram of gas purification devices and the layout plans.
It is in 5.8Mpa to design the content, 35 ℃ is left, absorbs the gas of the tower and liquid in entering and calculates supplies weighing apparatus, regard as in go on the weighing apparatus of heat charge according to supplies weighing apparatus.
Absorb the device design of the tower, choose the type of the tower board first of all, estimate the tower foot-path, design, drive to the hole district and design the overflow area, design result in tower carry on hydromechanical checking computations, checking computations result indicate, design, should absorb tower reasonable a feasible one. Having carried on the craft to calculate to the feed pump of ethylene glycol finally, the pump is rational that the result of calculation shows the type selected for use.

Keywords: Natural gas; Dehydration; Three glycol; Technological design
目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1天然气脱水方法的选择 3
1.1.1冷却法 3
1.1.2吸附法 4
1.1.3膜分离法 6
1.1.4吸收法 6
1.1.5选择结果 7
1.2天然气吸收法脱水 8
1.2.1 脱水原理 8
1.2.2工艺流程 8
1.2.3 操作参数的确定 10
1.3控制指标 11
1.3.1 原料及组成 11
1.3.2 工艺指标及公用工程消耗指标 11
1.4天然气的现状与发展 11
1.4.1 产业链不同环节的参与者与发展状态 12
1.4.2 中国天然气行业的领域 13
1.5环境保护 16
1.5.1主要污染源和污染物 16
1.5.2污染控制 16
第2章  吸收塔的物料衡算 17
2.1 进料气体的摩尔流量 17
2.2 贫甘醇流量及组成 19
2.3 富甘醇流量及组成 19
2.4 关键组分出塔流量及吸收率 19
2.5 非关键组分的出塔流量 20
2.5.1 惰性组分在溶剂中的平衡溶解度 20
2.5.2 溶气体的相平衡常数的计算 21
2.5.3 非关键组分的吸收率 22
第3章  吸收塔的热量横算 25
3.1 热量横算说明 25
3.2 焓值的计算 25
3.2.1 Cp的计算 25
3.2.2 进塔气体焓值 26
3.2.3 出塔气体焓值 27
3.2.4 进塔液体焓值 27
3.2.5 出塔液体焓值 27
3.3 横算结果 28
第4章  吸收塔塔设备的工艺设计 29
4.1 参数计算 29
4.2 塔型选择 32
4.3 塔径计算 32
4.4 溢流区设计 33
4.5 开孔区设计 34
4.6 塔板流体力学的验算 37
4.6.1 气相通过浮阀塔塔板的压强降 37
4.6.2 淹塔 37
4.6.3 雾沫夹带 38
4.6.4 塔板的负荷性能图 39
4.7 塔的设计尺寸 42
第五章  贫甘醇输入泵的工艺计算 44
5.1 吸收塔贫甘醇输送泵的选择 44
5.2 吸收塔贫甘醇输送泵的选型及设计计算 44
符号说明 49
参 考 文 献 52
致    谢 54
附    录 55
附图1 56
附图2 57