企业采购及供应商管理实验平台研发,---订单及分销管理实验平台 全文8000余字设计到位摘要随着我国成功加入wto及信息化浪潮的日益临近,企业经营管理机制正在发生着根本性的变化,特别是处于激烈市场竞争环境下的高新技术企业,如果想要在日新月异的市场变化中求得生存,就必须有效地进行企业内部改革和加强企业管理。借助现代信息技术...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文8000余字 设计到位
摘 要
供应链及物流管理信息化又是管理信息系统新兴的一个时代的亮点,其主要包括供应商及采购管理系统;订单及分销管理系统;仓储管理系统;运输及配送管理系统;客户关系管理系统。而订单及分销管理系统是供应链及物流管理系统一个重要组成部分,以订单为中心的制造业企业内部供应链管理系统软件的开发和应用 ,使企业完全抛弃了原有手工管理模式 ,用信息管理模式管理企业生产 ,提高了人均产值和客户服务水平。如企业统计人员通过该系统的应用 ,脱离了以前繁琐的手工统计 ,企业各部门主管可以更及时有效的根据各类报表来安排各部门的工作 ,提高了工作效率 ,加强了成本控制管理 ,有效控制企业采购成本和销售成本。由于信息及时、准确收集和反馈 ,可增强决策的科学性、计划的适应性和生产的有序性 ,达到增强企业竞争力和促进企业赢利的目的。通过实施以订单为中心的制造业企业内部供应链管理系统 ,充分利用网络信息技术的最新成果 ,提高企业的信息获取能力和知识积累能力 ,有助于企业识别自身在整个供应链中的地位和优势 ,增强企业核心竞争力。
为了顺应社会信息化时代的要求,在高等教育理论与实践相结合的改革中,一套仿真模拟供应链及物流管理系统试验平台是当今高校所必需的工具,让学生在试验的过程中充分理解和深化供应链及物流管理理念。论文正是从这方面出发,通过一个订单管理系统平台开发实例,对基于JSP+SQL SEVER 2000技术的订单管理系统进行了分析和研究。
In the wake of china’s entering to WTO, a rapid change is going to take part in enterprise management mechanism and especially to the hi-tech enterprise in the ambience of impetuous market competition and if we want to survive in this rapid changeable market economy, we must effectively carry through some reformation technology and management exoterica, establishment of enterprise management. In the light of modern information technology and managemet exoterica, establishment of enterprise management information system is quite imperative under the situation.
The supply chain and physical distribution management are information-based and is a newly arisen of the management information systems age of a little bit bright, it mainly includes the supplier and the procure supervision system; The order and the retail supervision system; The warehouse supervision system; The transport and dispatching manage system; The client's relation manages system. But the order and retail manage system is the supply chain and the physical distribution management system an important constitution is part of, taking order as center of manufacturing business business the internal supply chain manage the tapping and application of the system software, making the business abandon completely original the handicraft management style, use the conduct enterprise of the information management style capacity, raised a person all the value output and customer service horizontal. If the business statistician passes the application of that system, escaping from before tedious handicraft statistics, each department manager of business can be effective more in time to arrange the operations of each segment according to each kind of report, raising working efficiency, strengthening the supervision, the procurement costs of the valid regulate business and cost of marketings of the cost for controls. Because of the information just - ln - time, accurate collections and feedback, can strengthen the suitability and manufacturing of science, scheme of the decision - making contain preface, hitting the enhancement business competition ability and facilitating a business to win the object of the benefit. Take order as the manufacturing business business of the center internal supply chain to manage system through an implementation, make use of technical last word of the network information well, the information that raises a business obtains the capability and the knowledge backlog capability, contributing to the oneself of business identification in the whole stance in the supply chain and the advantage, strengthening business core competencies.
For adjusting the request of the social informationization age, in the higher education theories and the fulfillment combine together of the reform, 1 set's imitating true simulation the supply chain and the physical distribution management system test terrace is high to adjust the essential tool nowadays, letting the student is in the test of the process full comprehension with turn the supply chain and physical distribution management principle deeply. The thesis positive sets out from this side, passing a solid example of the system terrace of an order supervision tapping, versusing according to the JSP+the SQL SEVER 2000 technical orders managed system to steer analysis and study.
Keywords: Order; The order manages; The supply chain and physical distribution system; Management information systems
目 录
引言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1项目开发的背景 2
1.2订单及分销管理系统教学试验平台的发展现状 2
1.3开发工具介绍 3
1.3.1编程工具----JBuilder2006 3
1.3.2网页设计工具----Dreamweaver 8 5
1.3.2数据库服务器 - SQL SERVER 2000 5
2 可行性分析和软件开发计划 6
2.1问题定义 6
2.2系统可行性分析 7
2.2.1目标和方案的经济可行性 7
2.2.2技术方面的可行性 7
2.2.3社会方面的可行性 9
2.3 软件开发计划 9
2.3.1项目目标 9
2.3.2主要功能 9
2.3.3性能限制 10
2.3.4开发过程 10
3 系统的需求分析 10
3.1用户需求 10
3.2 性能需求 11
3.3 产品的功能需求 11
3.4 系统用户及运行环境 11
3.5 订单及分销管理程序的系统流程图 12
3.6 系统的外部接口 12
3.7 数据字典 12
3.8 订单及分销管理系统教学试验平台的数据流程图 14
4 系统的概要设计 18
4.1 软件的体系结构 18
4.2 系统的需求概述 20
4.3 条件与限制 20
4.4 系统的总体设计 20
4.4.1系统的处理流程 20
4.4.2系统的总体结构设计和模块外设计 21
4.4.3系统的部分功能分配 21
4.5 接口设计 21
4.5.1外部接口 21
4.5.2内部接口 22
4.6 数据结构设计 22
4.6.1逻辑结构设计 22
4.7 其它设计 22
4.7.1运行设计 22
4.7.2出错处理设计 23
4.7.3安全保密和维护设计 23
5 系统的详细设计 23
5.1 系统功能模块图 23
5.1.1订单及分销管理系统教学试验平台的功能模块图 23
5.1.2各个功能模块的设计 24
6 数据库设计 26
6.1 数据库的需求分析 26
6.2 数据库概念设计 27
6.3 数据库的逻辑设计 27
7 系统平台测试 31
7.1测试目的 31
7.2正常测试 31
7.3异常测试 31
7.4测试结果 31
7.5测试环境 31
8.1论文主要工作和成果 32
8.2创新性 32
8.3系统展望 33
谢 辞 34
参考文献: 35
全文8000余字 设计到位
摘 要
供应链及物流管理信息化又是管理信息系统新兴的一个时代的亮点,其主要包括供应商及采购管理系统;订单及分销管理系统;仓储管理系统;运输及配送管理系统;客户关系管理系统。而订单及分销管理系统是供应链及物流管理系统一个重要组成部分,以订单为中心的制造业企业内部供应链管理系统软件的开发和应用 ,使企业完全抛弃了原有手工管理模式 ,用信息管理模式管理企业生产 ,提高了人均产值和客户服务水平。如企业统计人员通过该系统的应用 ,脱离了以前繁琐的手工统计 ,企业各部门主管可以更及时有效的根据各类报表来安排各部门的工作 ,提高了工作效率 ,加强了成本控制管理 ,有效控制企业采购成本和销售成本。由于信息及时、准确收集和反馈 ,可增强决策的科学性、计划的适应性和生产的有序性 ,达到增强企业竞争力和促进企业赢利的目的。通过实施以订单为中心的制造业企业内部供应链管理系统 ,充分利用网络信息技术的最新成果 ,提高企业的信息获取能力和知识积累能力 ,有助于企业识别自身在整个供应链中的地位和优势 ,增强企业核心竞争力。
为了顺应社会信息化时代的要求,在高等教育理论与实践相结合的改革中,一套仿真模拟供应链及物流管理系统试验平台是当今高校所必需的工具,让学生在试验的过程中充分理解和深化供应链及物流管理理念。论文正是从这方面出发,通过一个订单管理系统平台开发实例,对基于JSP+SQL SEVER 2000技术的订单管理系统进行了分析和研究。
In the wake of china’s entering to WTO, a rapid change is going to take part in enterprise management mechanism and especially to the hi-tech enterprise in the ambience of impetuous market competition and if we want to survive in this rapid changeable market economy, we must effectively carry through some reformation technology and management exoterica, establishment of enterprise management. In the light of modern information technology and managemet exoterica, establishment of enterprise management information system is quite imperative under the situation.
The supply chain and physical distribution management are information-based and is a newly arisen of the management information systems age of a little bit bright, it mainly includes the supplier and the procure supervision system; The order and the retail supervision system; The warehouse supervision system; The transport and dispatching manage system; The client's relation manages system. But the order and retail manage system is the supply chain and the physical distribution management system an important constitution is part of, taking order as center of manufacturing business business the internal supply chain manage the tapping and application of the system software, making the business abandon completely original the handicraft management style, use the conduct enterprise of the information management style capacity, raised a person all the value output and customer service horizontal. If the business statistician passes the application of that system, escaping from before tedious handicraft statistics, each department manager of business can be effective more in time to arrange the operations of each segment according to each kind of report, raising working efficiency, strengthening the supervision, the procurement costs of the valid regulate business and cost of marketings of the cost for controls. Because of the information just - ln - time, accurate collections and feedback, can strengthen the suitability and manufacturing of science, scheme of the decision - making contain preface, hitting the enhancement business competition ability and facilitating a business to win the object of the benefit. Take order as the manufacturing business business of the center internal supply chain to manage system through an implementation, make use of technical last word of the network information well, the information that raises a business obtains the capability and the knowledge backlog capability, contributing to the oneself of business identification in the whole stance in the supply chain and the advantage, strengthening business core competencies.
For adjusting the request of the social informationization age, in the higher education theories and the fulfillment combine together of the reform, 1 set's imitating true simulation the supply chain and the physical distribution management system test terrace is high to adjust the essential tool nowadays, letting the student is in the test of the process full comprehension with turn the supply chain and physical distribution management principle deeply. The thesis positive sets out from this side, passing a solid example of the system terrace of an order supervision tapping, versusing according to the JSP+the SQL SEVER 2000 technical orders managed system to steer analysis and study.
Keywords: Order; The order manages; The supply chain and physical distribution system; Management information systems
目 录
引言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1项目开发的背景 2
1.2订单及分销管理系统教学试验平台的发展现状 2
1.3开发工具介绍 3
1.3.1编程工具----JBuilder2006 3
1.3.2网页设计工具----Dreamweaver 8 5
1.3.2数据库服务器 - SQL SERVER 2000 5
2 可行性分析和软件开发计划 6
2.1问题定义 6
2.2系统可行性分析 7
2.2.1目标和方案的经济可行性 7
2.2.2技术方面的可行性 7
2.2.3社会方面的可行性 9
2.3 软件开发计划 9
2.3.1项目目标 9
2.3.2主要功能 9
2.3.3性能限制 10
2.3.4开发过程 10
3 系统的需求分析 10
3.1用户需求 10
3.2 性能需求 11
3.3 产品的功能需求 11
3.4 系统用户及运行环境 11
3.5 订单及分销管理程序的系统流程图 12
3.6 系统的外部接口 12
3.7 数据字典 12
3.8 订单及分销管理系统教学试验平台的数据流程图 14
4 系统的概要设计 18
4.1 软件的体系结构 18
4.2 系统的需求概述 20
4.3 条件与限制 20
4.4 系统的总体设计 20
4.4.1系统的处理流程 20
4.4.2系统的总体结构设计和模块外设计 21
4.4.3系统的部分功能分配 21
4.5 接口设计 21
4.5.1外部接口 21
4.5.2内部接口 22
4.6 数据结构设计 22
4.6.1逻辑结构设计 22
4.7 其它设计 22
4.7.1运行设计 22
4.7.2出错处理设计 23
4.7.3安全保密和维护设计 23
5 系统的详细设计 23
5.1 系统功能模块图 23
5.1.1订单及分销管理系统教学试验平台的功能模块图 23
5.1.2各个功能模块的设计 24
6 数据库设计 26
6.1 数据库的需求分析 26
6.2 数据库概念设计 27
6.3 数据库的逻辑设计 27
7 系统平台测试 31
7.1测试目的 31
7.2正常测试 31
7.3异常测试 31
7.4测试结果 31
7.5测试环境 31
8.1论文主要工作和成果 32
8.2创新性 32
8.3系统展望 33
谢 辞 34
参考文献: 35