数字电压设计与总结报告,全文20页 约6300字论述翔实图文并茂目 录目 录1摘要:3一:方案选择5方案1:主要器件由芯片icl7106和液晶显示器lcd组成5方案2:主要器件由芯片icl7107和共阳极半导体数码管led组成。6方案3:采用逐次比较式a/d转换器够成的数字电压电流表6方案4:用芯片mc14433 和共阴...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文20页 约6300字 论述翔实 图文并茂
目 录
目 录 1
摘要: 3
一:方案选择 5
方案1:主要器件由芯片ICL7106和液晶显示器LCD组成 5
方案2:主要器件由芯片ICL7107和共阳极半导体数码管LED组成。 6
方案3:采用逐次比较式A/D转换器够成的数字电压电流表 6
方案4:用芯片MC14433 和共阴极数码管LED构成数字电压电流表 7
二:方案设计和论证 7
2.1电路原理及框图: 7
2.1.1关于芯片ICL7107的介绍 9
2.1.2时钟脉冲发生器(振荡器) 10
2.1.3 分频器 11
2.2芯片ICL7107外围电路的介绍 13
2.2.1 时钟振荡器(时钟脉冲发生器) 14
2.2.2 分压电路 14
2.2.3关于多量程电路部分 15
2.2.4 ICL7107的功能检查 16
三、总结 18
四、参考文献: 18
五、测试及结果分析: 19
5.1、测试仪器: 19
5.2、测试方法: 19
5.2.1 检查芯片ICL7107:见论文15页。 19
5.2.2 测试电压方法: 19
5.3 测试结果: 19
This design detailed described the direct current electric voltage of the test and the manifestation. Its main machine piece is the chip ICL7107 with a pair of integral calculus’s A/ D conversion machine and numerical electric circuit to complete the test function of the electric voltage . Because of 7107 the types are anti- for big electric current mutually the machine output; therefore, it shows that the total anode semi-conductor figures display LED of parts of adoptions completes the manifestation function of test the result. Among them, the outer circle electric circuit of the chip ICL7107 is in addition to connecting to have the direct driving total anode semi-conductor figures display LED, sometimes still connect the clock flaps the machine, presses the electric circuit, importation to carry the resistance to permit an electric circuit, basis electric capacity separately and adjusts zero electric capacities, the integral calculus electric resistances and the integral calculus electric capacities automatically. The characteristics of this design lies in the display of LED that the chip can drive the total anode directly,
don’t need to add another the actuator piece, so the whole machine circuit compares the simplification, and it show the bright degree is higher.
2. 常用电子测量仪器的使用,[英]A .M.L鲁特金著,谢瑞和、黄志良、谢白美、王观兰译电子工业出版社 1999
3. 数字电路与逻辑设计,刘浩斌(主编)汪良能、刘鑫、刘炜(编著),电子工业出版社 2001
4. 数字万用表的原理、使用与维修,沙占友、沙占为(编著)电子工业出版社 1988
全文20页 约6300字 论述翔实 图文并茂
目 录
目 录 1
摘要: 3
一:方案选择 5
方案1:主要器件由芯片ICL7106和液晶显示器LCD组成 5
方案2:主要器件由芯片ICL7107和共阳极半导体数码管LED组成。 6
方案3:采用逐次比较式A/D转换器够成的数字电压电流表 6
方案4:用芯片MC14433 和共阴极数码管LED构成数字电压电流表 7
二:方案设计和论证 7
2.1电路原理及框图: 7
2.1.1关于芯片ICL7107的介绍 9
2.1.2时钟脉冲发生器(振荡器) 10
2.1.3 分频器 11
2.2芯片ICL7107外围电路的介绍 13
2.2.1 时钟振荡器(时钟脉冲发生器) 14
2.2.2 分压电路 14
2.2.3关于多量程电路部分 15
2.2.4 ICL7107的功能检查 16
三、总结 18
四、参考文献: 18
五、测试及结果分析: 19
5.1、测试仪器: 19
5.2、测试方法: 19
5.2.1 检查芯片ICL7107:见论文15页。 19
5.2.2 测试电压方法: 19
5.3 测试结果: 19
This design detailed described the direct current electric voltage of the test and the manifestation. Its main machine piece is the chip ICL7107 with a pair of integral calculus’s A/ D conversion machine and numerical electric circuit to complete the test function of the electric voltage . Because of 7107 the types are anti- for big electric current mutually the machine output; therefore, it shows that the total anode semi-conductor figures display LED of parts of adoptions completes the manifestation function of test the result. Among them, the outer circle electric circuit of the chip ICL7107 is in addition to connecting to have the direct driving total anode semi-conductor figures display LED, sometimes still connect the clock flaps the machine, presses the electric circuit, importation to carry the resistance to permit an electric circuit, basis electric capacity separately and adjusts zero electric capacities, the integral calculus electric resistances and the integral calculus electric capacities automatically. The characteristics of this design lies in the display of LED that the chip can drive the total anode directly,
don’t need to add another the actuator piece, so the whole machine circuit compares the simplification, and it show the bright degree is higher.
2. 常用电子测量仪器的使用,[英]A .M.L鲁特金著,谢瑞和、黄志良、谢白美、王观兰译电子工业出版社 1999
3. 数字电路与逻辑设计,刘浩斌(主编)汪良能、刘鑫、刘炜(编著),电子工业出版社 2001
4. 数字万用表的原理、使用与维修,沙占友、沙占为(编著)电子工业出版社 1988