土钉墙毕业设计,本文档包含土钉墙设计整套资料,包括开题报告、cad图、设计资料(103页)、答辩ppt等等。摘 要本文共有三部分,第一部分为主设计,即济南市儿童医院地下车库基坑的土钉墙支护及其施工、监测。第二部分为专题设计,即桩基础设计。第三部分是英译汉。第一部分共有八章,第四章、第五章、第六章为主要内容。通过对所给工程...

原文档由会员 jysln 发布土钉墙毕业设计
摘 要
关键字 基坑 土钉 稳定性 桩基础
This has two parts, the first priority design, namely Children's Hospital of Jinan City, the underground garage pit soil nailing wall and its construction and monitoring. Part 2 is the project design, which is the design of pile foundation.
First there are eight chapters. And the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter is the main content. Through the analysis of the project profile, the supporting scheme selection principle, basis and method, the soil nailing support scheme. Firstly, we need determine the specific parameters of soil nailing, including the stability analysis and calculation, the soil nailed soil pressure to decorate. Then we need the stability checking including local stability and overall stability checking. Among them, soil nail specific parameter is the point. Construction scheme and the soil nailing later are used to guarantee the safety in the process of the construction of soil nail and monitoring. Therefore, the author has made specific provision for the construction and monitoring program.
Part 2 is the project design. Via the studying the knowledge of the pile foundation, and the building codes, the author has completed the final design.
Part 3 is translation, which is from English into Chinese. Through translating a foreign literature, we can continuously improve their professional English ability.
Through this graduation design, I believe that this will have big help to their future work. It let my professional power improve a lot.
Keywords pit soil nail stability the pile foundation
第一章 绪论 .…………………………………………………..1
1.1设计目的和意义 1
1.2国内外深基坑的发展现状 2
1.3深基坑支护中的几个热点问题 4
1.4设计的主要内容 7
第二章 工程概况 …………………………………………………8
2.1工程简况 8
2.2场地地质条件 8
第三章 支护方案的选择 ………………………………………...11
3.1基坑支护结构类型及适用范围 11
3.2基坑支护结构选取的依据和原则 13
3.3土钉支护的工作性能 16
第四章 支护体系参数确定 ……………………………………..18
4.1土压力计算 18
4.2土钉支护参数确定的原则 31
4.3土钉墙的布置 33
4.4土钉长度计算及其局部验算 33
第五章 土钉墙支护稳定性验算 ………………………………..40
5.1土钉墙外部稳定性分析 40
5.2土钉墙内部稳定性分析 41
第六章 施工组织设计 …………………………………………..46
6.1工程概况 46
6.2施工说明及要求 46
6.3支护结构的施工 47
6.4降水工程设计与施工 52
第七章 基坑监测方案设计 ……………………………………..55
7.1工程概况 55
7.2监测意义 55
7.3基坑开挖注意事项 56
7.4基坑监测项目 57
7.5监测方案 58
7.6监测数据处理 65
第八章 施工安全与对策 ……………………………………......67
8.1机械安全措施 67
8.2安全用电措施 67
8.3施工安全措施 68
8.4防雨措施 68
第九章 专题设计 70
9.1设计说明 70
9.2柱下独立基础 70
9.3柱下条形基础 77
第十章 翻译 ………………………………………………….85
参考文献 ………………………………………………...101
致 谢 ………………………………………………...102