

浅析我国网络银行的发展现状及存在问题,全文约4500字 论述精确【摘要】1995年10月美国“安全第一网络银行”诞生以来,网络银行借助现代信息技术,以其低成本、高效益、方便快捷、应用广泛等特点,显示了强大的生命力,正在成为金融机构拓宽服务领域、实现业务增长、调整经营战略、促进金融发展的重要手段。本文着重分析了我国网络银行...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布


全文约4500字 论述精确


【关键词】网络银行 业务 技术风险 监管

Abstract:In October 1995 the United States "safety first Internet banking" Since the birth of online banking relying on modern information technology, with its low-cost, high-efficiency, convenient and widespread application of the characteristics demonstrated strong vitality, is a financial institution to broaden the area of services, and achieving business growth, to adapt business strategies, promoting the development of important financial means. The analysis focused on the development status of my Internet banking, and through the development of Internet banking and foreign contrast to the problems and constraints to the development of our Internet banking responses and suggestions.
Key words: Internet Banking; Business; Technical risks; Supervision