毕业论文 变电站运行方案.doc


毕业论文 变电站运行方案,变电站运行方案全文50页论述详细设计科学合理摘要变电站是电力系统中的重要一个重要环节,变电站中各种设备的合理布置和安全运行直接关系到电力系统的安全和稳定。因此,变电站中各种电气装置和建筑物的布置是变电站设计中的一个重要组成部分。本设计主要是针对焦南110kv变电站一次系统,概述了设计的基本过程和基本方法。第一章概括介绍...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布


全文50页 论述详细 设计科学合理

摘 要

关键词: 变压器 变电站 主接线 短路计算

Substation is an important link of power system, its appropriate disposal and safe operation will influence the stabilization and safety of power system directly. So more attention should be paid on the disposal of the electric devices and buildings during the process of designing a transformer station.
This design is to aim at making one subsystem of Jiao Zuo 110 kV Substation mainly.Chapter1has generalized to introduce research of domestic and international electric power industry and present conditions and basic circumstance of Jiao Zuo Substation . Chapter 3 is a choice that connects line and the electricity equipments. According to the original data of Jiao Zuo Substation to draft connect line form, capacities andt model numbers of generators, main transformers, the transformer the high pressure used by an factories, high the capacity transformers used in case. Connects the line is body of designs the power plant, .Credibility and economy standard of power Substation is closely related,it has bigger influence to choice and arrangement of the electric appliances, to the way of protection and control, etc. According to the technique data of chapter , do the short-circuit electric current calculation of subsystem in chapter 4, provides basises for the behind equipments. The choice of the subsystem in Chapter 5, it's carry on check electric of appliances equipments under the condition of normal short-circuit condition.Also is synthesization of before part.
This paper investigates the disposal of various important parts of the Substation deeply, including the general arrangement principles and requirements of the Substation and the disposal requirements and forms of various electric equipments. Then, according to these principles and requirements, a substation that adopts the line-transformers as the main electric connector is designed practically. This design mainly includes the general arrangement of the station and the disposals of the 110kV Substation distribution equipment, the main transformer, the building and its inner, as well as the road.
Keywords: transformer substation the form of main connected lines short-circuit calculation.

目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 我国电力的发展概况 1
1.2 变电站的类型 1
1.3 研究任务 2
1.4 焦南现有负荷和变电站原始资料调查 2
2 负荷计算及变压器选择 4
2.1 负荷计算 4
2.1.1 负荷计算的意义 4
2.1.2 负荷计算 4
2.2 变压器的选择 5
2.2.1 变压器的选择原则 5
2.2.2 主变压器容量和台数的确定 7
2.2.3 主变压器型式的确定 7
2.3 本章小结 8
3 电气主接线的设计 9
3.1 电气主接线设计原则 9
3.2 主接线设计的基本要求 9
3.3 电气主接线方案的拟定 11
3.4 110KV母线的电气主接线 13
3.5 本章小结 14
4 短路电流计算 15
4.1 系统短路电流计算的目的 15
4.2 短路电流的计算 15
4.3 本章小结 19
5 电气设备的选择与校验 20
5.1 电气设备选择的一般条件 20
5.1.1 按正常工作条件选择设备 20
5.1.2 按短路条件校验设备的动稳定和热稳定 21
5.2 本变电站的电气设备型号选择 21
5.2.1 断路器的选择和校验 21
5.2.2 隔离开关的选择和校验 24
5.2.3 电流互感器的选择和校验 27
5.2.4 电压互感器的选择 29
5.2.5 限流电抗器选择条件 31
5.3 导体选择 32
5.4 避雷器的选择 34
5.5 本章小结 35
6. 配电装置 36
6.1 配电装置概述 36
6.2 屋内配电装置 36
6.2.1 布置设备时应当注意的原则 36
6.2.2 各电气设备布置原则 37
6.2.3 屋内配电装置的特点 38
6.3 屋外配电装置 39
6.3.1 各电气设备布置原则 39
6.3.2 屋外配电装置的特点 40
6.4 各电压等级配电装置宜采用的方式 40
6.4.1 10kV配电装置 40
6.4.2 35kV配电装置 40
6.5 本章小结 41
结 论 42
致 谢 43
参 考 文 献 44


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8 王崇林、邹有明主编. 供电技术. 煤炭工业出版社, 1996
9 范锡普编. 发电厂电气部分. 中国电力出版社, 1987
10 何仰赞编. 电力系统分析. 华中理工大学出版社,1996