[本科毕业论文]概念隐喻理论在词汇习得中的应用,applications of conceptual metaphors in vocabulary acquisitiona thesis submittedto school of foreign languages, _______ universityin partial fulfillment of the ...

此文档由会员 gongjunyang 发布 Applications of Conceptual Metaphors in Vocabulary Acquisition
A Thesis Submitted
to School of Foreign Languages, _______ University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
May 10, 2010
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Wen Junchao, for his great effort and patience devoted to the course of my thesis writing, including helping me to choose the topic, decide the theme and content, amend my thesis and give me face-to-face instructions.
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the School of Foreign Languages, Xuchang University as well as all my teachers.
Besides, my great gratitude also goes to those writers and editors whose works I have perused and benefited greatly from without which the completion of the thesis would not have been possible.
Finally, I would appreciate to Gao Jun and my classmates, who help me a lot with my thesis writing.
关键词:概念隐喻; 词汇习得; 多义词; 习语
Vocabulary acquisition ability is one of the most important linguistic competences for foreign language learners. Language researchers have explored a wide range of vocabulary acquisition theories. However, these theories also have their own weak points. Lakoff proposed that language is structured by metaphors, which provides us with a new perspective for studies of vocabulary acquisition theory. In light of this, this paper intends to analyze the applications of conceptual metaphors in vocabulary acquisition based on conceptual metaphor theory. This thesis intended to make some enlightenment on vocabulary acquisition so as to improve learning efficiency.
Key words: conceptual metaphors; vocabulary acquisition; polysemous words; idioms
Tables of Contents
Acknowledgements I
摘要 II
Abstract III
Tables of Contents IV
Introduction 1
Chapter One On Vocabulary Acquisition 2
1.1 Traditional Studies on Vocabulary Acquisition 2
1.2 Problems of Traditional Studies 3
Chapter Two Conceptual Metaphors and Word Motivations 5
2.1 Definition and Types of Conceptual Metaphors 5
2.2 Word Motivations and Conceptual Metaphors 6
2.2.1 Semantic Motivation and Conceptual Metaphors 6
2.2.2 Cultural Motivation and Conceptual Metaphors 8
Chapter Three Applications of Conceptual Metaphors 10
3.1 Applications in Polysemy 10
3.2 Applications in Idioms 10
3.3 Applications in Affixes 11
Conclusion 13
Works Cited 14
Lakoff认为:“隐喻是一种思维方式,隐喻无处不在,语言在本质上是隐喻性的,我们借以思维和行动的概念系统在本质上基本是隐喻的”。 束定芳和汤本庆指出:“语言教师可以利用隐喻理论来解释语言意义的变化发展过程,解释词汇意义之间的相互关系,同时,还可以利用概念隐喻理论来解释语言中各种不同形式的隐喻之间的系统性和相互关系”。蔡龙权认为:“隐喻过程中的语义转移为语词的意义扩展提供了平台。隐喻、认知和语言的这一密切关系为词汇学习等外语学习找到了依据,这为我们研究词汇习得提供了一个新的视角。