基于vlan技术的校园网—之物理网络建设,基于vlan技术的校园网——之物理网络建设 全文42页 约12000字论述翔实摘要1.校园网建设已逐渐成为信息化时代高校及中小学优先考虑的课题,这与我国倡导的素质教育息息相关。要建设一个能够满足当前使用和将来扩展的校园网,要根据校园网的网络需求和校园信息点的分布来进行设计和建设。将整个网络设为星型拓扑结构,以信息中心中...

此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文42页 约12000字 论述翔实
1. 校园网建设已逐渐成为信息化时代高校及中小学优先考虑的课题,这与我国倡导的素质教育息息相关。要建设一个能够满足当前使用和将来扩展的校园网,要根据校园网的网络需求和校园信息点的分布来进行设计和建设。将整个网络设为星型拓扑结构,以信息中心中心机房作为整个网络的中心,用两台高速三层交换机作为中心交换机,整网络采用千兆以太网技术形成高速链路通道,辐射到校园内的各处。整网络以虚拟局域网技术为基础,分区域划分为不同的虚拟局域网,为了使不同的虚拟局域网之间能够互相通信,在两台中心交换机之间接入一个中心路由器提供数据转发。整个网络工程分为需求分析、总体设计和工程实施三个部分。
The construction of Campus Network has become the Priority in the information age in all schools such as universities, high schools and primary schools because our country has been focusing on all-round education. To construct a campus network which can meet the current use and future expansion, we should construct it according to the needs of campus Network and the distribution of information point at schools. We make the whole network as the Star network topology, the computer office in information center as the center of the entire network, two high-speed 3 layer switch as the central switchboard and the entire network that is formed by using Gigabit Ethernet technology as high-speed channel link to radiate to everywhere in the campus. The entire network is based on VLAN technology and divided into different VLAN according to areas. In order to correspondent with each other among different VLAN, a router is needed between two center switch to transmit data. The entire project is divided into three parts: analysis of demand for network, design and implementation of the project.
[Keywords]: Campus Network, Topology Structures, Virtual Local Area Network, Internet Protocol Address Assignment
摘要 I
Abstract II
前言 1
第一章 校园网络需求分析 2
1.1 项目背景 2
1.2 可行性分析 2
1.3 需求分析 3
1.4 小结 14
第二章 校园网总体设计 15
2.1 网络分层结构设计 15
2.2 网络拓扑结构设计 16
2.3 网络系统设计 17
2.4 网络设备选型 19
2.5 VLAN划分与IP地址分配 22
2.6 交换机的配置 28
2.7 小结 33
第三章 校园网工程实施 34
3.1 技术组织措施 34
3.2 工程实施方案 35
3.3 系统测试与验收 36
3.4 小结 36
结束语 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39
[10]Marcus Goncalves. 防火墙技术指南. 宋书民,朱智强,徐开勇. 北京:机械工业出版社,2004. 161~169
[11]刘有珠,罗少彬,徐也可,崔明远,李舒亮. 计算机网络技术基础. 北京:清华大学出版社,2004. 163~174
[12]王维江,钟小平,黄建中,张金石. 网络应用方案与实例精讲. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2003. 109~115
[13]Cisco Systems公司. 思科网络技术学院教程(第三、四学期). 思科网络技术学院. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2004. 140~145
全文42页 约12000字 论述翔实
1. 校园网建设已逐渐成为信息化时代高校及中小学优先考虑的课题,这与我国倡导的素质教育息息相关。要建设一个能够满足当前使用和将来扩展的校园网,要根据校园网的网络需求和校园信息点的分布来进行设计和建设。将整个网络设为星型拓扑结构,以信息中心中心机房作为整个网络的中心,用两台高速三层交换机作为中心交换机,整网络采用千兆以太网技术形成高速链路通道,辐射到校园内的各处。整网络以虚拟局域网技术为基础,分区域划分为不同的虚拟局域网,为了使不同的虚拟局域网之间能够互相通信,在两台中心交换机之间接入一个中心路由器提供数据转发。整个网络工程分为需求分析、总体设计和工程实施三个部分。
The construction of Campus Network has become the Priority in the information age in all schools such as universities, high schools and primary schools because our country has been focusing on all-round education. To construct a campus network which can meet the current use and future expansion, we should construct it according to the needs of campus Network and the distribution of information point at schools. We make the whole network as the Star network topology, the computer office in information center as the center of the entire network, two high-speed 3 layer switch as the central switchboard and the entire network that is formed by using Gigabit Ethernet technology as high-speed channel link to radiate to everywhere in the campus. The entire network is based on VLAN technology and divided into different VLAN according to areas. In order to correspondent with each other among different VLAN, a router is needed between two center switch to transmit data. The entire project is divided into three parts: analysis of demand for network, design and implementation of the project.
[Keywords]: Campus Network, Topology Structures, Virtual Local Area Network, Internet Protocol Address Assignment
摘要 I
Abstract II
前言 1
第一章 校园网络需求分析 2
1.1 项目背景 2
1.2 可行性分析 2
1.3 需求分析 3
1.4 小结 14
第二章 校园网总体设计 15
2.1 网络分层结构设计 15
2.2 网络拓扑结构设计 16
2.3 网络系统设计 17
2.4 网络设备选型 19
2.5 VLAN划分与IP地址分配 22
2.6 交换机的配置 28
2.7 小结 33
第三章 校园网工程实施 34
3.1 技术组织措施 34
3.2 工程实施方案 35
3.3 系统测试与验收 36
3.4 小结 36
结束语 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39
[10]Marcus Goncalves. 防火墙技术指南. 宋书民,朱智强,徐开勇. 北京:机械工业出版社,2004. 161~169
[11]刘有珠,罗少彬,徐也可,崔明远,李舒亮. 计算机网络技术基础. 北京:清华大学出版社,2004. 163~174
[12]王维江,钟小平,黄建中,张金石. 网络应用方案与实例精讲. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2003. 109~115
[13]Cisco Systems公司. 思科网络技术学院教程(第三、四学期). 思科网络技术学院. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2004. 140~145