桥梁设计计算书,摘 要本设计是根据设计任务书的要求和《公路桥规》的规定,对高坎——上官伯段的高坎大桥进行方案比选和设计的。对该桥的设计,本着“安全、经济、美观、实用”的八字原则,本论文提出两种不同的桥型方案进行比较和选择:方案一为预应力混凝土简支梁桥,方案二为 拱桥。经由以上的八字原则以及设计施工等多方面考虑、比较确定预...

此文档由会员 cmltlkyzxcyb 发布桥梁设计计算书
摘 要
本设计是根据设计任务书的要求和《公路桥规》的规定,对高坎——上官伯段的高坎大桥进行方案比选和设计的。对该桥的设计,本着“安全、经济、美观、实用”的八字原则,本论文提出两种不同的桥型方案进行比较和选择:方案一为预应力混凝土简支梁桥,方案二为 拱桥。经由以上的八字原则以及设计施工等多方面考虑、比较确定预应力混凝土简支梁桥(锥形锚具)为推荐方案。
本设计全部设计图纸采用计算机辅助设计绘制,计算机编档、排版,打印出图及论文。还有,翻译了一篇英文短文“Reliability analysis”。
This is a partial struct design of a flyover crossing that is over the railway in Gaokan—Shangguanbo, according to designing assignment and the standard of road and bridge. For the purpose of make the type of the bridge corresponding with the ambience and cost saving, this paper provides two different types of bridge for selection: the first one is pre-stressed concrete continuous bridge; the second one is double cantilever half through no-thrust arch bridge. After the comparisons of economy, appearance, characteristic under the strength and effect, the first one is selected.
In this design, The checking calculation of strength of main girder was preceded not only in prestressed statement but also in using statement, deflection,precamber and the assessment of reinforcing steel bar were checked too.
The pier of the bridge was basing on digging pile, and adopted rubber pot bearing. According to the characteristic of the overpass bridge and spot condition, it adopted the method that the cantilever job placing combined with bracket job placing.
All of the design drawings were protracted by AutoCAD. Except that the thesis called A note on dynamic fracture of the bridge bearing due to the great Hanshin–Awaji earthquake was translated into Chinese, and made a report on.
Keywords: prestressed concrete、AutoCAD、simple supported beam bridge、cast-in-place pile、cone anchorage device。
第一部分 桥梁设计 1
第一章 水文计算 1
1.1原始资料 1
1.2 水文计算 3
第二章 方案比选 6
2.1 方案一:预应力钢筋混凝土简支梁(锥型锚具) 6
2.2方案二:钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥 10
第三章 总体布置及主梁的设计 11
3.1设计资料及构造布置 11
3.2主梁内力计算 12
第四章 预应力钢束的估算及其布置 21
4.1跨中截面钢束的估算与确定 21
4.2钢束预应力损失计算 25
4.3截面强度验算 28
4.4预加内力计算 34
4.5主梁斜截面验算 35
4.6截面应力验算 41
4.7主梁端部的局部承压验算 46
第五章 下部结构的计算 51
5.1盖梁的计算 51
5.2桥墩墩柱计算 58
5.3钻孔灌注桩的设计计算 60
第二部分 英文翻译 63
Reliability analysis : 63
可靠性分析 70
结束语 74