

我国突发环境保护事件应急立法存在的问题及其对策,全文13页约8200字 论述翔实 摘要:我国每年都会发生许多环境污染、生态破坏等突发性环境保护事件,其应急处理实践出现了一些问题。这些问题的出现与法律缺乏规定、法律规定不周全和法律规定之间不衔接密切相关。本文在对目前我国环境保护事件应急立法存在的问题进行分析之后,认为应结合...
分类: 论文>法学论文


此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布


全文13页 约8200字 论述翔实



On Problems of Chinese Legislation on Meeting Outburst Environmental Events and Their Countermeasures

Abstract: Many Outburst environmental events such as environmental pollution and natural destory, occures in our country every year. Problems have appeared in the practice of meeting such emergent events. Such problems are related with no regulation in legislations or incomplete regulations, and no joint between or among the provisions. After analysing the problems existed in legislations on meeting outburst environmental events, the author sets forth the point that we ought to construct a final legislative system mode composed by special regulations in constitution, special section in Emergent State Act and Environmental Protection Act, Law on Meeting Outburst Environmental Events and It’s implemtive statute or detailed rules, special sections or articles in environment single acts, special sections or articles in environment administrative statutes and administrative regulations. Because the realization of the final legislative mode needs accumulation of legislation, legal innovation and legal perfection for a long period of time.And that we need manipulated, all-sided and colligated legislations now, so the author brings forward the point of constituting Statute on Meeting Outburst Environmental Events temporarily. Because systematic regimes are life of legal system, so the author brings forward some advice on creating regime system about meeting outburst environmental events at the end of this article.
Keywords:outburst; environmental event; meet an emergency; legislation; regime


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