
此文档由会员 何倩倩 发布
摘 要
通过对指纹识别系统的研究、设计与开发,综合运用了信号采集及接收技术,图像处理及识别技术, 基本实现了利用单片机进行指纹识别系统开发的目的。
关键词:指纹识别;FPS200指纹传感器;MCS-51系列单片机;图像处理; 图像识别
In this paper, we introduce the basic structure of fingerprint identification system and its main program. We also discuss on how to design a fingerprint identification system in two aspects including hardware system and software system. Hardware system is based on the circuit connection with the series of MCS-51 chip, FPS200 fingerprint sensor and RS232 interface chip, and also including the program design of the chip; software system is included two main aspects, image processing and image identification, and we give the program of the image processing in computer language(MATLAB). The results show that the images acquired from the system proposed in this paper are more clear and less distorted, and the processing images are more distinguish , the images after transform are wonderful prepare for classification and identification of fingerprints.
The full text contents include five chapters: 1. The first Chapter is introduction; 2. The second Chapter is the design of the hardware and the receive program of data. 3. The third Chapter is the Implement Algorithm of image processing and the image identification ; 4. The fourth Chapter is the implement of main Algorithm and analysis of experiment; 5. The fifth Chapter is summary.
Key words: fingerprint identification; FPS200 fingerprint sensor; the series of MCS-51 chip; image processing; image identification
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 综述 1
1.2 指纹识别技术的发展历史 2
第二章 指纹识别系统的硬件设计 3
2.1 概述 3
2.2 主要芯片的功能介绍 3
2.2.1 FPS200半导体指纹传感器 3
2.3 硬件平台的设计方案 4
第三章 指纹图像处理与识别的算法 6
3.1 指纹识别的基本概念 6
第四章 指纹图像处理的算法实现 7
4.1 引言 7
4.2 MATLAB简介 7
4.3 基于MATLAB编程平台的算法实现 8
4.4 程序调试与结果分析 8
第五章 总 结 10
致 谢 11
参考文献 12
英文原文 13
译文 14
[1] 刘少聪. 新指纹学[M]. 合肥: 安徽人民出版社,1984.
[2] 胡汉才. 单片机原理及其接口技术[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 1996.
[3] 张贤达. 现代信号处理[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社,2002.10.
[4] 姚天任,孙洪. 现代数字信号处理[M]. 武汉: 华中科技大学出版社,1999..
[5] 傅德胜,寿亦禾. 图形图像处理学[M]. 南京: 东南大学出版社,2001.
[6] 赵荣椿. 数字图像处理导论[M]. 西安: 西北工业大学书版社,1995.
[7] 林国清. 指纹图象预处理方法的研究[ J ]. 光电工程,2002,29(5).
[8] 李海雄. 活体指纹识别系统及其应用[ J ]. 计算技术与自动化,2003,22(4).
[9] 万志坚. 指纹图象识别技术机器应用前景[ J ]. 交通与计算机,2003,2(21).
[10] 刘旭,田捷. 自动指纹识别算法在嵌入式系统上的实现[J]. 计算机工程与应用,2002.21.
[11] FPS200 Datasheet .veridicom公司,2002 .
[12] Gold S, Rangarajan A. A graduated assign ment algorithm for graph matching[J]. IEEE Trans on Pattern Anal Machine Intell,1996,18(4)
[13] Jain A K, Prabhakar S, Hong L, Pankanti S. Filterband-based fingerprint matching[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2000,9(5)
[14] Alex Stoianov, Colin Soutar, et al. High speed fingerprint verification using an optical correlator[A]. SPIE[C]. 1998,3386:242-252
[15] CHEN Huaixin, CHEN Xiaowei, CHEN Zhenpei, et al. Real-time fingerprint identification system wit discriminability[J]. Chinese Journal of Laser,2001, 28(3):279-283
摘 要
通过对指纹识别系统的研究、设计与开发,综合运用了信号采集及接收技术,图像处理及识别技术, 基本实现了利用单片机进行指纹识别系统开发的目的。
关键词:指纹识别;FPS200指纹传感器;MCS-51系列单片机;图像处理; 图像识别
In this paper, we introduce the basic structure of fingerprint identification system and its main program. We also discuss on how to design a fingerprint identification system in two aspects including hardware system and software system. Hardware system is based on the circuit connection with the series of MCS-51 chip, FPS200 fingerprint sensor and RS232 interface chip, and also including the program design of the chip; software system is included two main aspects, image processing and image identification, and we give the program of the image processing in computer language(MATLAB). The results show that the images acquired from the system proposed in this paper are more clear and less distorted, and the processing images are more distinguish , the images after transform are wonderful prepare for classification and identification of fingerprints.
The full text contents include five chapters: 1. The first Chapter is introduction; 2. The second Chapter is the design of the hardware and the receive program of data. 3. The third Chapter is the Implement Algorithm of image processing and the image identification ; 4. The fourth Chapter is the implement of main Algorithm and analysis of experiment; 5. The fifth Chapter is summary.
Key words: fingerprint identification; FPS200 fingerprint sensor; the series of MCS-51 chip; image processing; image identification
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 综述 1
1.2 指纹识别技术的发展历史 2
第二章 指纹识别系统的硬件设计 3
2.1 概述 3
2.2 主要芯片的功能介绍 3
2.2.1 FPS200半导体指纹传感器 3
2.3 硬件平台的设计方案 4
第三章 指纹图像处理与识别的算法 6
3.1 指纹识别的基本概念 6
第四章 指纹图像处理的算法实现 7
4.1 引言 7
4.2 MATLAB简介 7
4.3 基于MATLAB编程平台的算法实现 8
4.4 程序调试与结果分析 8
第五章 总 结 10
致 谢 11
参考文献 12
英文原文 13
译文 14
[1] 刘少聪. 新指纹学[M]. 合肥: 安徽人民出版社,1984.
[2] 胡汉才. 单片机原理及其接口技术[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 1996.
[3] 张贤达. 现代信号处理[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社,2002.10.
[4] 姚天任,孙洪. 现代数字信号处理[M]. 武汉: 华中科技大学出版社,1999..
[5] 傅德胜,寿亦禾. 图形图像处理学[M]. 南京: 东南大学出版社,2001.
[6] 赵荣椿. 数字图像处理导论[M]. 西安: 西北工业大学书版社,1995.
[7] 林国清. 指纹图象预处理方法的研究[ J ]. 光电工程,2002,29(5).
[8] 李海雄. 活体指纹识别系统及其应用[ J ]. 计算技术与自动化,2003,22(4).
[9] 万志坚. 指纹图象识别技术机器应用前景[ J ]. 交通与计算机,2003,2(21).
[10] 刘旭,田捷. 自动指纹识别算法在嵌入式系统上的实现[J]. 计算机工程与应用,2002.21.
[11] FPS200 Datasheet .veridicom公司,2002 .
[12] Gold S, Rangarajan A. A graduated assign ment algorithm for graph matching[J]. IEEE Trans on Pattern Anal Machine Intell,1996,18(4)
[13] Jain A K, Prabhakar S, Hong L, Pankanti S. Filterband-based fingerprint matching[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2000,9(5)
[14] Alex Stoianov, Colin Soutar, et al. High speed fingerprint verification using an optical correlator[A]. SPIE[C]. 1998,3386:242-252
[15] CHEN Huaixin, CHEN Xiaowei, CHEN Zhenpei, et al. Real-time fingerprint identification system wit discriminability[J]. Chinese Journal of Laser,2001, 28(3):279-283