

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布



关键词: 压力;AT89C51单片机;压力传感器;A/D转换器;LCD显示;


Pressure is one of the important parameters in the process of industrial production. Pressure detection or control is an essential condition to ensure production and the equipment to safely operating, which is of great significance. The single-chip is infiltrating into all fields of our lives, so it is very difficult to find the area in which there is no traces of single-chip microcomputer. In this graduation design, primarily through by using single-chip and dedicated chip, handling of analog signal measured by the sensor to complete intelligent function. This design illustrates external hardware circuit design of intelligent pressure sensor, and conduct software development to the hardware.
The design is based on measurement and display of AT89C51 single-chip. This
is the pressure sensors will convert the pressure into electrical signals. After using operational amplifier, the signal is amplified, and transferred to the 8-bit A/D converter. Then the analog signal is converted into digital signals which can be identified by single-chip and then converted by single-chip into the information which can be displayed on LED monitor, and finally display output. In the course of show, through the keyboard to input all kinds of data and commands into the computer, the single-chip will locate in a predetermined function step to display required values.
In addition,based sensor thermal drift and nonlinearity principle,this paper has designed
Intelligent sensor hardware circuit and edited a C51Program.The circuit with micro-Process is
simple and cheap,though the result has still a little error.
Key words: pressure; AT89C51 single-chip; pressure sensor; A/D converter; LCD monitor;

第一章 绪 论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2选题的背景和意义 1
1.3智能压力传感器的发展方向 2
1.4本文研究的内容 3
第二章 系统总体方案设计 4
2.1系统任务描述 4
2.1.1控制系统要求 4
2.1.2主要仪器的选择 4
2.2系统总体设计 6
2.2.1系统组成 6
2.2.2基于单片机的智能压力检测的原理 6
第三章 压力传感系统硬件设计 7
3.1压力传感器 7
3.1.1金属应变片的工作原理 7
3.1.2 电阻应变片的基本结构 8
3.1.3电阻应变片的测量电路 8
3.1.4电桥电路的工作原理 9
3.1.5非线性误差及温度补偿 10
3.2信号放大电路 11
3.2.1三运放放大电路 11
3.3 A/D转换器 12
3.3.1 A/D转换器的简介 12
3.3.2 配置位说明 13
3.3.3 工作时序图 14
3.3.4 单片机对ADC0832的控制原理 15
3.4 单片机 17
3.4.1 AT89C51单片机简介 17
3.4.2主要特性 17
3.4.3管脚说明 18
3.4.4振荡器特性 19
3.4.5芯片擦除 20
3.5 液晶屏LCD简介 20
3.5.1液晶显示器原理 20
3.5.2液晶显示器分类 20
3.5.3字符的显示 21
3.5.4 LM016L引脚功能说明 21
3.6 报警模块 22
第四章 软件设计 23
4.1 系统的主程序 23
4.2 A/D转换器的软件设计 25
4.2.1 ADC0832芯片接口程序的编写 26
4.3 LCD数码管显示程序设计 27
4.3.1 LM016LCD的RAM地址映射及标准字库表 27。
第五章 PROTEUS 仿真调试 29
5.1仿真软件了解 29
5.1.1proteus软件介绍 29
5.1.2protuse功能和特点 29
5.2本次设计仿真过程 30
5.2.1 创建原理图 30
5.2.2 绘制仿真原理图 30
5.2.3 系统调试 31
5.2.4 开始仿真 31
第六章 总结 33
6.1 设计总结 33
6.2展望和不足 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录一 PROTEL图 37
附录二 源程序 38

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