仓库开发管理系统 .doc
仓库开发管理系统 ,摘 要目前,很多企业还在使用上世纪的仓库人工化管理模式,但是随着企业的发展,传统的管理模式已经不能满足现代管理的需求。而目前随着计算机水平的发展,以及对计算机的认识,智能化仓库管理已经被越来越多的认识,所以我们的目的就是研究出更加智能的仓库的管理系统。只有这样,才能让企业极大的提高仓库人员的工作效率,减少仓库的漏洞以...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
At present, many companies are still using the last century, the warehouseman-management model, but as the business grows, the traditional management modelcan not meet the needs of modern management. With the level of development, as well as on the computer, intelligent warehouse management has been more and moreaware, so our aim is to come up with more intelligent warehouse management system.The only way to allow enterprises to greatly improve the efficiency of warehouse staff, reduce the vulnerability of the warehouse, and comprehensively improve themanagement level of the warehouse.
Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a combination of computer applications and enterprise warehouse management. Its presence allows the factory to simplify themanagement company's warehouse, only its appearance in order to improve the efficiency of enterprises, corporate culture and management to reach a new, intelligentstage.
This system is the use of the PowerBuilder database technology coupled with ACCESSas a small database software. The system can be simple and effective to helpcompanies better manage warehouse system, the design of warehouse materialsmanagement database system for the purpose of order to the overall management of the warehouse storage of goods and cargo security and integrity of maintaining thecompany's assets, reduce inventory turnaround time, so that operating the company'smaterials management, structured, orderly, provide the basis for the procurement and sales, thereby enhancing the operational efficiency of the company
KeyWords: Warehouse Management System , Database, PowerBuilder
Management Information System
目 录
第一章 系统分析 8
1.1 系统目标 8
1.2 系统需求分析 8
第二章 系统总体设计 10
2.1 系统功能结构设计 10
2.2 开发设计思想 11
2.3 开发工具及运行环境 11
2.3.1 总体开发工具及环境 11
2.3.2 开发工具简介 12
第三章 数据库设计与实现 14
3.1 数据库需求分析 14
3.2 数据库概念结构设计 14
3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计与实现 15
3.4 数据库的连接 19
3.4.1 程序设计时与数据库的连接 19
3.4.2 程序运行时与数据库的连接 20
第四章 关键模块及代码设计 21
4.1 应用程序对象设计 21
4.2 登陆界面设计 21
4.3 主界面设计 23
4.4 用户信息模块设计 25
4.5 货物管理模块 25
4.6 货物的入库和出库的基本信息管理 28
4.7 库存信息的管理 31
4.8 出库报表和入库报表的管理 32
第五章 系统的编译和发布 34
5.1 用户登录的测试 34
5.3 发布 44
第六章 结论 45
致 谢 46
参考文献 47
[1]赵晓阳. 仓库管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 医学信息, 2010,(03) .
[2]李喆. 仓库管理系统分析研究[J]. 魅力中国, 2010,(01) .
[3]陈男. 基于数据库的仓库管理系统设计与开发[J]. 信息与电脑(理论版), 2010,(05) .
[4]张建国. 企业仓库管理系统分析[J]. 山西财经大学学报, 2009,(S1) .
[5]徐玲. 仓库管理信息系统开发[J]. 宁夏机械, 2009,(03) .
[6]付昕. 基于B/S模式仓库管理系统的实现[J]. 山东省农业管理干部学院学报, 2010,(04) .
[7]王慧荣,史海生. 仓库管理信息系统[J]. 科学之友(B版), 2009,(01) .
[8]刘佳,宋利伟,刘翠娟. 中小企业仓库管理现状分析[J]. 河北企业, 2010,(08) .
[9]任云晖. 企业仓库管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 电脑学习, 2007,(02) .
[10]范志勤,冯炜锐. 仓库管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 电脑知识与技术(学术交流), 2007,(06)
[12]Ronald J,Norrnan.Object-oriented System Analysis and Design.Prentice Hall.Inca.Simon & Schuster Company,1996
[13] Kenneth C laudon,Jane P Laudon Management information systems(Sixth Edition).Higher Education Press Pearson Education,2001,5
[14] A Measuring System of Friction and Wear Based on VC++[A];Proceedings of the International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurements[C],2002
[15] K.L.Choy,Edmond L.H.Choy. A Real-Time Database Management Aystem for Logistics System_A Case Study .T.C.Poon Department of Industrial and System Engineering, International Journal of Production Economics, 2005
[16] M.Samciro F. B. S. Carvalho, Guiherme A.B.Pereira.A War..
At present, many companies are still using the last century, the warehouseman-management model, but as the business grows, the traditional management modelcan not meet the needs of modern management. With the level of development, as well as on the computer, intelligent warehouse management has been more and moreaware, so our aim is to come up with more intelligent warehouse management system.The only way to allow enterprises to greatly improve the efficiency of warehouse staff, reduce the vulnerability of the warehouse, and comprehensively improve themanagement level of the warehouse.
Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a combination of computer applications and enterprise warehouse management. Its presence allows the factory to simplify themanagement company's warehouse, only its appearance in order to improve the efficiency of enterprises, corporate culture and management to reach a new, intelligentstage.
This system is the use of the PowerBuilder database technology coupled with ACCESSas a small database software. The system can be simple and effective to helpcompanies better manage warehouse system, the design of warehouse materialsmanagement database system for the purpose of order to the overall management of the warehouse storage of goods and cargo security and integrity of maintaining thecompany's assets, reduce inventory turnaround time, so that operating the company'smaterials management, structured, orderly, provide the basis for the procurement and sales, thereby enhancing the operational efficiency of the company
KeyWords: Warehouse Management System , Database, PowerBuilder
Management Information System
目 录
第一章 系统分析 8
1.1 系统目标 8
1.2 系统需求分析 8
第二章 系统总体设计 10
2.1 系统功能结构设计 10
2.2 开发设计思想 11
2.3 开发工具及运行环境 11
2.3.1 总体开发工具及环境 11
2.3.2 开发工具简介 12
第三章 数据库设计与实现 14
3.1 数据库需求分析 14
3.2 数据库概念结构设计 14
3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计与实现 15
3.4 数据库的连接 19
3.4.1 程序设计时与数据库的连接 19
3.4.2 程序运行时与数据库的连接 20
第四章 关键模块及代码设计 21
4.1 应用程序对象设计 21
4.2 登陆界面设计 21
4.3 主界面设计 23
4.4 用户信息模块设计 25
4.5 货物管理模块 25
4.6 货物的入库和出库的基本信息管理 28
4.7 库存信息的管理 31
4.8 出库报表和入库报表的管理 32
第五章 系统的编译和发布 34
5.1 用户登录的测试 34
5.3 发布 44
第六章 结论 45
致 谢 46
参考文献 47
[1]赵晓阳. 仓库管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 医学信息, 2010,(03) .
[2]李喆. 仓库管理系统分析研究[J]. 魅力中国, 2010,(01) .
[3]陈男. 基于数据库的仓库管理系统设计与开发[J]. 信息与电脑(理论版), 2010,(05) .
[4]张建国. 企业仓库管理系统分析[J]. 山西财经大学学报, 2009,(S1) .
[5]徐玲. 仓库管理信息系统开发[J]. 宁夏机械, 2009,(03) .
[6]付昕. 基于B/S模式仓库管理系统的实现[J]. 山东省农业管理干部学院学报, 2010,(04) .
[7]王慧荣,史海生. 仓库管理信息系统[J]. 科学之友(B版), 2009,(01) .
[8]刘佳,宋利伟,刘翠娟. 中小企业仓库管理现状分析[J]. 河北企业, 2010,(08) .
[9]任云晖. 企业仓库管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 电脑学习, 2007,(02) .
[10]范志勤,冯炜锐. 仓库管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 电脑知识与技术(学术交流), 2007,(06)
[12]Ronald J,Norrnan.Object-oriented System Analysis and Design.Prentice Hall.Inca.Simon & Schuster Company,1996
[13] Kenneth C laudon,Jane P Laudon Management information systems(Sixth Edition).Higher Education Press Pearson Education,2001,5
[14] A Measuring System of Friction and Wear Based on VC++[A];Proceedings of the International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurements[C],2002
[15] K.L.Choy,Edmond L.H.Choy. A Real-Time Database Management Aystem for Logistics System_A Case Study .T.C.Poon Department of Industrial and System Engineering, International Journal of Production Economics, 2005
[16] M.Samciro F. B. S. Carvalho, Guiherme A.B.Pereira.A War..