

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文



原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

摘 要


The Study on DES Encryption Algorithm
DES Encryption Algorithm, as the normally used password algorithm, is widely used in electronic engineering. Data is always transmitted through the media, so often was the interception of data, interruption,tampering, counterfeiting and other security issues. With the digital signature, authentication, data encryption technology, data security problem has been eased, especially in data encryption technology to enable more secure data transmission on network.
In this paper, a detailed analysis and the realization of the DES algorithm for encryption and decryption rules, pointing out that the DES algorithm in the existence of defects, Analysis the reason for reducing the strength of DES encryption algorithm, For the DES algorithm of the existence of a security risk to give a brief explanation, pointing out the use of DES encryption algorithm errors. Finally, in-depth exploration into how to improve the security of DES algorithm, introduced several improvements to strengthen the DES algorithm in Security. Introduce some improvement measures to enhance security of DES Encryption Algorithm. In this paper, several improvements in accordance with the current methods are subject to a bold new program to achieve improvements on the DES algorithm.

Key words:DES;Encryption;Decrypt;Algorithm flaws;Improvement

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
1.3 论文研究的主要内容及结构 2
第二章 加密相关技术介绍 3
2.1 什么是加密技术 3
2.1.1 对称加密技术 3
2.1.2 非对称加密技术 3
第三章 关于DES加密算法 5
3.1 DES加密算法概述 5
3.2 DES加密算法的发展 5
3.3 DES加密和解密详解 7
3.3.1 F函数的算法 7
3.3.2 加密S盒的变换 9
3.3.3 子密钥的生成 10
3.3.4 加密过程 11
3.3.5 解密过程 13
3.4 程序主要模块的设计 14
3.5 DES加密算法的使用误区 16
第四章 对DES加密算法安全性问题 18
4.1 DES加密算法缺陷分析 18
4.2 DES加密算法密钥的破译方法 19
4.3 改进措施 20
第五章 对DES加密算法改进的构想 22
5.1 改进构想的提出 22
5.2 改进构想的分析 22
第六章 结论 25
参考文献 26
谢辞 27
