信息学院党务管理信息系统设计,全文192页约32000字 设计新颖论述翔实 程序语言精准摘 要在当今大学校园,网络越来越多的被应用在教学与管理,使用网络进行教学与管理可以改变传统的办公方式,可以更快速的传递信息,更有效的进行资源共享,更方便的进行工作与思想的交流。使工作效率得到较大的提升。利用网络进行教学与管理,已经成为...

此文档由会员 孤星逐月 发布
全文192页 约32000字 设计新颖 论述翔实 程序语言精准
摘 要
Being living in the university school ground at present , the electric network more and more is used in education together with administration , and the use electric network carries on the education and may revise the tradition office means against the administration , and the more valid carries on the resource sharing to transmission message that may be faster , and more convenient does the exchange against idea . Efficiency of cause work has been advanced.Utilizing the carrying on education together with administration of electric network , modern education one kind of brand-new ruing is attend school.
In order to use the network resources fully, enhances the institute party committee's working efficiency, the faster transmission institute's work information, makes the institute teaching and administrative staff to understand promptly the newest party affairs information, and instructs under teacher's instruction in the courtyard leader, we have designed especially based on the WEB institute party affairs management information system. This system uses ASP+Access the plan, has completed several big function modules, including the bulletin board, the news browsing, information reporting, the routine work, the system assembly, the teaching and administrative staff inspects, the trade union work, the commendation situation, the party member manages, the picture management. This system has the consummation backstage management system management system, the manager may relaxed carry on the management to the backstage data.
This system mainly faces two kind of personnel to use: Common teaching and administrative staff, courtyard leader, when use they have the different jurisdiction.
Key words : Internet Information Server,ASP,ACCESS,Data bank,system
目 录
引 言 3
1系统设计任务说明书 7
1.1设计任务 7
1.1.1项目目标 7
1.1.2主要功能 7
1.1.3系统后台管理 8
1.2开发环境 9
1.2.1开发人员 10
1.2.2硬件环境 10
1.2.3软件环境 10
1.2.4开发语言 11
1.2.5静态网页与动态网页 13
1.3系统环境的调试与运行 14
1.4管理信息系统设计原则 17
1.5计划 20
2系统设计基本情况 21
2.1需求分析 21
2.1.1整体界面需求分析 21
2.1.2学院工作需求分析 21
2.1.3教职工考核需求分析 22
2.1.4图库需求分析 22
2.2开发设计思想 22
2.2.1教职工考核模块开发设计思想 22
2.2.2图库开发设计思想 23
2.3数据库数据表分析 24
2.3.1教职工考核模块数据表分析 24
2.3.2图库数据表分析 26
3系统设计与功能实现 28
3.1颜色的选择 28
3.2前台界面设计 28
3.2.1党务管理信息系统首页的设计 28
3.2.2系统主页面说明 31
3.2.3教职工基本情况界面说明 33
3.2.4教职工录入信息界面说明 34
3.2.5教职工修改信息界面说明 35
3.2.6教职工查询信息界面说明 37
3.2.7教职工打印信息界面说明 38
3.2.7图库界面说明 40
3.3后台界面设计 41
3.3.1后台登录界面 41
3.3.2后台管理主界面 42
3.3.3后台系统管理界面 43
3.3.3后台教职工考核管理界面 44
3.3.3后台图库管理界面 45
3.4详细设计 46
3.4.1后台管理系统管理流程 46
3.4.2教职工考核模块框图 47
3.4.3图库模块框图 47
3.4.4教职工基本情况录入信息流程图 47
3.4.5图库模块图片查询流程图 48
4设计总结与体会 50
4.1设计总结与体会 50
4.1.1设计总结 50
4.1.2设计体会 51
4.2问题与解决办法 51
4.2.1怎样实现教职工个人信息的打印 52
参考文献 56
致谢辞 57
2、荣钦科技.ASP+Dreamweaver MX 2004 数据库系统开发与实例.北京:清华大学出版社.2004.11
4、铁军.Web 数据库技术.北京:清华大学出版社.2004
5、马龙工作室.ASP+SQL Server组件动态系统实例精讲.北京:人民邮电出版社.2004.8
6、胡标.ASP 网络编程技术与实例.北京:人民邮电出版社.2004.5
全文192页 约32000字 设计新颖 论述翔实 程序语言精准
摘 要
Being living in the university school ground at present , the electric network more and more is used in education together with administration , and the use electric network carries on the education and may revise the tradition office means against the administration , and the more valid carries on the resource sharing to transmission message that may be faster , and more convenient does the exchange against idea . Efficiency of cause work has been advanced.Utilizing the carrying on education together with administration of electric network , modern education one kind of brand-new ruing is attend school.
In order to use the network resources fully, enhances the institute party committee's working efficiency, the faster transmission institute's work information, makes the institute teaching and administrative staff to understand promptly the newest party affairs information, and instructs under teacher's instruction in the courtyard leader, we have designed especially based on the WEB institute party affairs management information system. This system uses ASP+Access the plan, has completed several big function modules, including the bulletin board, the news browsing, information reporting, the routine work, the system assembly, the teaching and administrative staff inspects, the trade union work, the commendation situation, the party member manages, the picture management. This system has the consummation backstage management system management system, the manager may relaxed carry on the management to the backstage data.
This system mainly faces two kind of personnel to use: Common teaching and administrative staff, courtyard leader, when use they have the different jurisdiction.
Key words : Internet Information Server,ASP,ACCESS,Data bank,system
目 录
引 言 3
1系统设计任务说明书 7
1.1设计任务 7
1.1.1项目目标 7
1.1.2主要功能 7
1.1.3系统后台管理 8
1.2开发环境 9
1.2.1开发人员 10
1.2.2硬件环境 10
1.2.3软件环境 10
1.2.4开发语言 11
1.2.5静态网页与动态网页 13
1.3系统环境的调试与运行 14
1.4管理信息系统设计原则 17
1.5计划 20
2系统设计基本情况 21
2.1需求分析 21
2.1.1整体界面需求分析 21
2.1.2学院工作需求分析 21
2.1.3教职工考核需求分析 22
2.1.4图库需求分析 22
2.2开发设计思想 22
2.2.1教职工考核模块开发设计思想 22
2.2.2图库开发设计思想 23
2.3数据库数据表分析 24
2.3.1教职工考核模块数据表分析 24
2.3.2图库数据表分析 26
3系统设计与功能实现 28
3.1颜色的选择 28
3.2前台界面设计 28
3.2.1党务管理信息系统首页的设计 28
3.2.2系统主页面说明 31
3.2.3教职工基本情况界面说明 33
3.2.4教职工录入信息界面说明 34
3.2.5教职工修改信息界面说明 35
3.2.6教职工查询信息界面说明 37
3.2.7教职工打印信息界面说明 38
3.2.7图库界面说明 40
3.3后台界面设计 41
3.3.1后台登录界面 41
3.3.2后台管理主界面 42
3.3.3后台系统管理界面 43
3.3.3后台教职工考核管理界面 44
3.3.3后台图库管理界面 45
3.4详细设计 46
3.4.1后台管理系统管理流程 46
3.4.2教职工考核模块框图 47
3.4.3图库模块框图 47
3.4.4教职工基本情况录入信息流程图 47
3.4.5图库模块图片查询流程图 48
4设计总结与体会 50
4.1设计总结与体会 50
4.1.1设计总结 50
4.1.2设计体会 51
4.2问题与解决办法 51
4.2.1怎样实现教职工个人信息的打印 52
参考文献 56
致谢辞 57
2、荣钦科技.ASP+Dreamweaver MX 2004 数据库系统开发与实例.北京:清华大学出版社.2004.11
4、铁军.Web 数据库技术.北京:清华大学出版社.2004
5、马龙工作室.ASP+SQL Server组件动态系统实例精讲.北京:人民邮电出版社.2004.8
6、胡标.ASP 网络编程技术与实例.北京:人民邮电出版社.2004.5