

关于中小企业核心竞争力的策略,全文30页约20000子 论述翔实摘要随着我国加入wto和世界经济一体化趋势的加快,中小企业面临着国内外更加激烈的竞争。中小企业若要长久发展、拥有绝对竞争优势,有无核心竞争力以及核心竞争力的强弱成为了关键因素。这篇论文以中小企业核心竞争力作为研究内容,在查阅大量文献的基础上,广泛地收集国内外...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布


全文30页 约20000子 论述翔实

摘 要


With our country joining WTO and world economics integration tendency speeding up, the small and medium-sized enterprises are facing the domestic and foreign dual keen competition. If the small and medium-sized enterprises want to develop and have the absolutely competitive advantage for a long time, whether there is core competitive power and the core competitive power is strong or not has become the key factor.
The research content of the paper is the small and medium-sized enterprise core competitive power. On the basis of lots of paper reading and collecting experience of the small and medium-sized enterprise core competitive power at home and abroad.The theme is based on the core competitive power theory, combining with the current situation and general existing problems of domestic enterprises.The writer suggests the countermeasures to promote the current level.
The paper divides into five parts. The paper first elaborates the small and medium-sized enterprise division standard, the core competitive power connotation and the characteristic, therefore, builds the good rationale for the textual research. Secondly to analyse the main problems such as lacking the strategic plan, the weak technological innovation ability ,backward enterprise culture and so on .All this causes to highlight the questions which is difficult in cultivating the small and medium-sized enterprise core competitive power. Once more, through designing the strategy which meets to propose the improvement programs. thus, for cultivating the small and medium-sized enterprise core competitive power to provide the basis. Finally carries on the summary.

Keywords:small and medium-sized enterprises; core competitive power; countermeasures

目  录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外核心竞争力研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内核心竞争力研究现状 3
1.3 本文研究的主要内容及方法 4
1.3.1 本文研究的主要内容 4
1.3.2 本文研究的主要方法 4
2 中小企业核心竞争力相关理论研究 5
2.1 中小企业定义及特点 5
2.1.1 中小企业的定义 5
2.1.2 中小企业的特点 5
2.2 核心竞争力内涵及特点 6
2.2.1 核心竞争力内涵 6
2.2.2 核心竞争力特点 6
2.3 核心竞争力培育的原则 7
3 中小企业缺乏核心竞争力的原因 9
3.1 中小企业外部环境的制约因素 9
3.1.1 现行法律体系不利于中小企业发展 9
3.1.2 政府没有对中小企业融资政策提供有力支持 9
3.1.3 为中小企业服务的社会化服务体系薄弱 9
3.2 中小企业内部环境的制约因素 10
3.1.1 技术创新能力缺乏 10
3.1.2 品牌构建能力差 10
3.1.3 缺乏先进的企业文化 11
3.1.4 知识储备缺乏 11
3.2.5 企业缺乏战略发展规划 12
4 培育中小企业核心竞争力的策略 13
4.1 改善中小企业发展的外部经营环境 13
4.1.1 建立健全鼓励中小企业发展的法律体系 13
4.1.2 政府为中小企业融资提供政策支持 13
4.1.3 建立功能齐全的社会化服务体系 14
4.2 努力创造有利于培育中小企业核心竞争力的内部条件 14
4.2.1 促进企业技术创新 14
4.2.2 打造知名品牌 16
4.2.3 塑造先进的企业文化 16
4.2.4 创建学习型组织 17
4.2.5 对企业进行科学的战略发展规划 18
结 论 20
参考文献 20
致 谢 22


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