此文档由会员 wangqianqiu 发布某旅馆八层框架结构设计计算书-土木工程专业毕业设计
Design Abstract
This engineering is a hotel of many layers intending to set up in Tianjin City. According to the use function, the construct contents eight layer’s tall building and two layer’s short building. The high is 28.2 ms of Main floor and the partial floor elevation is 8.4 m. Total building area is 10326.24 m2. This building resistant fires is second class, and the anti-seismic garrison is seven point five degree.
This engineering construction design adoption the frame construction, Being calculating the structure, the lateral structure be lacked as frame system and be analysis. construction calculation consider of the action come from four loads, they are horizontal earthquake load, design value of gravity load and representative value of gravity load, and the other is wind load. Being underway the design of cross-section anti-seismic, we look the column as stubbornly pressed member to compute. In the intrest of the assurance of the frame-work ability continue, we adhere to the design principle is “stranger column and weaker beam, stranger shear force and weaker bending, stranger joint stronger anchorage”. And the cross-section must to meet the demand of construction.
1、 工程名称:某宾馆;
2、 工程位置:天津市;
3、 工程总面积:10326.24㎡,主楼8层,高28.2m,一、二层层高4.2m,标准层层高3.3m;裙楼共两层,高8.4m,层高4.2m;
4、 结构形式:现浇整体框架。
该拟建的建筑位于天津市市内,设计内容:主楼为宾馆,裙楼为商场。此建筑占地面积 1918.35m2 ,总建筑面积为10326.24 m2
1、 平面设计