单片机频率合成器,(1)single-chip microcomputer frequency synthesizer(1)全文66页约35000字论述翔实 图文并茂 摘要频率合成器是从一个或多个参考频率中产生多种频率的器件,它在信息通信方面和当今调频广播发送方面得到了广泛的应用。随着数字技术的飞速发展,使频率合成技术也...
此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布
Single-chip Microcomputer Frequency Synthesizer(1)
全文66页 约35000字 论述翔实 图文并茂
摘 要
The frequency synthesizer is produces the many kinds of frequencies component from or many references frequencies, it and now the FM broadcast transmission aspect obtained the widespread application in the information correspondence aspect. Along with digital technology rapid development,Caused the frequency synthesis technology also to leap to jump onto a new stair, this article main introduction new digitization programmable frequency synthesizer principle and the characteristic.
In this design, we used the digital direct synthesis method to complete the frequency synthesis. The hardware partially produces the module, the frequency synthesis module, the keyboard entry module, the demonstration module by the datum frequency four major part is composed. The concrete implementation means are: Take monolithic integrated circuit AT89C52 as the core, assigns the frequency through the keyboard to the monolithic integrated circuit input, again controls the synthesis module by the monolithic integrated circuit which the programmable counter 8254 and the phase-lock link 4046 is composed, the output assigns the frequency; At the same time, the monolithic integrated circuit will synthesize the frequency will deliver the demonstration module to demonstrate. Corresponds the hardware 4 modules, in the design software partial also divides into corresponding 4 modules, it instructs the hardware to complete the work.
In the design process, in the hardware design has used the tool PROTEL99SE manufacture schematic diagram and the PCB board chart, in the software design has used the method which the module programs. In the debugging process has used the oscilloscope, the avonmeter, the programming and its the software, ultra thinks the simulation and its the software.
This article first introduced this system research significance in the introduction. In the 1st chapter, elaborated the system constitution theory, has determined the monolithic integrated circuit task definition. 2nd chapter introduced emphatically in the system uses the hardware chip function and the characteristic, the hardware circuit design, analyzed the process with emphasis in the 3rd chapter which the software designs, the 4th chapter is the product debugging, removes in the design the mistake, consummates the design.At last enclosed hardware schematic diagram, PCB board chart, hardware in kind chart and total procedure.
Key words: Single-chip microcomputer(SCM); the monolithic integrated circuit;the frequency synthesis; the keyboard entry; LED demonstrated
目 录
摘 要 I
绪 论 1
第一章 理论基础及系统要求 2
1.1 引言 2
1.2 系统构成 2
1.2.1 系统基本原理 2
1.2.2 系统组成和流程 2
1.3 控制系统任务 2
1.4 本章小结 3
第二章 系统硬件电路 4
2.1 引言 4
2.2 硬件介绍 4
2.2.1 单片机AT89C52 4
2.2.2 可编程定时/计数器8254 5
2.2.3 锁相环CD4046介绍 11
2.2.4 译码器CD4511 13
2.3 硬件电路设计与实现 14
2.3.1 频率合成模块 14
2.3.2 控制输入模块 15
2.3.3 显示模块 16
2.3.4 单片机外围电路及端口使用 17
2.4 本章小结 18
第三章 系统软件编写与分析 19
3.1 引言 19
3.2 局部功能模块分析与编写 19
3.2.1 基准时钟频率产生程序的分析与编写 19
3.2.2 频率合成模块程序的分析与编写 23
3.2.3 键盘判断与响应程序分析与编写 25
3.2.4 频率数值显示程序的分析与编写 29
3.3 总程序 32
3.4 本章小结 33
第四章 系统整体调试 34
4.1 调试工具 34
4.2 硬件调试 34
4.3 软件调试 34
4.3.1 单片机AT89C52工作调试 35
4.3.2 显示调试 37
4.3.3 基准时钟频率产生调试 38
4.3.4 可编程定时/计数器8254调试 40
4.4 整体调试 42
4.5 本章小结 44
结 论 45
致 谢 47
参考文献 48
附录一 系统硬件电路设计原理图 50
附录二 系统PCB外观图 51
附录三 实物外观图 52
附录四 系统总程序 53
[5] 沈红卫.单片机应用系统设计实例与分析.北京:北京航空航天大学出社,2000:
[6] 李刚. 林凌.8051兼容的高性能高速单片机.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,
[7] 徐爱华. 单片机应用技术教程.北京:机器工业出版社,2001:8—10
[8] 李华等.MCS-51系列单片机实用接口技术.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,
[9] 李群芳,肖看.单片机原理、接口及应用.北京:清华大学出版社,2005:159-163
Single-chip Microcomputer Frequency Synthesizer(1)
全文66页 约35000字 论述翔实 图文并茂
摘 要
The frequency synthesizer is produces the many kinds of frequencies component from or many references frequencies, it and now the FM broadcast transmission aspect obtained the widespread application in the information correspondence aspect. Along with digital technology rapid development,Caused the frequency synthesis technology also to leap to jump onto a new stair, this article main introduction new digitization programmable frequency synthesizer principle and the characteristic.
In this design, we used the digital direct synthesis method to complete the frequency synthesis. The hardware partially produces the module, the frequency synthesis module, the keyboard entry module, the demonstration module by the datum frequency four major part is composed. The concrete implementation means are: Take monolithic integrated circuit AT89C52 as the core, assigns the frequency through the keyboard to the monolithic integrated circuit input, again controls the synthesis module by the monolithic integrated circuit which the programmable counter 8254 and the phase-lock link 4046 is composed, the output assigns the frequency; At the same time, the monolithic integrated circuit will synthesize the frequency will deliver the demonstration module to demonstrate. Corresponds the hardware 4 modules, in the design software partial also divides into corresponding 4 modules, it instructs the hardware to complete the work.
In the design process, in the hardware design has used the tool PROTEL99SE manufacture schematic diagram and the PCB board chart, in the software design has used the method which the module programs. In the debugging process has used the oscilloscope, the avonmeter, the programming and its the software, ultra thinks the simulation and its the software.
This article first introduced this system research significance in the introduction. In the 1st chapter, elaborated the system constitution theory, has determined the monolithic integrated circuit task definition. 2nd chapter introduced emphatically in the system uses the hardware chip function and the characteristic, the hardware circuit design, analyzed the process with emphasis in the 3rd chapter which the software designs, the 4th chapter is the product debugging, removes in the design the mistake, consummates the design.At last enclosed hardware schematic diagram, PCB board chart, hardware in kind chart and total procedure.
Key words: Single-chip microcomputer(SCM); the monolithic integrated circuit;the frequency synthesis; the keyboard entry; LED demonstrated
目 录
摘 要 I
绪 论 1
第一章 理论基础及系统要求 2
1.1 引言 2
1.2 系统构成 2
1.2.1 系统基本原理 2
1.2.2 系统组成和流程 2
1.3 控制系统任务 2
1.4 本章小结 3
第二章 系统硬件电路 4
2.1 引言 4
2.2 硬件介绍 4
2.2.1 单片机AT89C52 4
2.2.2 可编程定时/计数器8254 5
2.2.3 锁相环CD4046介绍 11
2.2.4 译码器CD4511 13
2.3 硬件电路设计与实现 14
2.3.1 频率合成模块 14
2.3.2 控制输入模块 15
2.3.3 显示模块 16
2.3.4 单片机外围电路及端口使用 17
2.4 本章小结 18
第三章 系统软件编写与分析 19
3.1 引言 19
3.2 局部功能模块分析与编写 19
3.2.1 基准时钟频率产生程序的分析与编写 19
3.2.2 频率合成模块程序的分析与编写 23
3.2.3 键盘判断与响应程序分析与编写 25
3.2.4 频率数值显示程序的分析与编写 29
3.3 总程序 32
3.4 本章小结 33
第四章 系统整体调试 34
4.1 调试工具 34
4.2 硬件调试 34
4.3 软件调试 34
4.3.1 单片机AT89C52工作调试 35
4.3.2 显示调试 37
4.3.3 基准时钟频率产生调试 38
4.3.4 可编程定时/计数器8254调试 40
4.4 整体调试 42
4.5 本章小结 44
结 论 45
致 谢 47
参考文献 48
附录一 系统硬件电路设计原理图 50
附录二 系统PCB外观图 51
附录三 实物外观图 52
附录四 系统总程序 53
[5] 沈红卫.单片机应用系统设计实例与分析.北京:北京航空航天大学出社,2000:
[6] 李刚. 林凌.8051兼容的高性能高速单片机.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,
[7] 徐爱华. 单片机应用技术教程.北京:机器工业出版社,2001:8—10
[8] 李华等.MCS-51系列单片机实用接口技术.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,
[9] 李群芳,肖看.单片机原理、接口及应用.北京:清华大学出版社,2005:159-163