中药丸自动包装机的设计,52页 23542字 论述翔实摘要随着中药市场的不断扩大和发展,在面向国际化的同时,也是对我国中药包装技术水平的一个严峻的考验。传统落后的中药包装已成为我国发展中药行业发展的一大障碍。鉴于我国落后的中药包装技术,我们将针对中药丸生产线上的自动包装机测控系统中通讯系统的整体设计。在此设计中,针对瓶装...

此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布中药丸自动包装机的设计
52页 23542字 论述翔实
Extend and develop continuously along with the Chinese herbal medicine market, at the time of facing to the internationalization, it is also a rigorous test to our country of packing technique level traditional medicine . The Chinese traditional medicine that traditional and fall behind the packing has become a big obstacle of the development of our country , witch in develop of Chinese traditional medicine trade. Owing to the Chinese traditional medicine packing technique that our country fall behind, we will produce the overall design that the on-line automatic packer measures to control the system in the communication system to the Chinese traditional medicine pill.
Within the scope of in this design, pack the tablet to count the system to bottle, we designed a machine that it take count of once of engine, take count of twice with the electrophotometer, and it will control take count of the accuracy at certain. According to the principle of SCM, it make use of the PLC to receive the signal of each sensor attain the purpose that the control tablet's count. It use the industry class man-machine interface is in the application of the Chinese traditional medicine packer of , and adopt the virtual instrument software of LabVIEW to carry out the PC machine and the string goes to connect of the SCM communications.
According to the need of the development and market of the social, this design the thought has the very strong practicability. This equipment matches the GMP standard completely, it not only raised the count of accuracy, but also raised the production efficiency of the business enterprise, and it is increasing the profits for the business enterprise. It will beat into the international market to provide the good condition for the Chinese traditional medicine of our country.
Key Words:SCM, Serial communication, Baud rate, Interface, LabVIEW
第一章 中药丸自动包装生产的概述
第一节 背景
第二节 国内外中药丸自动包装现状
第三节 中药丸自动装瓶机的功能和主要技术指标
第四节 设计思想
第二章 药丸包装机计数的系统的设计
第一节 药丸包装机的设备模型及其工作原理
第一节 机械数粒装置的设计
第三节 光电计数器的设计
第四节 基于80C31单片机的计数系统的设计
第五节 显示器件的选择
第三章 药丸自动装瓶机测控系统的总体方案
第四章 药丸自动包装机通讯系统的设计
第一节 单片机通讯系统简介
第二节 PC机与单片机的通讯
第五章 中药丸自动包装机人机通讯(人机界面)的设计
第一节 虚拟仪器简介
第二节 触摸屏及软面板的设计
第三节 应用VI实现串行口的通讯
[13].倪勇,贺忠海, 王宝光,王京.工业级人机界面在中药丸包装机中的应用,制造业自动化,2000.5