
此文档由会员 ningxiang00 发布摘要
关键词 : 人体运动跟踪;人体模型;运动识别;图像差分;
In the field of computer vision,the research on human motion analysis is attracting many researchers’attention with its wide application prosect.The key technical issue is the human motion tracking in the image sequence.Because of the complexity of human motion,the existing research methods impose limitation on human.A new approach to track the human motion is brought forward in this paper.Instead of aiming at a given human motion mode,it can track large motion from frame to frame im a complex, variational background.The main scheme is to track every part of human body from top to bottom on the basis of human model.The image-dif-ference-Based motion estimation and the divided region histogram similarity algorithm are used.The final result is given at the end of the paper.
This project mainly the human body diving tuck dive movement carrieson the track analysis to the diving movement video frequency sequencein. Through this topic research, the paper request achieved:
Tracks this topic to the human body movement to have the thorough understanding, understands the domestic and foreign human bodies trackaspect some situations. Refers to the related literature, carries onthe analysis to the known some human body track methods, compared withthem between the good and bad points, how and explains with example seach method realization effect.
In to the known human body movement track method research foundation in, proposed one improvement method carries on the human body track.The specify this method principle of work, and can unify the utilization result, carries on a series of comparisons with the known method.
Key Words: Human motion tracking; Human model; Motion recognition; Image difference.
目 录
摘要 1
目 录 3
第一章:人体运动跟踪概述 4
1.1人体运动跟踪简介 4
1.2人体运动分析的主要内容 6
1.2.1 从复杂背景中提取运动人体 6
1.2.2 人体运动的跟踪和标定 6
1.2.3 人体行为的识别和理解 8
1.3国内外研究方法与发展趋势 8
第二章:已知的人体运动跟踪方法的分析 10
2.1常用人体跟踪方法的分类 10
2.2运动目标的跟踪识别过程及算法 11
2.2.1帧差法 11
2.2.2模板匹配法及其改进 12
2.2.3基于灰度特征的搜索算法 13
2.3.4块匹配方法 14
2.2.5 光流跟踪方法 14
2.3几种典型的人体跟踪方法 15
2.3.1差分消影法 15
2.3.2利用卡尔曼滤波器进行人体运动跟踪 18
2.4本章小结 19
第三章:基于模型的人体运动跟踪 19
3.1引言 19
3.2人体模型 20
3.3骨架跟踪 21
3.3.1头部 22
3. 3.2 躯干 25
3.3.3 四肢 26
3.4实验与分析 26
2.5结论 26
第四章 总结与展望 27
4.1总结 27
4.2未来工作展望 27
致谢 27
参考文献 27