

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 huanv 发布


【关键词】PLC  LM35  LM331  控温系统
【Abstract】In the industrial process control, temperature control of an increasingly high demand. With the gradual improvement of the level of automation, automatic control of temperature have become necessary. This paper describes the use of programmable logical controller (PLC) for temperature control and detection. Details on using the basic unit of the PLC and not the special function modules constitute the temperature control system. PLC design temperature mainly through the LM35 temperature sensor, LM331 voltage / frequency converter, the temperature signals into frequency signal into the PLC to compare the output in order to achieve automatic control of the temperature.

【Key words】PLC LM35 LM331 temperature control system













1 绪论 1
2 PLC控温总体设计方案 2
2.1 控温系统设计要求 2
2.2 PLC系统总体设计方案 2
2.3 PLC控温设计所需器材 3
3 PLC控温硬件设计部分 4
3.1 测温电路 4
3.2 电压/频率转换电路 4
3.2.1 芯片简介 4
3.2.2 电压/频率转换电路 5
3.3 显示电路 6
3.3.1 CD4511译码器 7
3.3.2  LED数码管 7
3.4 电源电路 8
3.4.1 电源电路 8
3.4.2 桥式整流电路 8
3.4.3 稳压电路 10
3.5 PLC控制器 11
3.6 继电器 12
4 PLC控温软件设计部分 15
4.1 PLC控温设计流程图 15
4.2 PLC控温设计梯形图 15
5 PLC控温电路调试 17
5.1 电源电路调试 17
5.2  LM331及外围电路的调试 17
5.3 显示电路的调试 18
5.4 上机调试 18
5.5 注意事项 18
6 总结 19
7 致谢 20
8 参考文献 21