

音乐解码技术研究与音乐播放的实现, 摘要本文介绍研究音频编码解码相关技术,并结合vc6.0编写多媒体音乐播放器,利用软件工程原理,采用面向对象的编程方法,其开发主要包括前台窗体的设计和后台源码的实现两个方面,实现了利用计算机进行多媒体音频的播放.音乐播放器开发过程总共包含了六部分,通过系统分析,系统开发的方法,系统开发平...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 飞过 发布



关键词:  音频解码;软件系统; VC6.0; 音乐播放器; 开发平台
         项目工程; 资源文件.
Research of the audio frequency decoding engineering and realize of the audio frequency player
This article introduces the correlation technique of audio frequency code and decoding. Through writing the audio frequency player of the multimedia with VC6.0, utilize soft project principle, adopt facing target programming method, it develops to be mainly including the design of the body of window of the front desk and backstage supporter's source code realization two respect, have realized utilizing the computer to carry on the broadcasting of audio frequency of multimedia.
System this develop course include six chapter altogether, through network analysis, method that system develops, the introduction to the systematic developing platform, the design of outline, systematic planning and design, the system is designed, has introduced and turned into the course to the systematic design and whole audio frequency player of test from analyzing to developing separately. Chapter one introduces the procedure of broadcasting of the player, develop the development prospect of the background, the outline of the developing instrument, develop systematic disposing etc. the most low. And approach how to choose that chapter two has introduced player concrete development approach of audio frequency. Chapter three is the introduction to the systematic developing platform, introduce VC6.0 main interface and operation method specifically, including the formulation of concrete position of daily tool and operation method and workspace, establishment, project Chinese piece of project add deletion, compiling test of event of event etc. Odd chapter and appendix recommend system plan and analyze application program live in interface finally, the formulation of the database , the code one writes and the realization of the function, the systematic one compile and is issued, realize the function of the player of the audio frequency finally, can broadcast and control the song music .
Keywords: Audio frequency decoding; The software system; VC6.0 ; audio frequency broadcast; Develops the even project; Project; resources document.








1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的来源 1
1.2 选题的背景及目的 2
1.2.1 音频编解码发展历史 2
1.2.2 音频编解码过程 3
1.2.3 选题的目的 6
1.3 系统主要实现内容与实现方式 6
1.3.1 系统主要实现内容 6
1.3.2 系统的开发方法 7
1.3.3系统的开发平台 9
2 系统的分析 10
2.1 系统的可行性分析 10
2.1.1 经济可行性分析 10
2.1.2 操作可行性分析 10
2.1.3 技术可行性分析 10
2.2  系统功能分析 11
3 系统设计 13
3.1 系统概要设计 13
3.2 系统功能模块设计 19
3.2.1 加入文件 20
3.2.2 加入目录 20
3.2.3 歌曲列表 20
3.2.4 歌曲控制 22
3.2.5 音量设置 22
3.2.6 静音设置 23
3.2.8 滚动字幕 23
3.3 系统运行环境 25
4 系统实现 26
4.1 系统的编译和发行 26
4.2 系统运行 28
4.3 系统功能界面 28
4.3.1 加入文件功能实现 28
4.3.2 加入目录 30
4.3.3 歌曲列表功能实现 32
4.3.4 歌曲控制功能实现 34
4.3.5 音量控制功能实现 35
4.3.6 静音设置功能实现 36
4.3.7 M3U功能实现 38
4.3.8 滚动字幕功能实现 39
致谢 41
参考文献 42
附录 43