flash毕业设计论文--flash mv《棉花糖》.doc
flash毕业设计论文--flash mv《棉花糖》,摘 要随着网络的迅速发展和网页、网站技术的日益深入,互联网的世界也越来越丰富多彩。不论是游戏、广告还是mv,绝大多数都采用了flash 技术。flash 还被广泛应用于交互式软件开发、展示和教育等方面,在专业多媒体制作软件authorware 和director 中,均可导入flash 动画文件,而且完全使用flash...

此文档由会员 飞过 发布摘 要
随着网络的迅速发展和网页、网站技术的日益深入,互联网的世界也越来越丰富多彩。不论是游戏、广告还是MV,绝大多数都采用了Flash 技术。Flash 还被广泛应用于交互式软件开发、展示和教育等方面,在专业多媒体制作软件Authorware 和Director 中,均可导入Flash 动画文件,而且完全使用Flash 制作的多媒体教学软件也已经出现。Flash 在影视制作中也同样大有可为。
个性化的充分表达是Flash作品最突出的特色,同时也是技术手段对创作的制约(表现出技术的双刃色彩),Flash无法制作大场景的过于精雕细琢的动画,而更适合出产个人化的、风格独特的小作品。如果划分派别, Flash应该属于非主流动画的新生代,他“不是把更多的精力放在讲故事上,而是试图在有限的时间内表达丰富的感情和复杂的思想”。优秀的闪客应把自己对事物的独特理解带进Flash的创作过程中,以高度概括的手法表现主题与主要内容。如卜桦的作品《猫》、《仲夏夜之梦》镜头简洁流畅,情感真切细腻,独特的构图和色彩成功的传递情绪的波动,同时辅以细节的处理完成对心灵的刻画。
本论文主要介绍了该动画片的设计过程和实现方法。论文首先主要介绍制作该flash动画的目的和意义,设计该动画的技术和指导思想,并对该部动画进行可行性分析,概要设计;然后进行动画影片的剧本策划,位图处理,影片序幕的制作,并以Macromedia Flash 8为开发工具完成了动画的详细设计;接着使用Cool2.1软件完成声音的录制、处理和导入,然后导出和发布影片;最后,在论文的结尾部分,对动画设计过程中出现的问题作了深入的思考和总结,并向在本次制作毕业设计过程中为我提供帮助的老师和同学表示感谢。
关键字:Flash 动画、角色、场景、道具
Along with the quick development of the network and web page, website technique of day by day thorough, the world of Internet also more and more abundant colorful. In spite of is a game, an advertisement still a MV, great majority all adoption Flash technique. Flash return quilt extensive application in hand over with each other the type software development, demonstration and education etc., in the profession the multimedia the creation software Authorware and Director, all can ducting Flash animation document, and complete usage Flash creation of multimedia the teaching software have already appear as well. The Flash is in the showbiz creation also same big have can is.
At audio-visual language rule of ages, any 1 kind's describing a way can't succeed in escaping MV influence, Flash nature no exception. In the creations Shan guest drew lessons from a great deal of of the showbiz phrasing express oneself want performance of topic and want to inform of emotion. Gradually concealed gradually show, fold to turn, dissimilarity view don't of combination, and imitate sport to photograph of way structure oneself of work, make Flash this freshman the thing is in the life of beginning namely performance language for enrich.
Flash-MTV of emergence, increment audio frequency of performance dint, Flash loading of contents quantity increment, indicate fabricator creations center of transfer. The outstanding and story work grow profusely and quickly after, the Flash follow "moral path", beginning a great deal of on the network manufacturing, dissemination.
The characteristic full expression is the most outstanding special features in Flash work, also is a technique means in the meantime to creations of check and supervision(performance technique of double blade color), Flash can't creation big scene of too the animation of the Jing Diao thin Zhuo, but more in keeping with produce personalization of, the style special small work. If divide the line a group, the Flash should belong to not main current the new generation of the animation, he” BE to put more energy in telling a story, but try at the limited expression inside time abundant of affection and complications of thought”. Excellent Shan guest should oneself to thing of special comprehension bring in Flash of creations process in, with height generalize of skill performance topic and main contents. Like the work of Bu Hua 《cat 》, 《the dream of midsummer night 》the lens be simple and direct flowing freely, the emotion be realistic and delicate, deliver of special composition and color success motion of motion, assist with the detail in the meantime of processing completion depict mind.
This thesis is main introduction should animated cartoon of design process and realization method. The thesis is main first introduction creation should purpose and meaning of the flash animation, design should the technique of the animation and instruction thought, and rightness should department the animation carry on a viability assessment, essentials design; Then carry on the manuscript of animation film plan, diagram processing, film prologue of creation, and with Macromedia Flash 8 is development tool completion animation of detailed design; Immediately after usage the Cool2.1 software completion voice of record, processing and ducting, then lead and release film; End, the coda part in thesis, to animation design appear in the process of the problem made thorough of thinking and summary, and say to the teacher who provide help for me in this time the creation the graduation the design the process and the classmate with gratitude.
Keywords:Flash animation, roles, scenes,props
目 录
摘 要
目 录
绪 论 1
第1章 动画基础 2
1.1 美术常识 2
1.1.1 基础形体 2
1.1.2 透视的概念 2
1.1.3 色彩运用 4
1.2 绘 画 创 作 5
1.2.1 植物绘画创作 6
1.2.2 人物绘画创作 6
1.2.3 人物角色设定赏析 7
1.3动 画 背 景 7
1.3.1 视图设计 8
1.3.2 构图规律 8
1.3.3 色彩应用 8
第2章 项目的制作 11
2.1制 作 流 程 11
2.1.1作品策划及剧本编写 11
2.1.2 角色设计 13
2.1.3 场景设计 14
2.1.4 素材准备 14
2.1.5 制作动画 15
2.1.6 发布作品 17
总 结 18
参 考 文 献 19