仓库管理系统的设计与实现论文+任务书+开题报告+ppt,¡¾Õª Òª¡¿²Ö¿â¿â´æ¹ÜÀíϵͳÊÇÒ»¸öÆóÒµ²»¿ÉȱÉٵIJ¿·Ö,ËüµÄÄÚÈݶÔÓÚÆóÒµµÄ¾ö²ßÕߺ͹ÜÀíÕßÀ´Ëµ¶¼ÖÁ¹ØÖØÒª,ËùÒÔ²Ö¿â¿â´æ¹ÜÀíϵͳӦ¸ÃÄܹ»ÎªÓû§Ìṩ³ä×ãµÄÐÅÏ¢ºÍ¿ì½ÝµÄ²éѯÊÖ¶...

原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
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¡¾¹Ø¼ü´Ê¡¿ ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀí ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀí Êý¾Ý¿â VC++ ²úÆ·¹ÜÀí
Storage Management System Design and Realization
¡¾Abstract¡¿The warehouse stock management system is an enterprise essential part, its content regards enterprise's policy-maker and the superintendent is all very important, therefore the warehouse stock management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user. But people have since always used the traditional artificial way to manage in the warehouse each kind of commodity equipment, this management way has many shortcomings, for example: Low efficiency, besides taking long time, will produce the massive documents and the data, as to the search, the renewal and the maintenance has all brought much trouble.
Along with the science and technology unceasing enhancement, the computer science is mature day after day, its formidable function has known profoundly for people, which entered the each domain human society and is playing the more and more vital role.
As a computer application part, using the computer to carry on the management for the commodity information is having the merit which the manual administration center is unable to compare. For example: Retrieves, the rapidly convenient search, the high reliability, the big reserves, the good secrecy, the long life, the low cost status. These merits can enhance the human labor affairs management enormous the efficiency, also the enterprise's scientific style, the standardized management, with world trail important connection condition.
Therefore, developing such the management software of this set of stock becomes having a profound necessary affair very much.
¡¾Keywords¡¿Storage Management System Information Management Database VC++ Production Management
Ŀ ¼
Òý ÑÔ 1
µÚÒ»ÕÂ ¿ÎÌâ±³¾° 2
1.1 ¹ÜÀíÐÅϢϵͳµÄ¸ÅÊö 2
1.2 ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ¿ª·¢µÄÄ¿µÄ 2
1.3 ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ·¢Õ¹ÏÖ×´ 3
µÚ¶þÕ ϵͳ¿ª·¢¹¤¾ß¼ò½é 4
2.1 VISUAL C++¼ò½é 4
2.2 SQLÓïÑÔ»ù´¡ 5
2.3 Êý¾Ý¿â¼¼Êõ¼ò½é 7
µÚÈýÕ ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳÐèÇó·ÖÎö¼°×ÜÌåÉè¼Æ 10
3.1 ¹¦ÄÜÐèÇó 10
3.2 ¿ª·¢±³¾° 10
3.3ϵͳ¹¦ÄÜÃèÊö 11
3.4 ϵͳ¹¦ÄÜÄ£ÐÍ 13
3.5 ϵͳµÄE-Rͼ 14
3.6ϵͳÁ÷³Ì 15
3.7 ϵͳÓÃÀýͼ 15
µÚËÄÕ ²úÆ·ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀíÄ£¿éµÄÉè¼ÆÓëʵÏÖ 18
4.1 ²úÆ·ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀíÄ£¿é½á¹¹ 18
4.2 Ïà¹ØÊý¾Ý¿â±íµÄÉè¼Æ 18
4.3 ²úÆ·Àà±ð¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 19
4.4 ²úÆ·ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 20
µÚÎåÕ ¿â´æ²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíÄ£¿éµÄÉè¼ÆÓëʵÏÖ 23
5.1 ¿â´æ²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíÄ£¿é½á¹¹ 23
5.2 Ïà¹ØÊý¾Ý¿â±íµÄÉè¼Æ 23
5.3Èë¿â²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 25
5.4 ³ö¿â²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 27
5.5 ¿â´æÅ̵ã¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 29
½á ÂÛ 31
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²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ× 33
¸½Â¼¢ñ£ºÊý¾Ý¿â±í½á¹¹ÒÔ¼°½¨±íÓï¾ä 34
¸½Â¼¢ò£º²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ²¿·Ö³ÌÐò´úÂë 42
[1] ÆôÃ÷¹¤×÷ÊÒ.Visual C++ + SQL Server Êý¾Ý¿âÓ¦ÓÃϵͳ¿ª·¢ÓëʵÀý[M].±±¾©£ºÈËÃñ
[2] ´§½õ»ª.ÃæÏò¶ÔÏóµÄ³ÌÐòÉè¼ÆÓëVC++ʵ¼ù[M].Î÷°²£ºÎ÷°²µç×Ó¿Æ´ó³ö°æÉç,2005.2.
[3] ÏÄÔÆÇì. Visual C++6.0Êý¾Ý¿â¸ß¼¶±à³Ì[M].±±¾©£º±±¾©Ï£Íûµç×Ó³ö°æÉ磬2002.1.
[4] ÖÜ·å.SQL Server 2005ÖÐÎÄ°æ¹ØϵÊý¾Ý¿â»ù´¡Óëʵ¼ù½Ì³Ì[M].±±¾©£ºµç×Ó¹¤Òµ³ö°æ
[5] Áõ×ñÈÊ£¬ÓÚÖÒÇå. ´ÓÁ㿪ʼ¡ª¡ªSQL ServerÖÐÎÄ°æ»ù´¡Åàѵ½Ì³Ì[M].±±¾©£ºÈËÃñÓÊ
[6] ÉÁËÄÇå. SQL Server 2005ʵÓüòÃ÷½Ì³Ì[M].±±¾©£ºÇ廪´óѧ³ö°æÉç,2005.7.
[7] ²@@¿.»ùÓÚUMLµÄ²Ö´¢¹ÜÀíϵͳµÄ·ÖÎöÓëÉè¼Æ[J]£¬µç×Ó¹¤³Ìʦ2006£¨6£©£º11-14.
[8] ¹ËÉÜÔª; ÀÇì. ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíÐÅϢϵͳµÄÉè¼ÆÓëʵÏÖ[J]£¬ÉϺ£ÌúµÀ´óѧѧ±¨1996
£¨ 04£©£º7-10.
[9] ñûÀûÇï. ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ¼°Æ俪·¢[J]£¬ ïÃûѧԺѧ±¨2005£¨03£©£º5-7 .
[10] Jeffrey Richter. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows[M]. Course Technology PTR,2005.8.
[11] David J.Kruglinski,Inside Visual C++ 4th Edition[M].Course Technology PTR,2005.
[12] Charles Petzold.Programming Windows(Fifth Edition)[M].Prentice Hall.
¡¾¹Ø¼ü´Ê¡¿ ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀí ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀí Êý¾Ý¿â VC++ ²úÆ·¹ÜÀí
Storage Management System Design and Realization
¡¾Abstract¡¿The warehouse stock management system is an enterprise essential part, its content regards enterprise's policy-maker and the superintendent is all very important, therefore the warehouse stock management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user. But people have since always used the traditional artificial way to manage in the warehouse each kind of commodity equipment, this management way has many shortcomings, for example: Low efficiency, besides taking long time, will produce the massive documents and the data, as to the search, the renewal and the maintenance has all brought much trouble.
Along with the science and technology unceasing enhancement, the computer science is mature day after day, its formidable function has known profoundly for people, which entered the each domain human society and is playing the more and more vital role.
As a computer application part, using the computer to carry on the management for the commodity information is having the merit which the manual administration center is unable to compare. For example: Retrieves, the rapidly convenient search, the high reliability, the big reserves, the good secrecy, the long life, the low cost status. These merits can enhance the human labor affairs management enormous the efficiency, also the enterprise's scientific style, the standardized management, with world trail important connection condition.
Therefore, developing such the management software of this set of stock becomes having a profound necessary affair very much.
¡¾Keywords¡¿Storage Management System Information Management Database VC++ Production Management
Ŀ ¼
Òý ÑÔ 1
µÚÒ»ÕÂ ¿ÎÌâ±³¾° 2
1.1 ¹ÜÀíÐÅϢϵͳµÄ¸ÅÊö 2
1.2 ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ¿ª·¢µÄÄ¿µÄ 2
1.3 ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ·¢Õ¹ÏÖ×´ 3
µÚ¶þÕ ϵͳ¿ª·¢¹¤¾ß¼ò½é 4
2.1 VISUAL C++¼ò½é 4
2.2 SQLÓïÑÔ»ù´¡ 5
2.3 Êý¾Ý¿â¼¼Êõ¼ò½é 7
µÚÈýÕ ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳÐèÇó·ÖÎö¼°×ÜÌåÉè¼Æ 10
3.1 ¹¦ÄÜÐèÇó 10
3.2 ¿ª·¢±³¾° 10
3.3ϵͳ¹¦ÄÜÃèÊö 11
3.4 ϵͳ¹¦ÄÜÄ£ÐÍ 13
3.5 ϵͳµÄE-Rͼ 14
3.6ϵͳÁ÷³Ì 15
3.7 ϵͳÓÃÀýͼ 15
µÚËÄÕ ²úÆ·ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀíÄ£¿éµÄÉè¼ÆÓëʵÏÖ 18
4.1 ²úÆ·ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀíÄ£¿é½á¹¹ 18
4.2 Ïà¹ØÊý¾Ý¿â±íµÄÉè¼Æ 18
4.3 ²úÆ·Àà±ð¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 19
4.4 ²úÆ·ÐÅÏ¢¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 20
µÚÎåÕ ¿â´æ²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíÄ£¿éµÄÉè¼ÆÓëʵÏÖ 23
5.1 ¿â´æ²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíÄ£¿é½á¹¹ 23
5.2 Ïà¹ØÊý¾Ý¿â±íµÄÉè¼Æ 23
5.3Èë¿â²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 25
5.4 ³ö¿â²Ù×÷¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 27
5.5 ¿â´æÅ̵ã¹ÜÀíµÄʵÏÖ 29
½á ÂÛ 31
Ö л 32
²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ× 33
¸½Â¼¢ñ£ºÊý¾Ý¿â±í½á¹¹ÒÔ¼°½¨±íÓï¾ä 34
¸½Â¼¢ò£º²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ²¿·Ö³ÌÐò´úÂë 42
[1] ÆôÃ÷¹¤×÷ÊÒ.Visual C++ + SQL Server Êý¾Ý¿âÓ¦ÓÃϵͳ¿ª·¢ÓëʵÀý[M].±±¾©£ºÈËÃñ
[2] ´§½õ»ª.ÃæÏò¶ÔÏóµÄ³ÌÐòÉè¼ÆÓëVC++ʵ¼ù[M].Î÷°²£ºÎ÷°²µç×Ó¿Æ´ó³ö°æÉç,2005.2.
[3] ÏÄÔÆÇì. Visual C++6.0Êý¾Ý¿â¸ß¼¶±à³Ì[M].±±¾©£º±±¾©Ï£Íûµç×Ó³ö°æÉ磬2002.1.
[4] ÖÜ·å.SQL Server 2005ÖÐÎÄ°æ¹ØϵÊý¾Ý¿â»ù´¡Óëʵ¼ù½Ì³Ì[M].±±¾©£ºµç×Ó¹¤Òµ³ö°æ
[5] Áõ×ñÈÊ£¬ÓÚÖÒÇå. ´ÓÁ㿪ʼ¡ª¡ªSQL ServerÖÐÎÄ°æ»ù´¡Åàѵ½Ì³Ì[M].±±¾©£ºÈËÃñÓÊ
[6] ÉÁËÄÇå. SQL Server 2005ʵÓüòÃ÷½Ì³Ì[M].±±¾©£ºÇ廪´óѧ³ö°æÉç,2005.7.
[7] ²@@¿.»ùÓÚUMLµÄ²Ö´¢¹ÜÀíϵͳµÄ·ÖÎöÓëÉè¼Æ[J]£¬µç×Ó¹¤³Ìʦ2006£¨6£©£º11-14.
[8] ¹ËÉÜÔª; ÀÇì. ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíÐÅϢϵͳµÄÉè¼ÆÓëʵÏÖ[J]£¬ÉϺ£ÌúµÀ´óѧѧ±¨1996
£¨ 04£©£º7-10.
[9] ñûÀûÇï. ²Ö¿â¹ÜÀíϵͳ¼°Æ俪·¢[J]£¬ ïÃûѧԺѧ±¨2005£¨03£©£º5-7 .
[10] Jeffrey Richter. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows[M]. Course Technology PTR,2005.8.
[11] David J.Kruglinski,Inside Visual C++ 4th Edition[M].Course Technology PTR,2005.
[12] Charles Petzold.Programming Windows(Fifth Edition)[M].Prentice Hall.