
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
关键词 商业模式;雅宝;数字电视;移动电视;竞争战略
Analysis on the Business Model of Yabo Portable Digital Television
As the promulgation of the state standard of the terrestrial digital television transmission on August 1st, 2007, the first broadcasting of the terrestrial digital television on the New Year’s Day of 2008 in Beijing and the coming of Olympic Games of 2008, digital television and digitalization have been the focus of our people. At such a background, the competition in the digital television industry becomes more and more intense. No matter he is a program operator, a network operator or an equipment supplier; he will by no means give up this golden opportunity for making a profit. Though the digital television industry is developing fast with intense competition, its process still lacks an efficient business model to operate. Therefore, it will be a meaningful issue on how to find an efficient business model of digital television industry. The study object of this paper is Shenzhen Yabo Co., Ltd., and I’d like to explore this company’s business model and its influence on the development of portable digital televisions as well its useful experience giving to other enterprises. This paper is composed of four parts: the first part presents the definition and key elements of business model as well as their relations; the second part gives an interpretation of the unique business model of the digital television of Yabo; much more importance is attached to the third part which mainly analyzes the features of the present business model of Yabo digital television and its adopted competitive strategy; the final part comes to the comprehensive reasons for why the business model of Yabo digital television is so excellent and its useful experience giving to other enterprises.
Key words Business model; Yabo; digital TV; mobile TV; competitive strategy
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、商业模式的含义及其构成要素 1
(一)商业模式的含义 1
(二)商业模式的构成要素 2
二、雅宝便携式数字电视的商业模式 3
(一)雅宝公司简介 3
(二)雅宝公司商业模式要素 3
(三)雅宝便携式数字电视商业模式 6
三、雅宝便携式数字电视商业模式评价 7
(一)应用五个标准的初步评价 7
(二)竞争战略评价 9
四、结论与启示 13
参考文献 15
附录一 产品调查表 16
附录二 员工调查表 17
[1] 彼得•德鲁克.德鲁克日志. 蒋旭峰,王珊珊 译.上海:上海译文出版社.2006.
[2] 王波,彭亚利. 再造商业模式.IT经理世界, 2002,(07).
[3]Michael Rappa.Business Models on the Web. http://digitalenterprise.org/models/models.html
[4] Raphal Amit, Christoph Zott. Value Creation in E-business.Strategic Management Journal. 2001, (22).493-520.
[5]Petrovic, O., C. Kittl, et al. Developin..
关键词 商业模式;雅宝;数字电视;移动电视;竞争战略
Analysis on the Business Model of Yabo Portable Digital Television
As the promulgation of the state standard of the terrestrial digital television transmission on August 1st, 2007, the first broadcasting of the terrestrial digital television on the New Year’s Day of 2008 in Beijing and the coming of Olympic Games of 2008, digital television and digitalization have been the focus of our people. At such a background, the competition in the digital television industry becomes more and more intense. No matter he is a program operator, a network operator or an equipment supplier; he will by no means give up this golden opportunity for making a profit. Though the digital television industry is developing fast with intense competition, its process still lacks an efficient business model to operate. Therefore, it will be a meaningful issue on how to find an efficient business model of digital television industry. The study object of this paper is Shenzhen Yabo Co., Ltd., and I’d like to explore this company’s business model and its influence on the development of portable digital televisions as well its useful experience giving to other enterprises. This paper is composed of four parts: the first part presents the definition and key elements of business model as well as their relations; the second part gives an interpretation of the unique business model of the digital television of Yabo; much more importance is attached to the third part which mainly analyzes the features of the present business model of Yabo digital television and its adopted competitive strategy; the final part comes to the comprehensive reasons for why the business model of Yabo digital television is so excellent and its useful experience giving to other enterprises.
Key words Business model; Yabo; digital TV; mobile TV; competitive strategy
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、商业模式的含义及其构成要素 1
(一)商业模式的含义 1
(二)商业模式的构成要素 2
二、雅宝便携式数字电视的商业模式 3
(一)雅宝公司简介 3
(二)雅宝公司商业模式要素 3
(三)雅宝便携式数字电视商业模式 6
三、雅宝便携式数字电视商业模式评价 7
(一)应用五个标准的初步评价 7
(二)竞争战略评价 9
四、结论与启示 13
参考文献 15
附录一 产品调查表 16
附录二 员工调查表 17
[1] 彼得•德鲁克.德鲁克日志. 蒋旭峰,王珊珊 译.上海:上海译文出版社.2006.
[2] 王波,彭亚利. 再造商业模式.IT经理世界, 2002,(07).
[3]Michael Rappa.Business Models on the Web. http://digitalenterprise.org/models/models.html
[4] Raphal Amit, Christoph Zott. Value Creation in E-business.Strategic Management Journal. 2001, (22).493-520.
[5]Petrovic, O., C. Kittl, et al. Developin..