此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
关键字 网络系统集成/路由/交换/网络设备
Campus Network Design and Equipment Selection
With the development of the Internet, and its rapid dissemination of information, network resources and gradually by as much as concern for people. It also had a tremendous impact on higher education, the construction of digital campus is inevitable.
Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry to the new campus network system as a starting point on the campus network planning and design of network systems and network equipment selection. In the network design process, based on the principle of hierarchical networks, the use of a top-down design, from the core layer to the convergence layer, and then access layer, step-by-step planning and design network. In addition, due to the need for network interconnection, but also to join with the design of access outside the network. In the meantime, to learn how information is exchanged in the network, and network equipment works. Studied at different levels of network design theory needed technology, a more popular use of the current network solutions, complete digital campus network planning and design.
Through the study of this subject, is in control of the design of network thinking and the process in achieving the solution to the problem, understand the different characteristics between equipment manufacturers and equipment for H3C done a specific study to grasp the network construction in the operation and configuration needs.
KEY WORD Network System Integration/Routing/Switch/Netword equipment
目 录
摘 要 1
1绪论 1
1.1 INTERNET的发展 1
1.2教育信息化 2
1.3数字化校园的前景 2
2网络系统集成技术 4
2.1路由与交换 4
2.1.1路由选择技术 4
2.1.2交换技术 5
2.1.3远程接入技术 7
2.2网络设备的工作原理 7
2.2.1路由器的工作原理 7
2.2.2交换机的工作原理 9
2.2.3第三层交换机的工作原理 10
3需求分析 12
3.1校园网建网需求 12
3.2部门机构应用需求 13
3.3网络系统性能需求 13
3.4网络安全需求 14
4网络系统总体设计 16
4.1系统总体设计方案概述 16
4.1.1网络设计原则 16
4.1.2网络拓扑结构 18
4.1.3 IP地址规划和VLAN的划分 19
4.1.4网络设备选型 20
4.2交换模块设计 23
4.2.1核心层交换服务 23
4.2.2汇聚层交换服务 25
4.2.3接入层交换服务 26
4.3广域网接入模块设计 27
4.4远程接入模块设计 28
4.5网络系统管理和优化 30
4.5.1简单网络管理协议 30
4.5.2网络设备管理 31
4.5.3网络流量管理 33
5网络系统设计的实现 34
5.1配置核心层 34
5.2配置汇聚层 37
5.3配置接入层 39
5.4配置广域网接入模块 40
5.5配置远程接入模块 42
6网络系统测试 43
6.1系统维护操作 43
6.2系统调试操作 43
6.3路由和路由协议调试操作 44
6.4 VLAN、GVRP调试操作 44
6.5生成树调试操作 44
6.6 NAT调试操作 45
6.7 ACL调试操作 45
6.8远程访问调试操作 46
结束语 47
致 谢 48
参考文献 49
[2]黄道颖等. 《计算机网络》.北京:科学出版社,2006,9
[3]胡胜红,毕娅. 《网络工程原理与实践教程》.北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,9
[4]雷震甲. 《计算机网络管理》.陕西:西安电子科技大学出版社,2006,12
[5]Laura A.Chappell,Ed Tittel著 马海军,吴华等译. 《TCP/IP协议原理与应用》.北京:清华大学出版社,2006,1
[6]David Barnes,Basir Sakandar著 刘大伟译. 《Cisco局域网交换基础》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,9
[7]Justin Menga著 李莉,高雪,周永生译. 《CCNP实战指南:交换》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,1
[8]Cisco System著 中山大学思科网络技术学院译. 《CCNP1:高级路由》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,3
[9]Cisco System著 颜凯,杨宁,李育强,高翔译. 《CCNP2:远程接入》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2006,3
[10]Prisilla Oppenheimer著 《自顶向下网络设计》.北京:人民邮电出版社.2005.2
[11]刘晓辉. 《网络硬件搭建与配置实践(第2版)》.电子工业出版社,2009,1
[12]Kenneth D.Stewart III,Aubrey Adams著 思科系统公司译. 《思科网络学院教程CCNA Discovery计算机网络设计和支持》.北京:人民邮电出版社,2009,3
[13]刘晓辉,王春海. 《网络管理工具实用详解(第2版)》.电子工业出版社,2009,1
[14]华为校园网解决方案 2007,2
[15] H3C S7500E系列以太网交换机 操作手册
[16] H3C S3610[S5510]系列以太网交换机 命令手册-RELEASE 5301(V1.04)
[17] H3C-S3100-SI-操作手册
关键字 网络系统集成/路由/交换/网络设备
Campus Network Design and Equipment Selection
With the development of the Internet, and its rapid dissemination of information, network resources and gradually by as much as concern for people. It also had a tremendous impact on higher education, the construction of digital campus is inevitable.
Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry to the new campus network system as a starting point on the campus network planning and design of network systems and network equipment selection. In the network design process, based on the principle of hierarchical networks, the use of a top-down design, from the core layer to the convergence layer, and then access layer, step-by-step planning and design network. In addition, due to the need for network interconnection, but also to join with the design of access outside the network. In the meantime, to learn how information is exchanged in the network, and network equipment works. Studied at different levels of network design theory needed technology, a more popular use of the current network solutions, complete digital campus network planning and design.
Through the study of this subject, is in control of the design of network thinking and the process in achieving the solution to the problem, understand the different characteristics between equipment manufacturers and equipment for H3C done a specific study to grasp the network construction in the operation and configuration needs.
KEY WORD Network System Integration/Routing/Switch/Netword equipment
目 录
摘 要 1
1绪论 1
1.1 INTERNET的发展 1
1.2教育信息化 2
1.3数字化校园的前景 2
2网络系统集成技术 4
2.1路由与交换 4
2.1.1路由选择技术 4
2.1.2交换技术 5
2.1.3远程接入技术 7
2.2网络设备的工作原理 7
2.2.1路由器的工作原理 7
2.2.2交换机的工作原理 9
2.2.3第三层交换机的工作原理 10
3需求分析 12
3.1校园网建网需求 12
3.2部门机构应用需求 13
3.3网络系统性能需求 13
3.4网络安全需求 14
4网络系统总体设计 16
4.1系统总体设计方案概述 16
4.1.1网络设计原则 16
4.1.2网络拓扑结构 18
4.1.3 IP地址规划和VLAN的划分 19
4.1.4网络设备选型 20
4.2交换模块设计 23
4.2.1核心层交换服务 23
4.2.2汇聚层交换服务 25
4.2.3接入层交换服务 26
4.3广域网接入模块设计 27
4.4远程接入模块设计 28
4.5网络系统管理和优化 30
4.5.1简单网络管理协议 30
4.5.2网络设备管理 31
4.5.3网络流量管理 33
5网络系统设计的实现 34
5.1配置核心层 34
5.2配置汇聚层 37
5.3配置接入层 39
5.4配置广域网接入模块 40
5.5配置远程接入模块 42
6网络系统测试 43
6.1系统维护操作 43
6.2系统调试操作 43
6.3路由和路由协议调试操作 44
6.4 VLAN、GVRP调试操作 44
6.5生成树调试操作 44
6.6 NAT调试操作 45
6.7 ACL调试操作 45
6.8远程访问调试操作 46
结束语 47
致 谢 48
参考文献 49
[2]黄道颖等. 《计算机网络》.北京:科学出版社,2006,9
[3]胡胜红,毕娅. 《网络工程原理与实践教程》.北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,9
[4]雷震甲. 《计算机网络管理》.陕西:西安电子科技大学出版社,2006,12
[5]Laura A.Chappell,Ed Tittel著 马海军,吴华等译. 《TCP/IP协议原理与应用》.北京:清华大学出版社,2006,1
[6]David Barnes,Basir Sakandar著 刘大伟译. 《Cisco局域网交换基础》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,9
[7]Justin Menga著 李莉,高雪,周永生译. 《CCNP实战指南:交换》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,1
[8]Cisco System著 中山大学思科网络技术学院译. 《CCNP1:高级路由》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,3
[9]Cisco System著 颜凯,杨宁,李育强,高翔译. 《CCNP2:远程接入》. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2006,3
[10]Prisilla Oppenheimer著 《自顶向下网络设计》.北京:人民邮电出版社.2005.2
[11]刘晓辉. 《网络硬件搭建与配置实践(第2版)》.电子工业出版社,2009,1
[12]Kenneth D.Stewart III,Aubrey Adams著 思科系统公司译. 《思科网络学院教程CCNA Discovery计算机网络设计和支持》.北京:人民邮电出版社,2009,3
[13]刘晓辉,王春海. 《网络管理工具实用详解(第2版)》.电子工业出版社,2009,1
[14]华为校园网解决方案 2007,2
[15] H3C S7500E系列以太网交换机 操作手册
[16] H3C S3610[S5510]系列以太网交换机 命令手册-RELEASE 5301(V1.04)
[17] H3C-S3100-SI-操作手册